//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // System Pre-define Functions // 95099372-ef3e-11ea-9c81-bf848405c62e //Callback of data preparation stage before UI is fully loaded. function OnInitializeData(reload, preview) { PUI(()=>{ //you can access the 'ui' namespace in the parent form using the variable 'pui' here. //The 'pui' variable is valid in all functions of this document. //For robustness, you'd better use 'PUI(cb);' to access 'pui' variable. }); } //Callback after UI is fully loaded and displayed. function OnReady(reload, preview) { PUI(()=>{ //you can access the 'ui' namespace in the parent form using the variable 'pui' here. //The 'pui' variable is valid in all functions of this document. //For robustness, you'd better use 'PUI(cb);' to access 'pui' variable. }); } function OnCloseForm() { } function OnException(err) { //ui.MessageBox('Error', '' + err, MessageBox.Icon.Critical, MessageBox.Button.Ok); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Callback Functions. // 641a254c-ef3e-11ea-bc8a-379bb908bdd7 function OnReturnMenu(){ unit.form.mainfrm.menu(8); } function OnEnd(){ unit.form.mainfrm.OnSend('endModel'); } function OnPlay(){ unit.form.mainfrm.OnSend('playModel ' + model.getCurrentDirectory()); } function getChart1(val) { const xvalue = []; const yvalue = []; val.forEach((value, index) => { const cubeRoot = Math.sqrt(parseFloat(value)) / (2 * 3.1415926); //res.push([index + 1, value, cubeRoot]); xvalue.push(`第${index + 1}阶`); yvalue.push(cubeRoot); // 在这里可以执行其他操作 }); return { xAxis: { type: 'category', //data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'] data: xvalue }, yAxis: { type: 'value' }, series: [ { //data: [150, 230, 224, 218, 135, 147, 260], data: yvalue, type: 'line' } ] }; } async function OnLoad(val){ model.updateLineChart(getChart1(val)); } function OnNextModel(){ if(parseInt(ui.frame2.value) === parseInt(ui.frame1.value)){ ui.frame2.value = 1; }else{ ui.frame2.value = parseInt(ui.frame2.value) + 1; } //ui.list.color[0/*row*/, parseInt(ui.frame2.value)/*column*/, "#FF0000"]; //设置cell颜色 unit.form.mainfrm.OnRendererMoTi(parseInt(ui.frame2.value) - 1, ui.pb_size.value); unit.form.mainfrm.OnPostBar(1, 1); unit.form.mainfrm.OnChangePicture(5, 2); unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline(`当前阶数为${ui.frame2.value}`, 'green'); } function OnLastModel(){ if(parseInt(ui.frame2.value) === 1){ ui.frame2.value = parseInt(ui.frame1.value); }else{ ui.frame2.value = parseInt(ui.frame2.value) - 1; } unit.form.mainfrm.OnRendererMoTi(parseInt(ui.frame2.value) - 1, ui.pb_size.value); unit.form.mainfrm.OnPostBar(1, 1); unit.form.mainfrm.OnChangePicture(5, 2); unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline(`当前阶数为${ui.frame2.value}`, 'green'); } function OnAnsys(){ unit.form.mainfrm.OnClear(); var res = unit.form.mainfrm.OnLoad1(); ui.frame1.value = res; if(res){ unit.form.mainfrm.OnRendererMoTi(1, ui.pb_size.value); unit.form.mainfrm.OnPostBar(1, 1); ui.frame2.value = 2; } unit.form.mainfrm.OnChangePicture(5, 2); unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('自由振动结果加载成功!', 'green'); /* model.readMoTi(model.getCurrentDirectory() + 'data/modelAnsys/eigenvalues.txt', cb => { var res = [["阶数", "特征值", "频率"]]; cb.forEach((value, index) => { const cubeRoot = Math.sqrt(parseFloat(value)) / (2 * 3.1415926); res.push([index + 1, value, cubeRoot]); // 在这里可以执行其他操作 }); //console.log('Resulting Array:', res); ui.list.table = res; ui.list.head_size = [0, 0, 0]; OnLoad(cb); }); unit.form.mainfrm.isEnablePost(false); unit.form.mainfrm.OnChangePicture(5, 2); unit.form.mainfrm.OnCueline('模态分析结果加载成功!', 'green');*/ } //The message corresponding callback executed by the docker pane. // when calling [side_pane].fireEvent(type,para) in the main form. function OnParentDockerMessage(type, para) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utils Functions. // 6c165ad6-ef3e-11ea-987c-b761a131c2fe function onDragFile(filepath) { } function PUI(cb) { if(pui){cb();} } /*Usage of BLOCK_EVENT BLOCK_EVENT(()=>{ ui.[name].[var] = ...; }); */ function BLOCK_EVENT(cb) { ui.block_event = true; cb(); ui.block_event = false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // template codes for cw callback js. function CW_DeclareVariable(name, setter, getter) { if(typeof(__DeclareVariable) === 'function') { __DeclareVariable(name, setter, getter); } } function CW_DeclareOuterVariable(name) { if(typeof(__DeclareOuterVariable) === 'function') { __DeclareOuterVariable(name); } }