123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342 |
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // System Pre-define Functions
- // 95099372-ef3e-11ea-9c81-bf848405c62e
- //Callback of data preparation stage before UI is fully loaded.
- function OnInitializeData(reload, preview) {
- PUI(()=>{
- //you can access the 'ui' namespace in the parent form using the variable 'pui' here.
- //The 'pui' variable is valid in all functions of this document.
- //For robustness, you'd better use 'PUI(cb);' to access 'pui' variable.
- });
- //ui.stack_force.index = 1;
- }
- //Callback after UI is fully loaded and displayed.
- function OnReady(reload, preview) {
- PUI(()=>{
- //you can access the 'ui' namespace in the parent form using the variable 'pui' here.
- //The 'pui' variable is valid in all functions of this document.
- //For robustness, you'd better use 'PUI(cb);' to access 'pui' variable.
- });
- }
- function OnCloseForm() {
- }
- function OnException(err) {
- //ui.MessageBox('Error', '' + err, MessageBox.Icon.Critical, MessageBox.Button.Ok);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Callback Functions.
- // 641a254c-ef3e-11ea-bc8a-379bb908bdd7
- function OnGetFaceName(){
- const str = unit.form.mainfrm.OnGetFaceName();
- console.log(str);
- // 匹配type对应内容的正则表达式,以type:开头,后面跟着非冒号的内容直到遇到空格或者字符串结束
- const typeRegex = /type:([^point]+)/;
- // 匹配center坐标对应内容的正则表达式
- //const centerRegex = /point:([\d. ]+)/;
- const typeMatch = str.match(typeRegex);
- const typeInfo = typeMatch? typeMatch[1] : null;
- //const centerMatch = str.match(centerRegex);
- //const centerCoords = centerMatch? centerMatch[1].split(' ').map(x => x.trim()) : null;
- const match = str.match(/point:([-\d.]+)\s+([-\d.]+)\s+([-\d.]+)/);
- const centerCoords = match.slice(1, 4);
- ui.type1.value = typeInfo;
- ui.x1.value = centerCoords[0];
- ui.y1.value = centerCoords[1];
- ui.z1.value = centerCoords[2];
- }
- function OnGetName(){
- const str = unit.form.mainfrm.OnGetName();
- const centerRegex = /center:([\d. ]+)/;
- const typeInfo = str.split(' ').slice(1, 4).join(' ');
- const centerMatch = str.match(centerRegex);
- const centerCoords = centerMatch? centerMatch[1].split(' ').map(x => x.trim()) : null;
- ui.type.value = typeInfo;
- ui.x.value = centerCoords[0];
- ui.y.value = centerCoords[1];
- ui.z.value = centerCoords[2];
- }
- function OnModify(idx){
- if(idx ===0){
- let name = model.acax_app.model.constrain.Get(model.acax_app.model.constrain.Current()).unique;
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnModifyArrows(ui.x.value, ui.y.value, ui.z.value, ui.pb_xn.value, ui.pb_yn.value, ui.pb_zn.value, name);
- let color = model.acax_app.model.constrain.Get(model.acax_app.model.constrain.Current()).color;
- let Load = {
- "constraint":"集中载荷压力",
- "位置标记" :ui.type.value,
- "位置坐标x":ui.x.value,
- "位置坐标y":ui.y.value,
- "位置坐标z":ui.z.value,
- "压力方向xn":ui.pb_xn.value,
- "压力方向yn":ui.pb_yn.value,
- "压力方向zn":ui.pb_zn.value,
- "压力大小xr":ui.pb_xr.value,
- "压力大小yr":ui.pb_yr.value,
- "压力大小zr":ui.pb_zr.value,
- "cons_type":"arrows",
- "color":color,
- "unique":name
- };
- unit.form.tree.ModifyConstraint(Load);
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('修改成功', 'green');
- }else if(idx === 1){
- let name = model.acax_app.model.constrain.Get(model.acax_app.model.constrain.Current()).unique;
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnModifyArrows(ui.x1.value, ui.y1.value, ui.z1.value, ui.fa_x.value, ui.fa_y.value, ui.fa_z.value, name);
- let color = model.acax_app.model.constrain.Get(model.acax_app.model.constrain.Current()).color;
- let Load = {
- "constraint":"分布载荷压力",
- "位置标记" :ui.type1.value,
- "位置坐标x":ui.x1.value,
- "位置坐标y":ui.y1.value,
- "位置坐标z":ui.z1.value,
- "压力方向fa_x":ui.fa_x.value,
- "压力方向fa_y":ui.fa_y.value,
- "压力方向fa_z":ui.fa_z.value,
- "压力大小fa_xr":ui.fa_xr.value,
- "压力大小fa_yr":ui.fa_yr.value,
- "压力大小fa_zr":ui.fa_zr.value,
- "cons_type":"arrows",
- "color":color,
- "unique":name
- };
- unit.form.tree.ModifyConstraint(Load);
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('修改成功', 'green');
- }
- }
- function OnValueChange2(){
- if(ui.fa_x.value === '' || ui.fa_y.value === '' || ui.fa_z.value === '' || ui.fa_xr.value === '' || ui.fa_yr.value === '' || ui.fa_zr.value === '' || parseFloat(ui.fa_radius.value) <= 0){
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnChangePicture(3, 3);
- //unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('<h4 style="font-family:arial;color: red;font-size:20px;">非常抱歉,您输入的数据不在范围内</h4>');
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('您输入的数据不在范围内!!!', 'red');
- }else{
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnChangePicture(3, 1);
- //unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('<h4 style="font-family:arial;color: green;font-size:20px;">恭喜您,您输入了正确的数据</h4>');
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('您输入了正确的数据!', 'green');
- }
- }
- function OnChangeValue(){
- if(ui.pb_xn.value === '' || ui.pb_yn.value === '' || ui.pb_zn.value === '' || ui.pb_xr.value === '' || ui.pb_yr.value === '' || ui.pb_zr.value === ''){
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnChangePicture(3, 3);
- //unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('<h4 style="font-family:arial;color: red;font-size:20px;">非常抱歉,您输入的数据不在范围内</h4>');
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('您输入的数据不在范围内!!!', 'red');
- }else{
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnChangePicture(3, 1);
- //unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('<h4 style="font-family:arial;color: green;font-size:20px;">恭喜您,您输入了正确的数据</h4>');
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('您输入了正确的数据!', 'green');
- }
- }
- function OnReturn(){
- unit.form.mainfrm.menu(4);
- }
- function OnFrameSelect(){
- let temp = unit.form.tree.GetCurUniqueName();
- let name = temp;
- let constrain_data = model.acax_app.model.constrain.Database();
- //console.log(workcondition_data);
- let i = 0;
- let j = 0;
- let constrain_arr = Object.keys(constrain_data.db);
- //console.log(constrain_data.db);
- name = name + "force0";
- while(1){
- for( i = 0;i < constrain_arr.length;++i) {
- if(constrain_data.db[constrain_arr[i]].unique === name) {
- ++j;
- name = temp + "force" + j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(i === constrain_arr.length) {
- break;
- }
- }
- let color = unit.form.tree.getRandomHexColor();
- let name1 = unit.form.mainfrm.OnArrows(ui.x1.value, ui.y1.value, ui.z1.value, ui.fa_x.value, ui.fa_y.value, ui.fa_z.value, name);
- name1 = name1.replace(temp, "");
- let Load = {
- "constraint":"分布载荷压力",
- "位置标记" :ui.type1.value,
- "位置坐标x":ui.x1.value,
- "位置坐标y":ui.y1.value,
- "位置坐标z":ui.z1.value,
- "压力方向fa_x":ui.fa_x.value,
- "压力方向fa_y":ui.fa_y.value,
- "压力方向fa_z":ui.fa_z.value,
- "压力大小fa_xr":ui.fa_xr.value,
- "压力大小fa_yr":ui.fa_yr.value,
- "压力大小fa_zr":ui.fa_zr.value,
- "cons_type":"arrows",
- "color":color,
- "unique":name
- };
- console.log(name1);
- if(ui.type1.value === '--') {
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('您未添加压力位置', 'red');
- }else{
- unit.form.tree.CreateBoundary(Load, name1);
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('您已将压力数据进行保存,请按鼠标右键选中您要施加约束的物体,并按快捷键R或者r进行添加!', 'green');
- }
- }
- function OnArrowFrame(){
- }
- function OnArrow(){
- let temp = unit.form.tree.GetCurUniqueName();
- let name = temp;
- let constrain_data = model.acax_app.model.constrain.Database();
- //console.log(workcondition_data);
- let i = 0;
- let j = 0;
- let constrain_arr = Object.keys(constrain_data.db);
- //console.log(constrain_data.db);
- name = name + "force0";
- while(1){
- for( i = 0;i < constrain_arr.length;++i) {
- if(constrain_data.db[constrain_arr[i]].unique === name) {
- ++j;
- name = temp + "force" + j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(i === constrain_arr.length) {
- break;
- }
- }
- let name1 = unit.form.mainfrm.OnArrows(ui.x.value, ui.y.value, ui.z.value, ui.pb_xn.value, ui.pb_yn.value, ui.pb_zn.value, name);
- name1 = name1.replace(temp, "");
- let color = unit.form.tree.getRandomHexColor();
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnChangePicture(3, 2);
- let Load = {
- "constraint":"集中载荷压力",
- "位置标记" :ui.type.value,
- "位置坐标x":ui.x.value,
- "位置坐标y":ui.y.value,
- "位置坐标z":ui.z.value,
- "压力方向xn":ui.pb_xn.value,
- "压力方向yn":ui.pb_yn.value,
- "压力方向zn":ui.pb_zn.value,
- "压力大小xr":ui.pb_xr.value,
- "压力大小yr":ui.pb_yr.value,
- "压力大小zr":ui.pb_zr.value,
- "cons_type":"arrows",
- "color":color,
- "unique":name
- };
- if(ui.type.value === '--') {
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('您未添加压力位置', 'red');
- }else{
- unit.form.tree.CreateBoundary(Load, name1);
- unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('您已将压力数据和框选范围进行保存,请按鼠标右键选中您要施加约束的物体,并按快捷键R或者r进行添加以及快捷键U或u者进行框选!', 'green');
- }
- }
- function OnChangeForce(idx){
- ui.stack_force.index = parseInt(idx);
- }
- //The message corresponding callback executed by the docker pane.
- // when calling [side_pane].fireEvent(type,para) in the main form.
- function OnParentDockerMessage(type, para) {
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Utils Functions.
- // 6c165ad6-ef3e-11ea-987c-b761a131c2fe
- function onDragFile(filepath) {
- }
- function PUI(cb) {
- if(pui){cb();}
- }
- /*Usage of BLOCK_EVENT
- ui.[name].[var] = ...;
- });
- */
- CW_DeclareVariable("index",
- val => {
- ui.stack_force.index = val;
- }, () => {});
- //集中载荷
- CW_DeclareVariable("setConstraint0",
- val => {
- ui.type.value = val["位置标记"];
- ui.x.value=val["位置坐标x"];
- ui.y.value=val["位置坐标y"];
- ui.z.value=val["位置坐标z"];
- ui.pb_xn.value = val["压力方向xn"];
- ui.pb_yn.value = val["压力方向yn"];
- ui.pb_zn.value = val["压力方向zn"];
- ui.pb_xr.value = val["压力大小xr"];
- ui.pb_yr.value = val["压力大小yr"];
- ui.pb_zr.value = val["压力大小zr"];
- }, () => {});
- //分布载荷
- CW_DeclareVariable("setConstraint1",
- val => {
- ui.type1.value = val["位置标记"];
- ui.x1.value= val["位置坐标x"];
- ui.y1.value= val["位置坐标y"];
- ui.z1.value= val["位置坐标z"];
- ui.fa_x.value = val["压力方向fa_x"];
- ui.fa_y.value = val["压力方向fa_y"];
- ui.fa_z.value = val["压力方向fa_z"];
- ui.fa_xr.value = val["压力大小fa_xr"];
- ui.fa_yr.value = val["压力大小fa_yr"];
- ui.fa_zr.value = val["压力大小fa_zr"];
- }, () => {});
- function BLOCK_EVENT(cb) {
- ui.block_event = true;
- cb();
- ui.block_event = false;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // template codes for cw callback js.
- function CW_DeclareVariable(name, setter, getter) {
- if(typeof(__DeclareVariable) === 'function') {
- __DeclareVariable(name, setter, getter);
- }
- }
- function CW_DeclareOuterVariable(name) {
- if(typeof(__DeclareOuterVariable) === 'function') {
- __DeclareOuterVariable(name);
- }
- }