dut_cyh преди 4 месеца
променени са 100 файла, в които са добавени 22713 реда и са изтрити 0 реда
  1. BIN
  2. 1 0
  3. 74 0
  4. 4 0
  5. 13 0
  6. 8 0
  7. 65 0
  8. 325 0
  9. 4 0
  10. 66 0
  11. 13 0
  12. 200 0
  13. 48 0
  14. 2450 0
  15. 129 0
  16. 76 0
  17. 31 0
  18. 397 0
  19. 415 0
  20. 92 0
  21. 64 0
  22. 140 0
  23. 54 0
  24. 97 0
  25. 32 0
  26. 118 0
  27. 19 0
  28. 28 0
  29. 62 0
  30. 244 0
  31. 63 0
  32. 115 0
  33. 186 0
  34. 82 0
  35. 59 0
  36. 294 0
  37. 238 0
  38. 13 0
  39. 65 0
  40. 27 0
  41. 82 0
  42. 163 0
  43. 202 0
  44. 83 0
  45. 117 0
  46. 546 0
  47. 16 0
  48. 74 0
  49. 231 0
  50. 59 0
  51. 111 0
  52. 82 0
  53. 89 0
  54. 44 0
  55. 303 0
  56. 59 0
  57. 74 0
  58. 133 0
  59. 269 0
  60. 43 0
  61. 14 0
  62. 7 0
  63. 45 0
  64. 192 0
  65. 4097 0
  66. 2053 0
  67. 79 0
  68. 7 0
  69. BIN
  70. BIN
  71. BIN
  72. BIN
  73. BIN
  74. BIN
  75. BIN
  76. 2 0
  77. BIN
  78. 142 0
  79. 40 0
  80. 3655 0
  81. 21 0
  82. 588 0
  83. 25 0
  84. 115 0
  85. 142 0
  86. 157 0
  87. 0 0
  88. 139 0
  89. 39 0
  90. 38 0
  91. 7 0
  92. 67 0
  93. 100 0
  94. 313 0
  95. 28 0
  96. 25 0
  97. 489 0
  98. 102 0
  99. 794 0
  100. 0 0


Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 1 - 0

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+  "targets": [
+    {
+      "target_name": "js_ext_comx_dxf_engine",
+      "sources": [
+        "src/js_ext_comx_dxf_engine.cc",
+        "src/dxf/dl_dxf.cpp",
+        "src/dxf/dl_writer_ascii.cpp",
+      ],
+      "include_dirs": [
+        "<!@(node -p \"require('node-addon-api').include\")",
+        "<!@(node -p \"process.env['COMX_SDK']+'include'\")",
+        "src/"
+      ],
+      "dependencies": [
+        "<!(node -p \"require('node-addon-api').gyp\")"
+      ],
+      "cflags!": [
+        "-fno-exceptions"
+      ],
+      "cflags_cc!": [
+        "-fno-exceptions"
+      ],
+      "xcode_settings": {
+        "CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY": "libc++",
+      },
+      "msvs_settings": {
+        "VCCLCompilerTool": {
+          "ExceptionHandling": 1
+        }
+      },
+      "defines": [
+      ],
+      "cflags": [
+        "-std=c++11"
+      ],
+      "cflags_cc": [
+        "-std=c++11"
+      ],
+      "conditions": [
+        [
+          "OS==\"linux\"",
+          {
+            "defines": [
+              "UNIX"
+            ],
+            "libraries": [
+              "-ldl"
+            ],
+            "target_name": "js_ext_comx_dxf_engine-native-linux"
+          }
+        ],
+        [
+          "OS==\"win\"",
+          {
+                  "defines" : [
+                         "WNT"
+            ],
+            "libraries": [
+                          "<!@(node -p \"process.env['COMX_SDK']+'deps/windows/lib/Qt5Core.lib'\")"
+                        ],
+            "include_dirs": [
+                          "<!@(node -p \"process.env['COMX_SDK']+'deps/windows/include/'\")"
+                        ],
+            "target_name": "js_ext_comx_dxf_engine-native-win"
+          }
+        ]
+      ]
+    }
+  ]

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+const addon = require('../build/Release/js_ext_comx_dxf_engine-native');
+module.exports = addon;

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  "name": "js_ext_comx_dxf_engine",
+  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "lockfileVersion": 2,
+  "requires": true,
+  "packages": {
+    "node_modules/node-addon-api": {
+      "version": "1.7.2",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmmirror.com/node-addon-api/-/node-addon-api-1.7.2.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-ibPK3iA+vaY1eEjESkQkM0BbCqFOaZMiXRTtdB0u7b4djtY6JnsjvPdUHVMg6xQt3B8fpTTWHI9A+ADjM9frzg=="
+    }
+  }

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+root = true
+charset = utf-8
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+language: c++
+  - clang
+  - gcc
+# For Linux, use an Ubuntu 14 image
+dist: trusty
+  - linux
+  - osx
+  global:
+    # https://github.com/jasongin/nvs/blob/master/doc/CI.md
+    - NVS_VERSION=1.4.2
+  matrix:
+    - NODEJS_VERSION=node/4
+    - NODEJS_VERSION=node/6
+    - NODEJS_VERSION=node/8
+    - NODEJS_VERSION=node/9
+    - NODEJS_VERSION=node/10
+    - NODEJS_VERSION=chakracore/8
+    - NODEJS_VERSION=chakracore/10
+    - NODEJS_VERSION=nightly
+    - NODEJS_VERSION=chakracore-nightly
+  fast_finish: true
+  allow_failures:
+    - env: NODEJS_VERSION=nightly
+    - env: NODEJS_VERSION=chakracore-nightly
+sudo: false
+  directories:
+    - node_modules
+    - $HOME/.npm
+  apt:
+    sources:
+      - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+    packages:
+      - g++-4.9
+  # coveralls
+  - pip2 install --user cpp-coveralls
+  # compilers
+  - if [ "$CXX" = "g++" -a "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ]; then export CXX="g++-4.9" CC="gcc-4.9" AR="gcc-ar-4.9" RANLIB="gcc-ranlib-4.9" NM="gcc-nm-4.9" ; fi
+  - if [ "$CXX" = "clang++" ]; then export NPMOPT=--clang=1 ; fi
+  - export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O3 --coverage" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS --coverage"
+  # nvs
+  - git clone --branch v$NVS_VERSION --depth 1 https://github.com/jasongin/nvs ~/.nvs
+  - . ~/.nvs/nvs.sh
+  - nvs --version
+  # node.js
+  - nvs add $NODEJS_VERSION
+  - nvs use $NODEJS_VERSION
+  - node --version
+  - npm --version
+  - npm install $NPMOPT
+  # Travis CI sets NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR, but it makes node-gyp fail to download headers for nightly builds.
+  - npm test $NPMOPT
+  - cpp-coveralls --gcov-options '\-lp' --build-root test/build --exclude test

+ 325 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+# node-addon-api Changelog
+## 2020-06-02 Version 1.7.2, @NickNaso
+### Notable changes:
+#### API
+- Fix memory corruption vulnerability
+### Commmits
+* [[`801bd068f4`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/801bd068f4)] - **napi**: fix memory corruption vulnerability (Tobias Nießen )
+## 2019-07-23 Version 1.7.1, @NickNaso
+### Notable changes:
+#### API
+- Fixed compilation problems that happen on Node.js with N-API version less than 4.
+### Commmits
+* [[`c20bcbd069`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/c20bcbd069)] - Merge pull request #518 from NickNaso/master (Nicola Del Gobbo)
+* [[`6720d57253`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/6720d57253)] - Create the native threadsafe\_function for test only for N-API greater than 3. (NickNaso)
+* [[`37b6c185ad`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/37b6c185ad)] - Fix compilation breakage on 1.7.0 (NickNaso)
+## 2019-07-23 Version 1.7.0, @NickNaso
+### Notable changes:
+#### API
+- Added `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` api.
+- Added `Napi::AsyncWorker::GetResult()` method to `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+- Added `Napi::AsyncWorker::Destroy()()` method to `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+- Use full namespace on macros that create the errors.
+#### Documentation
+- Added documentation about contribution philosophy.
+- Added documentation for `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction`.
+- Some minor corrections all over the documentation.
+#### TEST
+- Added test case for bool operator.
+- Fixed test case for `Napi::ObjectWrap`.
+### Commmits
+* [[`717c9ab163`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/717c9ab163)] - **AsyncWorker**: add GetResult() method (Kevin Eady) [#512](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/512)
+* [[`d9d991bbc9`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/d9d991bbc9)] - **doc**: add ThreadSafeFunction to main README (#513) (Kevin Eady) [#513](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/513)
+* [[`ac6000d0fd`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/ac6000d0fd)] - **doc**: fix minor typo (Yohei Kishimoto) [#510](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/510)
+* [[`e9fa1eaa86`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/e9fa1eaa86)] - **doc**: document ThreadSafeFunction (#494) (Kevin Eady) [#494](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/494)
+* [[`cab3b1e2a2`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/cab3b1e2a2)] - **doc**: ClassPropertyDescriptor example (Ross Weir) [#507](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/507)
+* [[`c32d7dbdcf`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/c32d7dbdcf)] - **macros**: create errors fully namespaced (Gabriel Schulhof) [#506](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/506)
+* [[`0a90df2fcb`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/0a90df2fcb)] - Implement ThreadSafeFunction class (Jinho Bang)
+* [[`1fb540eeb5`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/1fb540eeb5)] - Use curly brackets to include node\_api.h (NickNaso) [#493](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/493)
+* [[`b2b08122ea`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/b2b08122ea)] - **AsyncWorker**: make callback optional (Kevin Eady) [#489](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/489)
+* [[`a0cac77c82`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/a0cac77c82)] - Added test for bool operator (NickNaso) [#490](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/490)
+* [[`ab7d8fcc48`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/ab7d8fcc48)] - **src**: fix objectwrap test case (Michael Dawson) [#495](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/495)
+* [[`3b6b9eb88a`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/3b6b9eb88a)] - **AsyncWorker**: introduce Destroy() method (Gabriel Schulhof) [#488](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/488)
+* [[`f633fbd95d`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/f633fbd95d)] - string.md: Document existing New(env, value, length) APIs (Tux3) [#486](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/486)
+* [[`aaea55eda9`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/aaea55eda9)] - Little fix on code example (Nicola Del Gobbo) [#470](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/470)
+* [[`e1cf9a35a1`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/e1cf9a35a1)] - Use `Value::IsEmpty` to check for empty value (NickNaso) [#478](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/478)
+* [[`3ad5dfc7d9`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/3ad5dfc7d9)] - Fix link (Alba Mendez) [#481](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/481)
+* [[`a3b4d99c45`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/a3b4d99c45)] - **doc**: Add contribution philosophy doc (Hitesh Kanwathirtha)
+* [[`36863f087b`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/36863f087b)] - **doc**: refer to TypedArray and ArrayBuffer from Array (Gabriel "_|Nix|_" Schulhof) [#465](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/465)
+## 2019-04-03 Version 1.6.3, @NickNaso
+### Notable changes:
+#### API
+- Added `SuppressDestruct` method to `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+- Added new build targets for debug.
+- Exposed macros that throw errors.
+- Fixed memory leaks caused by callback data when a napi error occurs.
+- Fixed missing `void *data` usage in `Napi::PropertyDescriptors`.
+#### Documentation
+- Some minor corrections all over the documentation.
+### Commmits
+* [[`83b41c2fe4`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/83b41c2fe4)] - Document adding -fvisibility=hidden flag for macOS users (Nicola Del Gobbo) [#460](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/460)
+* [[`1ed7ad8769`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/1ed7ad8769)] - **doc**: correct return type of Int32Value to int32\_t (Bill Gallafent) [#459](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/459)
+* [[`b0f6b601aa`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/b0f6b601aa)] - **src**: add AsyncWorker destruction suppression (Gabriel Schulhof) [#407](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/407)
+* [[`72b1975cff`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/72b1975cff)] - **doc**: fix links to the Property Descriptor docs (Ryuichi Okumura) [#458](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/458)
+* [[`fcfc612728`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/fcfc612728)] - **build**: new build targets for debug purposes (Jinho Bang) [#186](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/186)
+* [[`c629553cd7`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/c629553cd7)] - **doc**: minor doc corrections and clarifications (Bruce A. MacNaughton) [#426](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/426)
+* [[`7b87e0b999`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/7b87e0b999)] - **doc**: update number.md (Bernardo Heynemann) [#436](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/436)
+* [[`fcf173d2a1`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/fcf173d2a1)] - **src**: expose macros that throw errors (Gabriel Schulhof) [#448](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/448)
+* [[`b409a2f987`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/b409a2f987)] - **package**: add npm search keywords (Sam Roberts) [#452](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/452)
+* [[`0bc7987806`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/0bc7987806)] - **doc**: fix references to Weak and Persistent (Jake Barnes) [#428](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/428)
+* [[`ad6f569f85`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/ad6f569f85)] - **doc**: dix typo (Abhishek Kumar Singh) [#435](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/435)
+* [[`28df833a49`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/28df833a49)] - Merge pull request #441 from jschlight/master (Jim Schlight)
+* [[`4921e74d83`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/4921e74d83)] - Rearranges names to be alphabetical (Jim Schlight)
+* [[`48220335b0`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/48220335b0)] - Membership review update (Jim Schlight)
+* [[`44f0695533`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/44f0695533)] - Merge pull request #394 from NickNaso/create\_release (Nicola DelGobbo)
+* [[`fa49d68416`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/fa49d68416)] - **doc**: fix some `Finalizer` signatures (Philipp Renoth) [#414](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/414)
+* [[`020ac4a628`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/020ac4a628)] - **src**: make `Object::GetPropertyNames()` const (Philipp Renoth)[#415](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/415)
+* [[`91eaa6f4cb`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/91eaa6f4cb)] - **src**: fix callbackData leaks on error napi status (Philipp Renoth) [#417](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/417)
+* [[`0b40275752`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/0b40275752)] - **src**: fix noexcept control flow issues (Philipp Renoth) [#420](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/420)
+* [[`c1ff2936f9`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/c1ff2936f9)] - **src**: fix missing void\*data usage in PropertyDescriptors (Luciano Martorella) [#374](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/374)
+## 2018-11-29 Version 1.6.2, @NickNaso
+### Notable changes:
+#### API
+- Fixed selection logic for version 6.x.
+### Commmits
+* [[`07a0fc4e95`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/07a0fc4e95)] - **src**: fix selection logic for 6.x (Michael Dawson) [#402](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/402)
+## 2018-11-14 Version 1.6.1, @NickNaso
+### Notable changes:
+#### Documentation
+- Updated links for examples to point to node-addon-examples repo.
+- Fixed typos on some parts of documentation.
+#### API
+- Removed unused member on `Napi::CallbackScope`.
+- Enabled `Napi::CallbackScope` only with N-API v3.
+### Commmits
+* [[`e7cd292a74`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/e7cd292a74)] - **src**: remove unused CallbackScope member (Gabriel Schulhof) [#391](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/391)
+* [[`d47399fe25`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/d47399fe25)] - **src**: guard CallbackScope with N-API v3 (Michael Dawson) [#395](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/395)
+* [[`29a0262ab9`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/29a0262ab9)] - **doc**: fix typo (Dongjin Na) [#385](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/385)
+* [[`b6dc15b88d`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/b6dc15b88d)] - **doc**: make links point to node-addon-examples repo (Nicola Del Gobbo) [#389](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/389)
+## 2018-11-02 Version 1.6.0, @NickNaso
+### Notable changes:
+#### Documentation
+- Improved documentation about ABI stability.
+#### API
+- Add `Napi::CallbackScope` class that help to have the equivalent of the scope
+associated with a callback in place when making certain N-API calls
+#### TEST
+- Added tests for `Napi::Array` class.
+- Added tests for `Napi::ArrayBuffer` class.
+### Commmits
+* [[`8ce605c657`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/8ce605c657)] - **build**: avoid using package-lock.json (Jaeseok Yoon) [#359](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/359)
+* [[`fa3a6150b3`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/fa3a6150b3)] - **src**: use MakeCallback() -\> Call() in AsyncWorker (Jinho Bang) [#361](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/361)
+* [[`2342415463`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/2342415463)] - **test**: create test objects in the stack instead of the heap (Dongjin Na) [#371](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/371)
+* [[`67b7db0a6f`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/67b7db0a6f)] - **test**: write tests for Array class (Jaeseok Yoon) [#363](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/363)
+* [[`729f6dc4ee`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/729f6dc4ee)] - **test**: add arraybuffer tests (Dongjin Na) [#369](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/369)
+* [[`405f3e5b5b`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/405f3e5b5b)] - **src**: implement CallbackScope class (Jinho Bang) [#362](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/362)
+* [[`015d95312f`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/015d95312f)] - **doc**: fix Napi::Reference link (Gentilhomme) [#365](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/365)
+* [[`fd65078e3c`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/fd65078e3c)] - README.md: link to new ABI stability guide (Gabriel Schulhof) [#367](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/367)
+* [[`ffebf9ba9a`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/ffebf9ba9a)] - Updates for release 1.5.0 (NickNaso)
+## 2018-10-03 Version 1.5.0, @NickNaso
+### Notable changes:
+#### Documentation
+- Completed the documentation to cover all the API surface.
+- Numerous fixes to make documentation more consistent in all of its parts.
+#### API
+- Add `Napi::AsyncContext` class to handle asynchronous operation.
+- Add `Napi::BigInt` class to work with BigInt type.
+- Add `Napi::VersionManagement` class to retrieve the versions of Node.js and N-API.
+- Fix potential memory leaks.
+- DataView feature is enabled by default
+- Add descriptor for Symbols
+- Add new methods on `Napi::FunctionReference`.
+- Add the possibility to retrieve the environment on `Napi::Promise::Deferred`
+#### TOOL
+- Add tool to check if a native add-on is built using N-API
+#### TEST
+- Start to increase the test coverage
+- Fix in the test suite to better handle the experimental features that are not
+yet backported in the previous Node.js version.
+### Commits
+* [[`2009c019af`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/2009c019af)] - Merge pull request #292 from devsnek/feature/bigint (Gus Caplan)
+* [[`e44aca985e`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/e44aca985e)] - add bigint class (Gus Caplan)
+* [[`a3951ab973`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/a3951ab973)] - Add documentation for Env(). (Rolf Timmermans) [#318](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/318)
+* [[`a6f7a6ad51`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/a6f7a6ad51)] - Add Env() to Promise::Deferred. (Rolf Timmermans)
+* [[`0097e96b92`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/0097e96b92)] - Fixed broken links for Symbol and String (NickNaso)
+* [[`b0ecd38d76`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/b0ecd38d76)] - Fix Code of conduct link properly (#323) (Jake Yoon) [#323](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/323)
+* [[`223474900f`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/223474900f)] - **doc**: update Version management (Dongjin Na) [#360](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/360)
+* [[`4f76262a10`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/4f76262a10)] - **doc**: some fix on `Napi::Boolean` documentation (NickNaso) [#354](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/354)
+* [[`78374f72d2`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/78374f72d2)] - **doc**: number documentation (NickNaso) [#356](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/356)
+* [[`51ffe453f8`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/51ffe453f8)] - **doc**: doc cleanup (NickNaso) [#353](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/353)
+* [[`fc11c944b2`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/fc11c944b2)] - **doc**: major doc cleanup (NickNaso) [#335](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/335)
+* [[`100d0a7cb2`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/100d0a7cb2)] - **doc**: first pass on objectwrap documentation (NickNaso) [#321](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/321)
+* [[`c7d54180ff`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/c7d54180ff)] - **doc**: the Napi::ObjectWrap example does not compile (Arnaud Botella) [#339](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/339)
+* [[`7cdd78726a`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/7cdd78726a)] - **doc**: added cpp highlight for string.md (Jaeseok Yoon) [#329](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/329)
+* [[`8ed29f547c`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/8ed29f547c)] - **doc**: add blurb about ABI stability (Gabriel Schulhof) [#326](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/326)
+* [[`757eb1f5a3`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/757eb1f5a3)] - **doc**: add function and function reference doc (NickNaso) [#299](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/299)
+* [[`2885c18591`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/2885c18591)] - **doc**: Create changelog for release 1.4.0 (Nicola Del Gobbo)
+* [[`917bd60baa`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/917bd60baa)] - **src**: remove TODOs by fixing memory leaks (Gabriel Schulhof) [#343](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/343)
+* [[`dfcb93945f`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/dfcb93945f)] - **src**: implement AsyncContext class (Jinho Bang) [#252](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/252)
+* [[`211ed38d0d`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/211ed38d0d)] - **src**: make 'nothing' target a static library (Gabriel Schulhof) [#348](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/348)
+* [[`97c4ab5cf2`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/97c4ab5cf2)] - **src**: add Call and MakeCallback that accept cargs (NickNaso) [#344](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/344)
+* [[`b6e2d92c09`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/b6e2d92c09)] - **src**: enable DataView feature by default (Jinho) [#331](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/331)
+* [[`0a00e7c97b`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/0a00e7c97b)] - **src**: implement missing descriptor defs for symbols (Philipp Renoth) [#280](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/280)
+* [[`38e01b7e3b`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/38e01b7e3b)] - **src**: first pass on adding version management apis (NickNaso) [#325](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/325)
+* [[`79ee8381d2`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/79ee8381d2)] - **src**: fix compile failure in test (Michael Dawson) [#345](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/345)
+* [[`4d92a6066f`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/4d92a6066f)] - **src**: Add ObjectReference test case (Anisha Rohra) [#212](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/212)
+* [[`779560f397`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/779560f397)] - **test**: add operator overloading tests in Number (Your Name) [#355](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/355)
+* [[`73fed84ceb`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/73fed84ceb)] - **test**: add ability to control experimental tests (Michael Dawson) [#350](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/350)
+* [[`14c69abd46`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/14c69abd46)] - **test**: write tests for Boolean class (Jaeseok Yoon) [#328](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/328)
+* [[`2ad47a83b1`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/2ad47a83b1)] - **test**: explicitly cast to uint32\_t in test (Gabriel Schulhof) [#341](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/341)
+* [[`622ffaea76`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/622ffaea76)] - **test**: Tighten up compiler warnings (Mikhail Cheshkov) [#315](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/315)
+* [[`fd3c37b0f2`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/fd3c37b0f2)] - **tools**: add tool to check for N-API modules (Gabriel Schulhof) [#346](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/346)
+## 2018-07-19 Version 1.4.0, @NickNaso
+### Notable changes:
+#### Documentation
+- Numerous additions to the documentation, filling out coverage
+  of API surface
+#### API
+- Add resource parameters to AsyncWorker constructor
+- Add memory management feature
+### Commits
+* [[`7dc5ac8bc3`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/7dc5ac8bc3)] - **doc**: update metadata for release (Nicola Del Gobbo)
+* [[`d68e86adb4`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/d68e86adb4)] - **doc**: Added documentation for PropertyDescriptor (Anisha Rohra) [#309](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/309)
+* [[`968a5f2000`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/968a5f2000)] - **doc**: Add documentation for ObjectReference.md (Anisha Rohra) [#307](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/307)
+* [[`908cdc314c`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/908cdc314c)] - **doc**: add `TypedArray` and `TypedArrayOf` (Kyle Farnung) [#305](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/305)
+* [[`2ff776ffe3`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/2ff776ffe3)] - backport node::Persistent (Gabriel Schulhof) [#300](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/300)
+* [[`98161970c9`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/98161970c9)] - Backport perf, crash and exception handling fixes (Gabriel Schulhof) [#295](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/295)
+* [[`dd1191e086`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/dd1191e086)] - **test**: fix asyncworker test so it runs on 6.x (Michael Dawson) [#298](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/298)
+* [[`11697fcecd`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/11697fcecd)] - **doc**: ArrayBuffer and Buffer documentation (Kyle Farnung) [#256](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/256)
+* [[`605aa2babf`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/605aa2babf)] - Add memory management feature (NickNaso) [#286](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/286)
+* [[`86be13a611`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/86be13a611)] - **doc**: Fix HandleScope docs (Ben Berman) [#287](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/287)
+* [[`90f92c4dc0`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/90f92c4dc0)] - **doc**: Update broken links in README.md (Hitesh Kanwathirtha) [#290](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/290)
+* [[`c2a620dc11`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/c2a620dc11)] - **doc**: Clarify positioning versus N-API (Michael Dawson) [#288](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/288)
+* [[`6cff890ee5`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/6cff890ee5)] - **doc**: Fix typo in docs (Ben Berman) [#284](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/284)
+* [[`7394bfd154`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/7394bfd154)] - **doc**: Fix typo in docs (Ben Berman) [#285](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/285)
+* [[`12b2cdeed3`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/12b2cdeed3)] - fix test files (Kyle Farnung) [#257](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/257)
+* [[`9ab6607242`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/9ab6607242)] - **doc**: Update Doc Version Number (joshgarde) [#277](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/277)
+* [[`e029a076c6`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/e029a076c6)] - **doc**: First pass at basic Node Addon API docs (Hitesh Kanwathirtha) [#268](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/268)
+* [[`74ff79717e`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/74ff79717e)] - **doc**: fix link to async\_worker.md (Michael Dawson)
+* [[`5a63f45eda`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/5a63f45eda)] - **doc**: First step of error and async doc (NickNaso) [#272](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/272)
+* [[`9d38f61afb`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/9d38f61afb)] - **doc**: New Promise and Reference docs (Jim Schlight) [#243](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/243)
+* [[`43ff9fa836`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/43ff9fa836)] - **doc**: Updated Object documentation (Anisha Rohra) [#254](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/254)
+* [[`b197f7cc8b`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/b197f7cc8b)] - **doc**: minor typos (Nick Soggin) [#248](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/248)
+* [[`4b8918b352`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/4b8918b352)] - Add resource parameters to AsyncWorker constructor (Jinho Bang) [#253](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/253)
+* [[`1ecf7c19b6`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/1ecf7c19b6)] - **doc**: fix wrong link in readme (miloas) [#255](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/255)
+* [[`a750ed1932`](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/commit/a750ed1932)] - **release**: updates to metadata for next release (Michael Dawson)
+## 2018-05-08 Version 1.3.0, @mhdawson
+### Notable changes:
+#### Documentation
+- Added documentation for Scopes
+- Added documentation for migration from NAN
+- Update documentation to better explain the use of NODE_ADDON_API
+#### API
+- Implement data manipulation methods for dataview
+- Use built-in N-API on Node.js >= 6.14.2
+- Value
+  - Added IsExternal()
+  - IsObject() allow functions
+- String
+  - Fixed initialization of std::string to nullptr
+#### Tests
+- Fix test failures on linuxOne and AIX
+- Added basic tests for Scopes
+- Fix MSVC warning C4244 in tests
+### Commits
+* [386c2aeb74] - test: remove dep on later C++ feature (Michael Dawson) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/267
+* [10697734da] - Use built-in N-API on Node.js >= 6.14.2 (Gabriel Schulhof)
+* [75086da273] - test: add basic tests and doc for scopes (Michael Dawson) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/250
+* [341dbd25d5] - doc: update blurb explaining NODE_ADDON_API (Gabriel Schulhof) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/251
+* [cf6c93e4ee] - don't try to escape null (Michael Dawson) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/245
+* [15e4b35fc2] - test: fix MSVC warning C4244 in tests (Kyle Farnung) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/236
+* [7f3ca03b8e] - Create a doc for migration (Sampson Gao) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/118
+* [0a2177debe] - Fix test failures on linuxOne and AIX (Jinho Bang) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/232
+* [d567f4b6b5] - Added Napi::Value::IsExternal() (Eric Bickle) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/227
+* [1b0f0e004a] - Update node-gyp.md (Michele Campus) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/226
+* [faf19c4f7a] - Fixed initialization of std::string to nullptr (Eric Bickle) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/228
+* [9c4d321b57] - Implement data manipulation methods for dataview (Jinho Bang) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/218
+* [5a39fdca6f] - n-api: throw RangeError napi_create_typedarray() (Jinho Bang) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/216
+* [1376377202] - Make IsObject() allow functions (Jinho Bang) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/217
+* [673b59d319] - src: Initial implementation of DataView class (Jinho Bang) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/205
+* [0a899bf1c5] - doc: update indication of latest version (Michael Dawson) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/211
+* [17c74e5a5e] - n-api: RangeError in napi_create_dataview() (Jinho Bang) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/214
+* [4058a29989] - n-api: fix memory leak in napi_async_destroy() (Jinho Bang) https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/pull/213

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Code of Conduct
+The Node.js Code of Conduct, which applies to this project, can be found at

+ 66 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# **node-addon-api** Contribution Philosophy
+The **node-addon-api** team loves contributions. There are many ways in which you can
+contribute to **node-addon-api**:
+- Source code fixes
+- Additional tests
+- Documentation improvements
+- Joining the N-API working group and participating in meetings
+## Source changes
+**node-addon-api** is meant to be a thin convenience wrapper around N-API. With this
+in mind, contributions of any new APIs that wrap around a core N-API API will
+be considered for merge. However, changes that wrap existing **node-addon-api**
+APIs are encouraged to instead be provided as an ecosystem module. The
+**node-addon-api** team is happy to link to a curated set of modules that build on
+top of **node-addon-api** if they have broad usefulness to the community and promote
+a recommended idiom or pattern.
+### Rationale
+The N-API team considered a couple different approaches with regards to changes
+extending **node-addon-api**
+- Larger core module - Incorporate these helpers and patterns into **node-addon-api**
+- Extras package - Create a new package (strawman name '**node-addon-api**-extras')
+that contain utility classes and methods that help promote good patterns and
+idioms while writing native addons with **node-addon-api**.
+- Ecosystem - Encourage creation of a module ecosystem around **node-addon-api**
+where folks can build on top of it.
+#### Larger Core
+This is probably our simplest option in terms of immediate action needed. It
+would involve landing any open PRs against **node-addon-api**, and continuing to
+encourage folks to make PRs for utility helpers against the same repository.
+The downside of the approach is the following:
+- Less coherency for our API set
+- More maintenance burden on the N-API WG core team.
+#### Extras Package
+This involves us spinning up a new package which contains the utility classes
+and methods. This has the benefit of having a separate module where helpers
+which make it easier to implement certain patterns and idioms for native addons
+The downside of this approach is the following:
+- Potential for confusion - we'll need to provide clear documentation to help the
+community understand where a particular contribution should be directed to (what
+belongs in **node-addon-api** vs **node-addon-api-extras**)
+- Need to define the level of support/API guarantees
+- Unclear if the maintenance burden on the N-API WG is reduced or not
+#### Ecosystem
+This doesn't require a ton of up-front work from the N-API WG. Instead of
+accepting utility PRs into **node-addon-api** or creating and maintaining a new
+module, the WG will encourage the creation of an ecosystem of modules that
+build on top of **node-addon-api**, and provide some level of advertising for these
+modules (listing them out on the repository/wiki, using them in workshops/tutorials
+The downside of this approach is the following:
+- Potential for lack of visibility - evangelism and education is hard, and module
+authors might not find right patterns and instead implement things themselves
+- There might be greater friction for the N-API WG in evolving APIs since the
+ecosystem would have taken dependencies on the API shape of **node-addon-api**

+ 13 - 0

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+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2017 Node.js API collaborators
+*Node.js API collaborators listed at <https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api#collaborators>*
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 200 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# **node-addon-api module**
+This module contains **header-only C++ wrapper classes** which simplify
+the use of the C based [N-API](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/n-api.html)
+provided by Node.js when using C++. It provides a C++ object model
+and exception handling semantics with low overhead.
+N-API is an ABI stable C interface provided by Node.js for building native
+addons. It is independent from the underlying JavaScript runtime (e.g. V8 or ChakraCore)
+and is maintained as part of Node.js itself. It is intended to insulate
+native addons from changes in the underlying JavaScript engine and allow
+modules compiled for one version to run on later versions of Node.js without
+The `node-addon-api` module, which is not part of Node.js, preserves the benefits
+of the N-API as it consists only of inline code that depends only on the stable API
+provided by N-API. As such, modules built against one version of Node.js
+using node-addon-api should run without having to be rebuilt with newer versions
+of Node.js.
+It is important to remember that *other* Node.js interfaces such as
+`libuv` (included in a project via `#include <uv.h>`) are not ABI-stable across
+Node.js major versions. Thus, an addon must use N-API and/or `node-addon-api`
+exclusively and build against a version of Node.js that includes an
+implementation of N-API (meaning a version of Node.js newer than 6.14.2) in
+order to benefit from ABI stability across Node.js major versions. Node.js
+provides an [ABI stability guide][] containing a detailed explanation of ABI
+stability in general, and the N-API ABI stability guarantee in particular.
+As new APIs are added to N-API, node-addon-api must be updated to provide
+wrappers for those new APIs. For this reason node-addon-api provides
+methods that allow callers to obtain the underlying N-API handles so
+direct calls to N-API and the use of the objects/methods provided by
+node-addon-api can be used together. For example, in order to be able
+to use an API for which the node-addon-api does not yet provide a wrapper.
+APIs exposed by node-addon-api are generally used to create and
+manipulate JavaScript values. Concepts and operations generally map
+to ideas specified in the **ECMA262 Language Specification**.
+- **[Setup](#setup)**
+- **[API Documentation](#api)**
+- **[Examples](#examples)**
+- **[Tests](#tests)**
+- **[More resource and info about native Addons](#resources)**
+- **[Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)**
+- **[Contributors](#contributors)**
+- **[License](#license)**
+## **Current version: 1.7.2**
+(See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for complete Changelog)
+[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/node-addon-api.png?downloads=true&downloadRank=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/node-addon-api/) [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm-dl/node-addon-api.png?months=6&height=1)](https://nodei.co/npm/node-addon-api/)
+<a name="setup"></a>
+## Setup
+  - [Installation and usage](doc/setup.md)
+  - [node-gyp](doc/node-gyp.md)
+  - [cmake-js](doc/cmake-js.md)
+  - [Conversion tool](doc/conversion-tool.md)
+  - [Checker tool](doc/checker-tool.md)
+  - [Generator](doc/generator.md)
+  - [Prebuild tools](doc/prebuild_tools.md)
+<a name="api"></a>
+### **API Documentation**
+The following is the documentation for node-addon-api.
+ - [Basic Types](doc/basic_types.md)
+    - [Array](doc/basic_types.md#array)
+    - [Symbol](doc/symbol.md)
+    - [String](doc/string.md)
+    - [Name](doc/basic_types.md#name)
+    - [Number](doc/number.md)
+    - [BigInt](doc/bigint.md)
+    - [Boolean](doc/boolean.md)
+    - [Env](doc/env.md)
+    - [Value](doc/value.md)
+    - [CallbackInfo](doc/callbackinfo.md)
+    - [Reference](doc/reference.md)
+    - [External](doc/external.md)
+    - [Object](doc/object.md)
+        - [ObjectReference](doc/object_reference.md)
+        - [PropertyDescriptor](doc/property_descriptor.md)
+ - [Error Handling](doc/error_handling.md)
+    - [Error](doc/error.md)
+    - [TypeError](doc/type_error.md)
+    - [RangeError](doc/range_error.md)
+ - [Object Lifetime Management](doc/object_lifetime_management.md)
+    - [HandleScope](doc/handle_scope.md)
+    - [EscapableHandleScope](doc/escapable_handle_scope.md)
+ - [Working with JavaScript Values](doc/working_with_javascript_values.md)
+    - [Function](doc/function.md)
+        - [FunctionReference](doc/function_reference.md)
+    - [ObjectWrap](doc/object_wrap.md)
+        - [ClassPropertyDescriptor](doc/class_property_descriptor.md)
+    - [Buffer](doc/buffer.md)
+    - [ArrayBuffer](doc/array_buffer.md)
+    - [TypedArray](doc/typed_array.md)
+      - [TypedArrayOf](doc/typed_array_of.md)
+    - [DataView](doc/dataview.md)
+ - [Memory Management](doc/memory_management.md)
+ - [Async Operations](doc/async_operations.md)
+    - [AsyncWorker](doc/async_worker.md)
+    - [AsyncContext](doc/async_context.md)
+ - [Thread-safe Functions](doc/threadsafe_function.md)
+ - [Promises](doc/promises.md)
+ - [Version management](doc/version_management.md)
+<a name="examples"></a>
+### **Examples**
+Are you new to **node-addon-api**? Take a look at our **[examples](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples)**
+- **[Hello World](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/1_hello_world/node-addon-api)**
+- **[Pass arguments to a function](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/2_function_arguments/node-addon-api)**
+- **[Callbacks](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/3_callbacks/node-addon-api)**
+- **[Object factory](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/4_object_factory/node-addon-api)**
+- **[Function factory](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/5_function_factory/node-addon-api)**
+- **[Wrapping C++ Object](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/6_object_wrap/node-addon-api)**
+- **[Factory of wrapped object](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/7_factory_wrap/node-addon-api)**
+- **[Passing wrapped object around](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/8_passing_wrapped/node-addon-api)**
+<a name="tests"></a>
+### **Tests**
+To run the **node-addon-api** tests do:
+npm install
+npm test
+To avoid testing the deprecated portions of the API run
+npm install
+npm test --disable-deprecated
+### **Debug**
+To run the **node-addon-api** tests with `--debug` option:
+npm run-script dev
+If you want faster build, you might use the following option:
+npm run-script dev:incremental
+Take a look and get inspired by our **[test suite](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/tree/master/test)**
+<a name="resources"></a>
+## **Contributing**
+We love contributions from the community to **node-addon-api**.
+See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more details on our philosophy around extending this module.
+### **More resource and info about native Addons**
+- **[C++ Addons](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/addons.html)**
+- **[N-API](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/n-api.html)**
+- **[N-API - Next Generation Node API for Native Modules](https://youtu.be/-Oniup60Afs)**
+<a name="contributors"></a>
+## WG Members / Collaborators
+### Active
+| Name                | GitHub Link                                           |
+| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
+| Anna Henningsen     | [addaleax](https://github.com/addaleax)               |
+| Arunesh Chandra     | [aruneshchandra](https://github.com/aruneshchandra)   |
+| Gabriel Schulhof    | [gabrielschulhof](https://github.com/gabrielschulhof) |
+| Hitesh Kanwathirtha | [digitalinfinity](https://github.com/digitalinfinity) |
+| Jim Schlight        | [jschlight](https://github.com/jschlight)             |
+| Michael Dawson      | [mhdawson](https://github.com/mhdawson)               |
+| Nicola Del Gobbo    | [NickNaso](https://github.com/NickNaso)               |
+| Taylor Woll         | [boingoing](https://github.com/boingoing)             |
+### Emeritus
+| Name                | GitHub Link                                           |
+| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
+| Benjamin Byholm     | [kkoopa](https://github.com/kkoopa)                   |
+| Jason Ginchereau    | [jasongin](https://github.com/jasongin)               |
+| Sampson Gao         | [sampsongao](https://github.com/sampsongao)           |
+<a name="license"></a>
+Licensed under [MIT](./LICENSE.md)
+[ABI stability guide]: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/abi-stability/

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+  # https://github.com/jasongin/nvs/blob/master/doc/CI.md
+  NVS_VERSION: 1.4.2
+  fast_finish: true
+  matrix:
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: node/4
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: node/6
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: node/8
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: node/9
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: node/10
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: chakracore/8
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: chakracore/10
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: nightly
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: chakracore-nightly
+  fast_finish: true
+  allow_failures:
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: nightly
+    - NODEJS_VERSION: chakracore-nightly
+  - x86
+  - x64
+  # nvs
+  - git clone --branch v%NVS_VERSION% --depth 1 https://github.com/jasongin/nvs %LOCALAPPDATA%\nvs
+  - nvs --version
+  # node.js
+  - node --version
+  - node -p process.arch
+  - npm --version
+  # app
+  - npm install
+  - npm test
+build: off
+version: "{build}"
+  - node_modules

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 2450 - 0

+ 129 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# ArrayBuffer
+The `Napi::ArrayBuffer` class corresponds to the
+[JavaScript `ArrayBuffer`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer)
+## Methods
+### New
+Allocates a new `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance with a given length.
+static Napi::ArrayBuffer Napi::ArrayBuffer::New(napi_env env, size_t byteLength);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+- `[in] byteLength`: The length to be allocated, in bytes.
+Returns a new `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+### New
+Wraps the provided external data into a new `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+The `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance does not assume ownership for the data and
+expects it to be valid for the lifetime of the instance. Since the
+`Napi::ArrayBuffer` is subject to garbage collection this overload is only
+suitable for data which is static and never needs to be freed.
+static Napi::ArrayBuffer Napi::ArrayBuffer::New(napi_env env, void* externalData, size_t byteLength);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+- `[in] externalData`: The pointer to the external data to wrap.
+- `[in] byteLength`: The length of the `externalData`, in bytes.
+Returns a new `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+### New
+Wraps the provided external data into a new `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+The `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance does not assume ownership for the data and
+expects it to be valid for the lifetime of the instance. The data can only be
+freed once the `finalizeCallback` is invoked to indicate that the
+`Napi::ArrayBuffer` has been released.
+template <typename Finalizer>
+static Napi::ArrayBuffer Napi::ArrayBuffer::New(napi_env env,
+                       void* externalData,
+                       size_t byteLength,
+                       Finalizer finalizeCallback);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+- `[in] externalData`: The pointer to the external data to wrap.
+- `[in] byteLength`: The length of the `externalData`, in bytes.
+- `[in] finalizeCallback`: A function to be called when the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` is
+  destroyed. It must implement `operator()`, accept a `void*` (which is the
+  `externalData` pointer), and return `void`.
+Returns a new `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+### New
+Wraps the provided external data into a new `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+The `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance does not assume ownership for the data and expects it
+to be valid for the lifetime of the instance. The data can only be freed once
+the `finalizeCallback` is invoked to indicate that the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` has been
+template <typename Finalizer, typename Hint>
+static Napi::ArrayBuffer Napi::ArrayBuffer::New(napi_env env,
+                       void* externalData,
+                       size_t byteLength,
+                       Finalizer finalizeCallback,
+                       Hint* finalizeHint);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+- `[in] externalData`: The pointer to the external data to wrap.
+- `[in] byteLength`: The length of the `externalData`, in bytes.
+- `[in] finalizeCallback`: The function to be called when the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` is
+  destroyed. It must implement `operator()`, accept a `void*` (which is the
+  `externalData` pointer) and `Hint*`, and return `void`.
+- `[in] finalizeHint`: The hint to be passed as the second parameter of the
+  finalize callback.
+Returns a new `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+### Constructor
+Initializes an empty instance of the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` class.
+### Constructor
+Initializes a wrapper instance of an existing `Napi::ArrayBuffer` object.
+Napi::ArrayBuffer::ArrayBuffer(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+- `[in] value`: The `Napi::ArrayBuffer` reference to wrap.
+### ByteLength
+size_t Napi::ArrayBuffer::ByteLength() const;
+Returns the length of the wrapped data, in bytes.
+### Data
+T* Napi::ArrayBuffer::Data() const;
+Returns a pointer the wrapped data.

+ 76 - 0

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+# AsyncContext
+The [Napi::AsyncWorker](async_worker.md) class may not be appropriate for every
+scenario. When using any other async mechanism, introducing a new class
+`Napi::AsyncContext` is necessary to ensure an async operation is properly
+tracked by the runtime. The `Napi::AsyncContext` class can be passed to
+[Napi::Function::MakeCallback()](function.md) method to properly restore the
+correct async execution context.
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncContext`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncContext::AsyncContext(napi_env env, const char* resource_name);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::AsyncContext`.
+- `[in] resource_name`: Null-terminated strings that represents the
+identifier for the kind of resource that is being provided for diagnostic
+information exposed by the `async_hooks` API.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncContext`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncContext::AsyncContext(napi_env env, const char* resource_name, const Napi::Object& resource);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::AsyncContext`.
+- `[in] resource_name`: Null-terminated strings that represents the
+identifier for the kind of resource that is being provided for diagnostic
+information exposed by the `async_hooks` API.
+- `[in] resource`: Object associated with the asynchronous operation that
+will be passed to possible `async_hooks`.
+### Destructor
+The `Napi::AsyncContext` to be destroyed.
+virtual Napi::AsyncContext::~AsyncContext();
+## Operator
+Napi::AsyncContext::operator napi_async_context() const;
+Returns the N-API `napi_async_context` wrapped by the `Napi::AsyncContext`
+object. This can be used to mix usage of the C N-API and node-addon-api.
+## Example
+#include "napi.h"
+void MakeCallbackWithAsyncContext(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info) {
+  Napi::Function callback = info[0].As<Napi::Function>();
+  Napi::Object resource = info[1].As<Napi::Object>();
+  // Creat a new async context instance.
+  Napi::AsyncContext context(info.Env(), "async_context_test", resource);
+  // Invoke the callback with the async context instance.
+  callback.MakeCallback(Napi::Object::New(info.Env()),
+      std::initializer_list<napi_value>{}, context);
+  // The async context instance is automatically destroyed here because it's
+  // block-scope like `Napi::HandleScope`.

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Asynchronous operations
+Node.js native add-ons often need to execute long running tasks and to avoid
+blocking the **event loop** they have to run them asynchronously from the
+**event loop**.
+In the Node.js model of execution the event loop thread represents the thread
+where JavaScript code is executing. The node.js guidance is to avoid blocking
+other work queued on the event loop thread. Therefore, we need to do this work on
+another thread.
+All this means that native add-ons need to leverage async helpers from libuv as
+part of their implementation. This allows them to schedule work to be executed
+asynchronously so that their methods can return in advance of the work being
+Node Addon API provides an interface to support functions that cover
+the most common asynchronous use cases. There is an abstract classes to implement
+asynchronous operations:
+- **[`Napi::AsyncWorker`](async_worker.md)**
+These class helps manage asynchronous operations through an abstraction
+of the concept of moving data between the **event loop** and **worker threads**.
+Also, the above class may not be appropriate for every scenario. When using any
+other asynchronous mechanism, the following API is necessary to ensure an
+asynchronous operation is properly tracked by the runtime:
+- **[AsyncContext](async_context.md)**
+- **[CallbackScope](callback_scope.md)**

+ 397 - 0

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+# AsyncWorker
+`Napi::AsyncWorker` is an abstract class that you can subclass to remove many of
+the tedious tasks of moving data between the event loop and worker threads. This
+class internally handles all the details of creating and executing an asynchronous
+Once created, execution is requested by calling `Napi::AsyncWorker::Queue`. When
+a thread is available for execution the `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` method will
+be invoked.  Once `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` completes either
+`Napi::AsyncWorker::OnOK` or `Napi::AsyncWorker::OnError` will be invoked.  Once
+the `Napi::AsyncWorker::OnOK` or `Napi::AsyncWorker::OnError` methods are
+complete the `Napi::AsyncWorker` instance is destructed.
+For the most basic use, only the `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` method must be
+implemented in a subclass.
+## Methods
+### Env
+Requests the environment in which the async worker has been initially created.
+Napi::Env Napi::AsyncWorker::Env() const;
+Returns the environment in which the async worker has been created.
+### Queue
+Requests that the work be queued for execution.
+void Napi::AsyncWorker::Queue();
+### Cancel
+Cancels queued work if it has not yet been started. If it has already started
+executing, it cannot be cancelled.  If cancelled successfully neither
+`OnOK` nor `OnError` will be called.
+void Napi::AsyncWorker::Cancel();
+### Receiver
+Napi::ObjectReference& Napi::AsyncWorker::Receiver();
+Returns the persistent object reference of the receiver object set when the async
+worker was created.
+### Callback
+Napi::FunctionReference& Napi::AsyncWorker::Callback();
+Returns the persistent function reference of the callback set when the async
+worker was created. The returned function reference will receive the results of
+the computation that happened in the `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` method, unless
+the default implementation of `Napi::AsyncWorker::OnOK` or
+`Napi::AsyncWorker::OnError` is overridden.
+### SuppressDestruct
+void Napi::AsyncWorker::SuppressDestruct();
+Prevents the destruction of the `Napi::AsyncWorker` instance upon completion of
+the `Napi::AsyncWorker::OnOK` callback.
+### SetError
+Sets the error message for the error that happened during the execution. Setting
+an error message will cause the `Napi::AsyncWorker::OnError` method to be
+invoked instead of `Napi::AsyncWorker::OnOK` once the
+`Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` method completes.
+void Napi::AsyncWorker::SetError(const std::string& error);
+- `[in] error`: The reference to the string that represent the message of the error.
+### Execute
+This method is used to execute some tasks out of the **event loop** on a libuv
+worker thread. Subclasses must implement this method and the method is run on
+a thread other than that running the main event loop.  As the method is not
+running on the main event loop, it must avoid calling any methods from node-addon-api
+or running any code that might invoke JavaScript. Instead, once this method is
+complete any interaction through node-addon-api with JavaScript should be implemented
+in the `Napi::AsyncWorker::OnOK` method which runs on the main thread and is
+invoked when the `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` method completes.
+virtual void Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute() = 0;
+### OnOK
+This method is invoked when the computation in the `Execute` method ends.
+The default implementation runs the Callback optionally provided when the AsyncWorker class
+was created. The callback will by default receive no arguments. To provide arguments,
+override the `GetResult()` method.
+virtual void Napi::AsyncWorker::OnOK();
+### GetResult
+This method returns the arguments passed to the Callback invoked by the default
+`OnOK()` implementation. The default implementation returns an empty vector,
+providing no arguments to the Callback.
+virtual std::vector<napi_value> Napi::AsyncWorker::GetResult(Napi::Env env);
+### OnError
+This method is invoked after `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` completes if an error
+occurs while `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` is running and C++ exceptions are
+enabled or if an error was set through a call to `Napi::AsyncWorker::SetError`.
+The default implementation calls the callback provided when the `Napi::AsyncWorker`
+class was created, passing in the error as the first parameter.
+virtual void Napi::AsyncWorker::OnError(const Napi::Error& e);
+### Destroy
+This method is invoked when the instance must be deallocated. If
+`SuppressDestruct()` was not called then this method will be called after either
+`OnError()` or `OnOK()` complete. The default implementation of this method
+causes the instance to delete itself using the `delete` operator. The method is
+provided so as to ensure that instances allocated by means other than the `new`
+operator can be deallocated upon work completion.
+virtual void Napi::AsyncWorker::Destroy();
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncWorker(const Napi::Function& callback);
+- `[in] callback`: The function which will be called when an asynchronous
+operations ends. The given function is called from the main event loop thread.
+Returns a `Napi::AsyncWorker` instance which can later be queued for execution by calling
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncWorker(const Napi::Function& callback, const char* resource_name);
+- `[in] callback`: The function which will be called when an asynchronous
+operations ends. The given function is called from the main event loop thread.
+- `[in] resource_name`: Null-terminated strings that represents the
+identifier for the kind of resource that is being provided for diagnostic
+information exposed by the async_hooks API.
+Returns a `Napi::AsyncWorker` instance which can later be queued for execution by
+calling `Napi::AsyncWork::Queue`.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncWorker(const Napi::Function& callback, const char* resource_name, const Napi::Object& resource);
+- `[in] callback`: The function which will be called when an asynchronous
+operations ends. The given function is called from the main event loop thread.
+- `[in] resource_name`:  Null-terminated strings that represents the
+identifier for the kind of resource that is being provided for diagnostic
+information exposed by the async_hooks API.
+- `[in] resource`: Object associated with the asynchronous operation that
+will be passed to possible async_hooks.
+Returns a `Napi::AsyncWorker` instance which can later be queued for execution by
+calling `Napi::AsyncWork::Queue`.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncWorker(const Napi::Object& receiver, const Napi::Function& callback);
+- `[in] receiver`: The `this` object passed to the called function.
+- `[in] callback`: The function which will be called when an asynchronous
+operations ends. The given function is called from the main event loop thread.
+Returns a `Napi::AsyncWorker` instance which can later be queued for execution by
+calling `Napi::AsyncWork::Queue`.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncWorker(const Napi::Object& receiver, const Napi::Function& callback, const char* resource_name);
+- `[in] receiver`: The `this` object passed to the called function.
+- `[in] callback`: The function which will be called when an asynchronous
+operations ends. The given function is called from the main event loop thread.
+- `[in] resource_name`:  Null-terminated strings that represents the
+identifier for the kind of resource that is being provided for diagnostic
+information exposed by the async_hooks API.
+Returns a `Napi::AsyncWork` instance which can later be queued for execution by
+calling `Napi::AsyncWork::Queue`.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncWorker(const Napi::Object& receiver, const Napi::Function& callback, const char* resource_name, const Napi::Object& resource);
+- `[in] receiver`: The `this` object passed to the called function.
+- `[in] callback`: The function which will be called when an asynchronous
+operations ends. The given function is called from the main event loop thread.
+- `[in] resource_name`:  Null-terminated strings that represents the
+identifier for the kind of resource that is being provided for diagnostic
+information exposed by the async_hooks API.
+- `[in] resource`: Object associated with the asynchronous operation that
+will be passed to possible async_hooks.
+Returns a `Napi::AsyncWork` instance which can later be queued for execution by
+calling `Napi::AsyncWork::Queue`.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncWorker(Napi::Env env);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+Returns an `Napi::AsyncWorker` instance which can later be queued for execution by calling
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncWorker(Napi::Env env, const char* resource_name);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+- `[in] resource_name`: Null-terminated strings that represents the
+identifier for the kind of resource that is being provided for diagnostic
+information exposed by the async_hooks API.
+Returns a `Napi::AsyncWorker` instance which can later be queued for execution by
+calling `Napi::AsyncWorker::Queue`.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+explicit Napi::AsyncWorker(Napi::Env env, const char* resource_name, const Napi::Object& resource);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::AsyncWorker`.
+- `[in] resource_name`:  Null-terminated strings that represents the
+identifier for the kind of resource that is being provided for diagnostic
+information exposed by the async_hooks API.
+- `[in] resource`: Object associated with the asynchronous operation that
+will be passed to possible async_hooks.
+Returns a `Napi::AsyncWorker` instance which can later be queued for execution by
+calling `Napi::AsyncWorker::Queue`.
+### Destructor
+Deletes the created work object that is used to execute logic asynchronously.
+virtual Napi::AsyncWorker::~AsyncWorker();
+## Operator
+Napi::AsyncWorker::operator napi_async_work() const;
+Returns the N-API napi_async_work wrapped by the `Napi::AsyncWorker` object. This
+can be used to mix usage of the C N-API and node-addon-api.
+## Example
+The first step to use the `Napi::AsyncWorker` class is to create a new class that
+inherits from it and implement the `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` abstract method.
+Typically input to your worker will be saved within class' fields generally
+passed in through its constructor.
+When the `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` method completes without errors the
+`Napi::AsyncWorker::OnOK` function callback will be invoked. In this function the
+results of the computation will be reassembled and returned back to the initial
+JavaScript context.
+`Napi::AsyncWorker` ensures that all the code in the `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute`
+function runs in the background out of the **event loop** thread and at the end
+the `Napi::AsyncWorker::OnOK` or `Napi::AsyncWorker::OnError` function will be
+called and are executed as part of the event loop.
+The code below show a basic example of `Napi::AsyncWorker` the implementation:
+#include <chrono>
+#include <thread>
+use namespace Napi;
+class EchoWorker : public AsyncWorker {
+    public:
+        EchoWorker(Function& callback, std::string& echo)
+        : AsyncWorker(callback), echo(echo) {}
+        ~EchoWorker() {}
+    // This code will be executed on the worker thread
+    void Execute() {
+        // Need to simulate cpu heavy task
+        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
+    }
+    void OnOK() {
+        HandleScope scope(Env());
+        Callback().Call({Env().Null(), String::New(Env(), echo)});
+    }
+    private:
+        std::string echo;
+The `EchoWorker`'s contructor calls the base class' constructor to pass in the
+callback that the `Napi::AsyncWorker` base class will store persistently. When
+the work on the `Napi::AsyncWorker::Execute` method is done the
+`Napi::AsyncWorker::OnOk` method is called and the results return back to
+JavaScript invoking the stored callback with its associated environment.
+The following code shows an example on how to create and use an `Napi::AsyncWorker`
+// Include EchoWorker class
+// ..
+use namespace Napi;
+Value Echo(const CallbackInfo& info) {
+    // You need to check the input data here
+    Function cb = info[1].As<Function>();
+    std::string in = info[0].As<String>();
+    EchoWorker* wk = new EchoWorker(cb, in);
+    wk->Queue();
+    return info.Env().Undefined();
+Using the implementation of a `Napi::AsyncWorker` is straight forward. You only
+need to create a new instance and pass to its constructor the callback you want to
+execute when your asynchronous task ends and other data you need for your
+computation. Once created the only other action you have to do is to call the
+`Napi::AsyncWorker::Queue` method that will queue the created worker for execution.

+ 415 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+# Basic Types
+Node Addon API consists of a few fundamental data types. These allow a user of
+the API to create, convert and introspect fundamental JavaScript types, and
+interoperate with their C++ counterparts.
+## Value
+`Napi::Value` is the base class of Node Addon API's fundamental object type hierarchy.
+It represents a JavaScript value of an unknown type. It is a thin wrapper around
+the N-API datatype `napi_value`. Methods on this class can be used to check
+the JavaScript type of the underlying N-API `napi_value` and also to convert to
+C++ types.
+### Constructor
+Used to create a Node Addon API `Napi::Value` that represents an **empty** value.
+Napi::Value::Value(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env` - The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Value`
+- `[in] value` - The underlying JavaScript value that the `Napi::Value` instance
+Returns a Node.js Addon API `Napi::Value` that represents the `napi_value` passed
+### Operators
+#### operator napi_value
+Napi::Value::operator napi_value() const;
+Returns the underlying N-API `napi_value`. If the instance is _empty_, this
+returns `nullptr`.
+#### operator ==
+bool Napi::Value::operator ==(const Value& other) const;
+Returns `true` if this value strictly equals another value, or `false` otherwise.
+#### operator !=
+bool Napi::Value::operator !=(const Value& other) const;
+Returns `false` if this value strictly equals another value, or `true` otherwise.
+### Methods
+#### From
+template <typename T>
+static Napi::Value Napi::Value::From(napi_env env, const T& value);
+- `[in] env` - The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Value` object.
+- `[in] value` - The C++ type to represent in JavaScript.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the input C++ type in JavaScript.
+This method is used to convert from a C++ type to a JavaScript value.
+Here, `value` may be any of:
+- `bool` - returns a `Napi::Boolean`.
+- Any integer type - returns a `Napi::Number`.
+- Any floating point type - returns a `Napi::Number`.
+- `const char*` (encoded using UTF-8, null-terminated) - returns a `Napi::String`.
+- `const char16_t*` (encoded using UTF-16-LE, null-terminated) - returns a `Napi::String`.
+- `std::string` (encoded using UTF-8) - returns a `Napi::String`.
+- `std::u16string` - returns a `Napi::String`.
+- `napi::Value` - returns a `Napi::Value`.
+- `napi_value` - returns a `Napi::Value`.
+#### As
+template <typename T> T Napi::Value::As() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Value` cast to a desired C++ type.
+Use this when the actual type is known or assumed.
+This conversion does NOT coerce the type. Calling any methods inappropriate for
+the actual value type will throw `Napi::Error`.
+#### StrictEquals
+bool Napi::Value::StrictEquals(const Value& other) const;
+- `[in] other` - The value to compare against.
+Returns true if the other `Napi::Value` is strictly equal to this one.
+#### Env
+Napi::Env Napi::Value::Env() const;
+Returns the environment that the value is associated with. See
+[`Napi::Env`](env.md) for more details about environments.
+#### IsEmpty
+bool Napi::Value::IsEmpty() const;
+Returns `true` if the value is uninitialized.
+An empty value is invalid, and most attempts to perform an operation on an
+empty value will result in an exception. An empty value is distinct from
+JavaScript `null` or `undefined`, which are valid values.
+When C++ exceptions are disabled at compile time, a method with a `Napi::Value`
+return type may return an empty value to indicate a pending exception. If C++
+exceptions are not being used, callers should check the result of
+`Env::IsExceptionPending` before attempting to use the value.
+#### Type
+napi_valuetype Napi::Value::Type() const;
+Returns the underlying N-API `napi_valuetype` of the value.
+#### IsUndefined
+bool Napi::Value::IsUndefined() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `undefined` or `false`
+#### IsNull
+bool Napi::Value::IsNull() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `null` or `false`
+#### IsBoolean
+bool Napi::Value::IsBoolean() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `true` or JavaScript
+`false`, or `false` if the value is not a `Napi::Boolean` value in JavaScript.
+#### IsNumber
+bool Napi::Value::IsNumber() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `Napi::Number` or `false`
+#### IsString
+bool Napi::Value::IsString() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `Napi::String` or `false`
+#### IsSymbol
+bool Napi::Value::IsSymbol() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `Napi::Symbol` or `false`
+#### IsArray
+bool Napi::Value::IsArray() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `Napi::Array` or `false`
+#### IsArrayBuffer
+bool Napi::Value::IsArrayBuffer() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `Napi::ArrayBuffer` or `false`
+#### IsTypedArray
+bool Napi::Value::IsTypedArray() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `Napi::TypedArray` or `false`
+#### IsObject
+bool Napi::Value::IsObject() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `Napi::Object` or `false`
+#### IsFunction
+bool Napi::Value::IsFunction() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `Napi::Function` or `false`
+#### IsPromise
+bool Napi::Value::IsPromise() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `Napi::Promise` or `false`
+#### IsDataView
+bool Napi::Value::IsDataView() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a JavaScript `Napi::DataView` or `false`
+#### IsBuffer
+bool Napi::Value::IsBuffer() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a Node.js `Napi::Buffer` or `false`
+#### IsExternal
+bool Napi::Value::IsExternal() const;
+Returns `true` if the underlying value is a N-API external object or `false`
+#### ToBoolean
+Napi::Boolean Napi::Value::ToBoolean() const;
+Returns a `Napi::Boolean` representing the `Napi::Value`.
+This is a wrapper around `napi_coerce_to_boolean`. This will throw a JavaScript
+exception if the coercion fails. If C++ exceptions are not being used, callers
+should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before attempting to use
+the returned value.
+#### ToNumber
+Napi::Number Napi::Value::ToNumber() const;
+Returns a `Napi::Number` representing the `Napi::Value`.
+This can cause script code to be executed according to JavaScript semantics.
+This is a wrapper around `napi_coerce_to_number`. This will throw a JavaScript
+exception if the coercion fails. If C++ exceptions are not being used, callers
+should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before attempting to use
+the returned value.
+#### ToString
+Napi::String Napi::Value::ToString() const;
+Returns a `Napi::String` representing the `Napi::Value`.
+Note that this can cause script code to be executed according to JavaScript
+semantics. This is a wrapper around `napi_coerce_to_string`. This will throw a
+JavaScript exception if the coercion fails. If C++ exceptions are not being
+used, callers should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before
+attempting to use the returned value.
+#### ToObject
+Napi::Object Napi::Value::ToObject() const;
+Returns a `Napi::Object` representing the `Napi::Value`.
+This is a wrapper around `napi_coerce_to_object`. This will throw a JavaScript
+exception if the coercion fails. If C++ exceptions are not being used, callers
+should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before attempting to use
+the returned value.
+## Name
+Names are JavaScript values that can be used as a property name. There are two
+specialized types of names supported in Node.js Addon API [`Napi::String`](string.md)
+and [`Napi::Symbol`](symbol.md).
+### Methods
+#### Constructor
+Returns an empty `Napi::Name`.
+Napi::Name::Name(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env` - The environment in which to create the array.
+- `[in] value` - The primitive to wrap.
+Returns a `Napi::Name` created from the JavaScript primitive.
+The value is not coerced to a string.
+## Array
+Arrays are native representations of JavaScript Arrays. `Napi::Array` is a wrapper
+around `napi_value` representing a JavaScript Array.
+[`Napi::TypedArray`][] and [`Napi::ArrayBuffer`][] correspond to JavaScript data
+types such as [`Int32Array`][] and [`ArrayBuffer`][], respectively, that can be
+used for transferring large amounts of data from JavaScript to the native side.
+An example illustrating the use of a JavaScript-provided `ArrayBuffer` in native
+code is available [here](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-examples/tree/master/array_buffer_to_native/node-addon-api).
+### Constructor
+Returns an empty array.
+If an error occurs, a `Napi::Error` will be thrown. If C++ exceptions are not
+being used, callers should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before
+attempting to use the returned value.
+Napi::Array::Array(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env` - The environment in which to create the array.
+- `[in] value` - The primitive to wrap.
+Returns a `Napi::Array` wrapping a `napi_value`.
+If an error occurs, a `Napi::Error` will get thrown. If C++ exceptions are not
+being used, callers should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before
+attempting to use the returned value.
+### Methods
+#### New
+static Napi::Array Napi::Array::New(napi_env env);
+- `[in] env` - The environment in which to create the array.
+Returns a new `Napi::Array`.
+If an error occurs, a `Napi::Error` will get thrown. If C++ exceptions are not
+being used, callers should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before
+attempting to use the returned value.
+#### New
+static Napi::Array Napi::Array::New(napi_env env, size_t length);
+- `[in] env` - The environment in which to create the array.
+- `[in] length` - The length of the array.
+Returns a new `Napi::Array` with the given length.
+If an error occurs, a `Napi::Error` will get thrown. If C++ exceptions are not
+being used, callers should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before
+attempting to use the returned value.
+#### Length
+uint32_t Napi::Array::Length() const;
+Returns the length of the array.
+This can execute JavaScript code implicitly according to JavaScript semantics.
+If an error occurs, a `Napi::Error` will get thrown. If C++ exceptions are not
+being used, callers should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before
+attempting to use the returned value.
+[`Napi::TypedArray`]: ./typed_array.md
+[`Napi::ArrayBuffer`]: ./array_buffer.md
+[`Int32Array`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Int32Array
+[`ArrayBuffer`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer

+ 92 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# BigInt
+A JavaScript BigInt value.
+## Methods
+### New
+static Napi::BigInt Napi::BigInt::New(Napi::Env env, int64_t value);
+ - `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::BigInt` object.
+ - `[in] value`: The value the JavaScript `BigInt` will contain
+These APIs convert the C `int64_t` and `uint64_t` types to the JavaScript
+`BigInt` type.
+static Napi::BigInt Napi::BigInt::New(Napi::Env env,
+                  int sign_bit,
+                  size_t word_count,
+                  const uint64_t* words);
+ - `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::BigInt` object.
+ - `[in] sign_bit`: Determines if the resulting `BigInt` will be positive or negative.
+ - `[in] word_count`: The length of the words array.
+ - `[in] words`: An array of `uint64_t` little-endian 64-bit words.
+This API converts an array of unsigned 64-bit words into a single `BigInt`
+The resulting `BigInt` is calculated as: (–1)<sup>`sign_bit`</sup> (`words[0]`
+× (2<sup>64</sup>)<sup>0</sup> + `words[1]` × (2<sup>64</sup>)<sup>1</sup> + …)
+Returns a new JavaScript `BigInt`.
+### Constructor
+Returns a new empty JavaScript `Napi::BigInt`.
+### Int64Value
+int64_t Napi::BitInt::Int64Value(bool* lossless) const;
+ - `[out] lossless`: Indicates whether the `BigInt` value was converted losslessly.
+Returns the C `int64_t` primitive equivalent of the given JavaScript
+`BigInt`. If needed it will truncate the value, setting lossless to false.
+### Uint64Value
+uint64_t Napi::BigInt::Uint64Value(bool* lossless) const;
+ - `[out] lossless`: Indicates whether the `BigInt` value was converted
+   losslessly.
+Returns the C `uint64_t` primitive equivalent of the given JavaScript
+`BigInt`. If needed it will truncate the value, setting lossless to false.
+### WordCount
+size_t Napi::BigInt::WordCount() const;
+Returns the number of words needed to store this `BigInt` value.
+### ToWords
+void Napi::BigInt::ToWords(size_t* word_count, int* sign_bit, uint64_t* words);
+ - `[out] sign_bit`: Integer representing if the JavaScript `BigInt` is positive
+   or negative.
+ - `[in/out] word_count`: Must be initialized to the length of the words array.
+   Upon return, it will be set to the actual number of words that would be
+   needed to store this `BigInt`.
+ - `[out] words`: Pointer to a pre-allocated 64-bit word array.
+Returns a single `BigInt` value into a sign bit, 64-bit little-endian array,
+and the number of elements in the array.

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Boolean
+`Napi::Boolean` class is a representation of the JavaScript `Boolean` object. The
+`Napi::Boolean` class inherits its behavior from the `Napi::Value` class
+(for more info see: [`Napi::Value`](value.md)).
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Creates a new empty instance of an `Napi::Boolean` object.
+Returns a new _empty_  `Napi::Boolean` object.
+### Contructor
+Creates a new instance of the `Napi::Boolean` object.
+Napi::Boolean(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Boolean` object.
+- `[in] value`: The `napi_value` which is a handle for a JavaScript `Boolean`.
+Returns a non-empty `Napi::Boolean` object.
+### New
+Initializes a new instance of the `Napi::Boolean` object.
+Napi::Boolean Napi::Boolean::New(napi_env env, bool value);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Boolean` object.
+- `[in] value`: The primitive boolean value (`true` or `false`).
+Returns a new instance of the `Napi::Boolean` object.
+### Value
+Converts a `Napi::Boolean` value to a boolean primitive.
+bool Napi::Boolean::Value() const;
+Returns the boolean primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Boolean` object.
+## Operators
+### operator bool
+Converts a `Napi::Boolean` value to a boolean primitive.
+Napi::Boolean::operator bool() const;
+Returns the boolean primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Boolean` object.

+ 140 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Buffer
+The `Napi::Buffer` class creates a projection of raw data that can be consumed by
+## Methods
+### New
+Allocates a new `Napi::Buffer` object with a given length.
+static Napi::Buffer<T> Napi::Buffer::New(napi_env env, size_t length);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::Buffer` object.
+- `[in] length`: The number of `T` elements to allocate.
+Returns a new `Napi::Buffer` object.
+### New
+Wraps the provided external data into a new `Napi::Buffer` object.
+The `Napi::Buffer` object does not assume ownership for the data and expects it to be
+valid for the lifetime of the object. Since the `Napi::Buffer` is subject to garbage
+collection this overload is only suitable for data which is static and never
+needs to be freed.
+static Napi::Buffer<T> Napi::Buffer::New(napi_env env, T* data, size_t length);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::Buffer` object.
+- `[in] data`: The pointer to the external data to expose.
+- `[in] length`: The number of `T` elements in the external data.
+Returns a new `Napi::Buffer` object.
+### New
+Wraps the provided external data into a new `Napi::Buffer` object.
+The `Napi::Buffer` object does not assume ownership for the data and expects it
+to be valid for the lifetime of the object. The data can only be freed once the
+`finalizeCallback` is invoked to indicate that the `Napi::Buffer` has been released.
+template <typename Finalizer>
+static Napi::Buffer<T> Napi::Buffer::New(napi_env env,
+                     T* data,
+                     size_t length,
+                     Finalizer finalizeCallback);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::Buffer` object.
+- `[in] data`: The pointer to the external data to expose.
+- `[in] length`: The number of `T` elements in the external data.
+- `[in] finalizeCallback`: The function to be called when the `Napi::Buffer` is
+  destroyed. It must implement `operator()`, accept a `T*` (which is the
+  external data pointer), and return `void`.
+Returns a new `Napi::Buffer` object.
+### New
+Wraps the provided external data into a new `Napi::Buffer` object.
+The `Napi::Buffer` object does not assume ownership for the data and expects it to be
+valid for the lifetime of the object. The data can only be freed once the
+`finalizeCallback` is invoked to indicate that the `Napi::Buffer` has been released.
+template <typename Finalizer, typename Hint>
+static Napi::Buffer<T> Napi::Buffer::New(napi_env env,
+                     T* data,
+                     size_t length,
+                     Finalizer finalizeCallback,
+                     Hint* finalizeHint);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::Buffer` object.
+- `[in] data`: The pointer to the external data to expose.
+- `[in] length`: The number of `T` elements in the external data.
+- `[in] finalizeCallback`: The function to be called when the `Napi::Buffer` is
+  destroyed. It must implement `operator()`, accept a `T*` (which is the
+  external data pointer) and `Hint*`, and return `void`.
+- `[in] finalizeHint`: The hint to be passed as the second parameter of the
+  finalize callback.
+Returns a new `Napi::Buffer` object.
+### Copy
+Allocates a new `Napi::Buffer` object and copies the provided external data into it.
+static Napi::Buffer<T> Napi::Buffer::Copy(napi_env env, const T* data, size_t length);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::Buffer` object.
+- `[in] data`: The pointer to the external data to copy.
+- `[in] length`: The number of `T` elements in the external data.
+Returns a new `Napi::Buffer` object containing a copy of the data.
+### Constructor
+Initializes an empty instance of the `Napi::Buffer` class.
+### Constructor
+Initializes the `Napi::Buffer` object using an existing Uint8Array.
+Napi::Buffer::Buffer(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::Buffer` object.
+- `[in] value`: The Uint8Array reference to wrap.
+### Data
+T* Napi::Buffer::Data() const;
+Returns a pointer the external data.
+### Length
+size_t Napi::Buffer::Length() const;
+Returns the number of `T` elements in the external data.

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# CallbackScope
+There are cases (for example, resolving promises) where it is necessary to have
+the equivalent of the scope associated with a callback in place when making
+certain N-API calls.
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Creates a new callback scope on the stack.
+Napi::CallbackScope::CallbackScope(napi_env env, napi_callback_scope scope);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::CallbackScope`.
+- `[in] scope`: The pre-existing `napi_callback_scope` or `Napi::CallbackScope`.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new callback scope on the stack.
+Napi::CallbackScope::CallbackScope(napi_env env, napi_async_context context);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::CallbackScope`.
+- `[in] async_context`: The pre-existing `napi_async_context` or `Napi::AsyncContext`.
+### Destructor
+Deletes the instance of `Napi::CallbackScope` object.
+virtual Napi::CallbackScope::~CallbackScope();
+### Env
+Napi::Env Napi::CallbackScope::Env() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Env` associated with the `Napi::CallbackScope`.
+## Operator
+Napi::CallbackScope::operator napi_callback_scope() const;
+Returns the N-API `napi_callback_scope` wrapped by the `Napi::CallbackScope`
+object. This can be used to mix usage of the C N-API and node-addon-api.

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# CallbackInfo
+The object representing the components of the JavaScript request being made.
+The `Napi::CallbackInfo` object is usually created and passed by the Node.js runtime or node-addon-api infrastructure.
+The `Napi::CallbackInfo` object contains the arguments passed by the caller. The number of arguments is returned by the `Length` method. Each individual argument can be accessed using the `operator[]` method.
+The `SetData` and `Data` methods are used to set and retrieve the data pointer contained in the `Napi::CallbackInfo` object.
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Napi::CallbackInfo::CallbackInfo(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::CallbackInfo` object.
+- `[in] info`: The `napi_callback_info` data structure from which to construct the `Napi::CallbackInfo` object.
+### Env
+Napi::Env Napi::CallbackInfo::Env() const;
+Returns the `Env` object in which the request is being made.
+### NewTarget
+Napi::Value Napi::CallbackInfo::NewTarget() const;
+Returns the `new.target` value of the constructor call. If the function that was invoked (and for which the `Napi::NCallbackInfo` was passed) is not a constructor call, a call to `IsEmpty()` on the returned value returns true.
+### IsConstructCall
+bool Napi::CallbackInfo::IsConstructCall() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if the function that was invoked (and for which the `Napi::CallbackInfo` was passed) is a constructor call.
+### Length
+size_t Napi::CallbackInfo::Length() const;
+Returns the number of arguments passed in the `Napi::CallbackInfo` object.
+### operator []
+const Napi::Value operator [](size_t index) const;
+- `[in] index`: The zero-based index of the requested argument.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` object containing the requested argument.
+### This
+Napi::Value Napi::CallbackInfo::This() const;
+Returns the JavaScript `this` value for the call
+### Data
+void* Napi::CallbackInfo::Data() const;
+Returns the data pointer for the callback.
+### SetData
+void Napi::CallbackInfo::SetData(void* data);
+- `[in] data`: The new data pointer to associate with this `Napi::CallbackInfo` object.
+Returns `void`.
+### Not documented here
+// Disallow copying to prevent multiple free of _dynamicArgs
+Napi::CallbackInfo::CallbackInfo(CallbackInfo const &) = delete;
+void Napi::CallbackInfo::operator=(CallbackInfo const &) = delete;

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Checker Tool
+**node-addon-api** provides a [checker tool][] that will inspect a given
+directory tree, identifying all Node.js native addons therein, and further
+indicating for each addon whether it is an N-API addon.
+## To use the checker tool:
+  1. Install the application with `npm install`.
+  2. If the application does not depend on **node-addon-api**, copy the
+     checker tool into the application's directory.
+  3. If the application does not depend on **node-addon-api**, run the checker
+     tool from the application's directory:
+     ```sh
+     node ./check-napi.js
+     ```
+     Otherwise, the checker tool can be run from the application's
+     `node_modules/` subdirectory:
+     ```sh
+     node ./node_modules/node-addon-api/tools/check-napi.js
+     ```
+The tool accepts the root directory from which to start checking for Node.js
+native addons as a single optional command line parameter. If ommitted it will
+start checking from the current directory (`.`).
+[checker tool]: ../tools/check-napi.js

+ 118 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Class property and descriptor
+Property descriptor for use with `Napi::ObjectWrap::DefineClass()`.
+This is different from the standalone `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` because it is
+specific to each `Napi::ObjectWrap<T>` subclass.
+This prevents using descriptors from a different class when defining a new class
+(preventing the callbacks from having incorrect `this` pointers).
+## Example
+#include <napi.h>
+class Example : public Napi::ObjectWrap<Example> {
+  public:
+    static Napi::Object Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports);
+    Example(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info);
+  private:
+    static Napi::FunctionReference constructor;
+    double _value;
+    Napi::Value GetValue(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info);
+    Napi::Value SetValue(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info);
+Napi::Object Example::Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports) {
+    Napi::Function func = DefineClass(env, "Example", {
+        // Register a class instance accessor with getter and setter functions.
+        InstanceAccessor("value", &Example::GetValue, &Example::SetValue),
+        // We can also register a readonly accessor by passing nullptr as the setter.
+        InstanceAccessor("readOnlyProp", &Example::GetValue, nullptr)
+    });
+    constructor = Napi::Persistent(func);
+    constructor.SuppressDestruct();
+    exports.Set("Example", func);
+    return exports;
+Example::Example(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info) : Napi::ObjectWrap<Example>(info) {
+    Napi::Env env = info.Env();
+    // ...
+    Napi::Number value = info[0].As<Napi::Number>();
+    this->_value = value.DoubleValue();
+Napi::FunctionReference Example::constructor;
+Napi::Value Example::GetValue(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info) {
+    Napi::Env env = info.Env();
+    return Napi::Number::New(env, this->_value);
+Napi::Value Example::SetValue(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info, const Napi::Value &value) {
+    Napi::Env env = info.Env();
+    // ...
+    Napi::Number arg = value.As<Napi::Number>();
+    this->_value = arg.DoubleValue();
+    return this->GetValue(info);
+// Initialize native add-on
+Napi::Object Init (Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports) {
+    Example::Init(env, exports);
+    return exports;
+// Register and initialize native add-on
+The above code can be used from JavaScript as follows:
+'use strict';
+const { Example } = require('bindings')('addon');
+const example = new Example(11);
+// It prints 11
+example.value = 19;
+// It prints 19
+example.readOnlyProp = 500;
+// Unchanged. It prints 19
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Creates new instance of `Napi::ClassPropertyDescriptor` descriptor object.
+Napi::ClassPropertyDescriptor(napi_property_descriptor desc) : _desc(desc) {}
+- `[in] desc`: The `napi_property_descriptor`
+Returns new instance of `Napi::ClassPropertyDescriptor` that is used as property descriptor
+inside the `Napi::ObjectWrap<T>` class.
+### Operator
+operator napi_property_descriptor&() { return _desc; }
+Returns the original N-API `napi_property_descriptor` wrapped inside the `Napi::ClassPropertyDescriptor`
+operator const napi_property_descriptor&() const { return _desc; }
+Returns the original N-API `napi_property_descriptor` wrapped inside the `Napi::ClassPropertyDescriptor`

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# CMake.js
+**CMake.js** is a build tool that allow native addon developer to compile their
+C++ code into executable form. It works like **[node-gyp](node-gyp.md)** but
+instead of Google's **gyp** format it is base on **CMake** build system.
+## **CMake** reference
+  - [Installation](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cmake-js#installation)
+  - [How to use](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cmake-js#usage)
+  - [Using N-API and node-addon-api](https://github.com/cmake-js/cmake-js#n-api-and-node-addon-api)
+  - [Tutorials](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cmake-js#tutorials)
+  - [Use case in the works - ArrayFire.js](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cmake-js#use-case-in-the-works---arrayfirejs)
+Sometimes finding the right settings is not easy so to accomplish at most
+complicated task please refer to:
+- [CMake documentation](https://cmake.org/)
+- [CMake.js wiki](https://github.com/cmake-js/cmake-js/wiki)

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Conversion Tool
+To make the migration to **node-addon-api** easier, we have provided a script to
+help complete some tasks.
+## To use the conversion script:
+  1. Go to your module directory
+cd [module_path]
+  2. Install node-addon-api module
+npm install node-addon-api
+  3. Run node-addon-api conversion script
+node ./node_modules/node-addon-api/tools/conversion.js ./
+  4. While this script makes conversion easier, it still cannot fully convert
+the module. The next step is to try to build the module and complete the
+remaining conversions necessary to allow it to compile and pass all of the
+module's tests.

+ 62 - 0

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+# Creating a release
+Only collaborators in npm for **node-addon-api** can create releases.
+If you want to be able to do releases ask one of the existing
+collaborators to add you. If necessary you can ask the build
+Working Group who manages the Node.js npm user to add you if
+there are no other active collaborators.
+## Prerequisites
+Before to start creating a new release check if you have installed the following
+* [Changelog maker](https://www.npmjs.com/package/changelog-maker)
+If not please follow the instruction reported in the tool's documentation to 
+install it.
+## Publish new release
+These are the steps to follow to create a new release:
+* Open an issue in the **node-addon-api** repo documenting the intent to create a
+new release. Give people some time to comment or suggest PRs that should land first.
+* Validate all tests pass by running npm test on master.
+* Update the version in **package.json** appropriately.
+* Update the [README.md](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/blob/master/README.md) 
+to show the new version as the latest.
+* Generate the changelog for the new version using **changelog maker** tool. From
+the route folder of the repo launch the following command:
+    ```bash 
+    > changelog-maker
+    ```
+* Use the output generated by **changelog maker** to pdate the [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
+following the style used in publishing the previous release.
+* Add any new contributors to the "contributors" section in the package.json
+* Validate all tests pass by running npm test on master.
+* Use **[CI](https://ci.nodejs.org/view/x%20-%20Abi%20stable%20module%20API/job/node-test-node-addon-api/)**
+to validate tests pass for latest 11, 10, 8, 6 releases (note there are still some issues on SmartOS and
+Windows in the testing).
+* Do a clean checkout of node-addon-api.
+* Login and then run `npm publish`.
+* Create a release in Github (look at existing releases for an example).
+* Validate that you can run `npm install node-addon-api` successfully
+and that the correct version is installed.
+* Comment on the issue opened in the first step that the release has been created
+and close the issue.
+* Tweet that the release has been created.

+ 244 - 0

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+# DataView
+The `Napi::DataView` class corresponds to the
+[JavaScript `DataView`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DataView)
+## Methods
+### New
+Allocates a new `Napi::DataView` instance with a given `Napi::ArrayBuffer`.
+static Napi::DataView Napi::DataView::New(napi_env env, Napi::ArrayBuffer arrayBuffer);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::DataView` instance.
+- `[in] arrayBuffer` : `Napi::ArrayBuffer` underlying the `Napi::DataView`.
+Returns a new `Napi::DataView` instance.
+### New
+Allocates a new `Napi::DataView` instance with a given `Napi::ArrayBuffer`.
+static Napi::DataView Napi::DataView::New(napi_env env, Napi::ArrayBuffer arrayBuffer, size_t byteOffset);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::DataView` instance.
+- `[in] arrayBuffer` : `Napi::ArrayBuffer` underlying the `Napi::DataView`.
+- `[in] byteOffset` : The byte offset within the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` from which to start projecting the `Napi::DataView`.
+Returns a new `Napi::DataView` instance.
+### New
+Allocates a new `Napi::DataView` instance with a given `Napi::ArrayBuffer`.
+static Napi::DataView Napi::DataView::New(napi_env env, Napi::ArrayBuffer arrayBuffer, size_t byteOffset, size_t byteLength);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::DataView` instance.
+- `[in] arrayBuffer` : `Napi::ArrayBuffer` underlying the `Napi::DataView`.
+- `[in] byteOffset` : The byte offset within the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` from which to start projecting the `Napi::DataView`.
+- `[in] byteLength` : Number of elements in the `Napi::DataView`.
+Returns a new `Napi::DataView` instance.
+### Constructor
+Initializes an empty instance of the `Napi::DataView` class.
+### Constructor
+Initializes a wrapper instance of an existing `Napi::DataView` instance.
+Napi::DataView(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::DataView` instance.
+- `[in] value`: The `Napi::DataView` reference to wrap.
+### ArrayBuffer
+Napi::ArrayBuffer Napi::DataView::ArrayBuffer() const;
+Returns the backing array buffer.
+### ByteOffset
+size_t Napi::DataView::ByteOffset() const;
+Returns the offset into the `Napi::DataView` where the array starts, in bytes.
+### ByteLength
+size_t Napi::DataView::ByteLength() const;
+Returns the length of the array, in bytes.
+### GetFloat32
+float Napi::DataView::GetFloat32(size_t byteOffset) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+Returns a signed 32-bit float (float) at the specified byte offset from the start of the `Napi::DataView`.
+### GetFloat64
+double Napi::DataView::GetFloat64(size_t byteOffset) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+Returns a signed 64-bit float (double) at the specified byte offset from the start of the `Napi::DataView`.
+### GetInt8
+int8_t Napi::DataView::GetInt8(size_t byteOffset) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+Returns a signed 8-bit integer (byte) at the specified byte offset from the start of the `Napi::DataView`.
+### GetInt16
+int16_t Napi::DataView::GetInt16(size_t byteOffset) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+Returns a signed 16-bit integer (short) at the specified byte offset from the start of the `Napi::DataView`.
+### GetInt32
+int32_t Napi::DataView::GetInt32(size_t byteOffset) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+Returns a signed 32-bit integer (long) at the specified byte offset from the start of the `Napi::DataView`.
+### GetUint8
+uint8_t Napi::DataView::GetUint8(size_t byteOffset) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+Returns a unsigned 8-bit integer (unsigned byte) at the specified byte offset from the start of the `Napi::DataView`.
+### GetUint16
+uint16_t Napi::DataView::GetUint16(size_t byteOffset) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+Returns a unsigned 16-bit integer (unsigned short) at the specified byte offset from the start of the `Napi::DataView`.
+### GetUint32
+uint32_t Napi::DataView::GetUint32(size_t byteOffset) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+Returns a unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned long) at the specified byte offset from the start of the `Napi::DataView`.
+### SetFloat32
+void Napi::DataView::SetFloat32(size_t byteOffset, float value) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+- `[in] value`: The value to set.
+### SetFloat64
+void Napi::DataView::SetFloat64(size_t byteOffset, double value) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+- `[in] value`: The value to set.
+### SetInt8
+void Napi::DataView::SetInt8(size_t byteOffset, int8_t value) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+- `[in] value`: The value to set.
+### SetInt16
+void Napi::DataView::SetInt16(size_t byteOffset, int16_t value) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+- `[in] value`: The value to set.
+### SetInt32
+void Napi::DataView::SetInt32(size_t byteOffset, int32_t value) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+- `[in] value`: The value to set.
+### SetUint8
+void Napi::DataView::SetUint8(size_t byteOffset, uint8_t value) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+- `[in] value`: The value to set.
+### SetUint16
+void Napi::DataView::SetUint16(size_t byteOffset, uint16_t value) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+- `[in] value`: The value to set.
+### SetUint32
+void Napi::DataView::SetUint32(size_t byteOffset, uint32_t value) const;
+- `[in] byteOffset`: The offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
+- `[in] value`: The value to set.

+ 63 - 0

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+# Env
+The opaque data structure containing the environment in which the request is being run.
+The Env object is usually created and passed by the Node.js runtime or node-addon-api infrastructure.
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Napi::Env::Env(napi_env env);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment from which to construct the `Napi::Env` object.
+### napi_env
+operator napi_env() const;
+Returns the `napi_env` opaque data structure representing the environment.
+### Global
+Napi::Object Napi::Env::Global() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Object` representing the environment's JavaScript Global Object.
+### Undefined
+Napi::Value Napi::Env::Undefined() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Value` representing the environment's JavaScript Undefined Object.
+### Null
+Napi::Value Napi::Env::Null() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Value` representing the environment's JavaScript Null Object.
+### IsExceptionPending
+bool Napi::Env::IsExceptionPending() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if an exception is pending in the environment.
+### GetAndClearPendingException
+Napi::Error Napi::Env::GetAndClearPendingException();
+Returns an `Napi::Error` object representing the environment's pending exception, if any.

+ 115 - 0

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+# Error
+The `Napi::Error` class is a representation of the JavaScript `Error` object that is thrown
+when runtime errors occur. The Error object can also be used as a base object for
+user-defined exceptions.
+The `Napi::Error` class is a persistent reference to a JavaScript error object thus
+inherits its behavior from the `Napi::ObjectReference` class (for more info see: [`Napi::ObjectReference`](object_reference.md)).
+If C++ exceptions are enabled (for more info see: [Setup](setup.md)), then the
+`Napi::Error` class extends `std::exception` and enables integrated
+error-handling for C++ exceptions and JavaScript exceptions.
+For more details about error handling refer to the section titled [Error handling](error_handling.md).
+## Methods
+### New
+Creates empty instance of an `Napi::Error` object for the specified environment.
+Napi::Error::New(Napi::Env env);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::Error` object.
+Returns an instance of `Napi::Error` object.
+### New
+Creates instance of an `Napi::Error` object.
+Napi::Error::New(Napi::Env env, const char* message);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::Error` object.
+- `[in] message`: Null-terminated string to be used as the message for the `Napi::Error`.
+Returns instance of an `Napi::Error` object.
+### New
+Creates instance of an `Napi::Error` object
+Napi::Error::New(Napi::Env env, const std::string& message);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::Error` object.
+- `[in] message`: Reference string to be used as the message for the `Napi::Error`.
+Returns instance of an `Napi::Error` object.
+### Fatal
+In case of an unrecoverable error in a native module, a fatal error can be thrown
+to immediately terminate the process.
+static NAPI_NO_RETURN void Napi::Error::Fatal(const char* location, const char* message);
+The function call does not return, the process will be terminated.
+### Constructor
+Creates empty instance of an `Napi::Error`.
+Returns an instance of `Napi::Error` object.
+### Constructor
+Initializes an `Napi::Error` instance from an existing JavaScript error object.
+Napi::Error::Error(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the error object.
+- `[in] value`: The `Napi::Error` reference to wrap.
+Returns instance of an `Napi::Error` object.
+### Message
+std::string& Napi::Error::Message() const NAPI_NOEXCEPT;
+Returns the reference to the string that represent the message of the error.
+### ThrowAsJavaScriptException
+Throw the error as JavaScript exception.
+void Napi::Error::ThrowAsJavaScriptException() const;
+Throws the error as a JavaScript exception.
+### what
+const char* Napi::Error::what() const NAPI_NOEXCEPT override;
+Returns a pointer to a null-terminated string that is used to identify the
+exception. This method can be used only if the exception mechanism is enabled.

+ 186 - 0

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+# Error handling
+Error handling represents one of the most important considerations when
+implementing a Node.js native add-on. When an error occurs in your C++ code you
+have to handle and dispatch it correctly. **node-addon-api** uses return values and
+JavaScript exceptions for error handling. You can choose return values or
+exception handling based on the mechanism that works best for your add-on.
+The `Napi::Error` is a persistent reference (for more info see: [`Napi::ObjectReference`](object_reference.md))
+to a JavaScript error object. Use of this class depends on whether C++
+exceptions are enabled at compile time.
+If C++ exceptions are enabled (for more info see: [Setup](setup.md)), then the
+`Napi::Error` class extends `std::exception` and enables integrated
+error-handling for C++ exceptions and JavaScript exceptions.
+The following sections explain the approach for each case:
+- [Handling Errors With C++ Exceptions](#exceptions)
+- [Handling Errors Without C++ Exceptions](#noexceptions)
+<a name="exceptions"></a>
+In most cases when an error occurs, the addon should do whatever clean is possible
+and then return to JavaScript so that they error can be propagated.  In less frequent
+cases the addon may be able to recover from the error, clear the error and then
+## Handling Errors With C++ Exceptions
+When C++ exceptions are enabled try/catch can be used to catch exceptions thrown
+from calls to JavaScript and then they can either be handled or rethrown before
+returning from a native method.
+If a node-addon-api call fails without executing any JavaScript code (for example due to
+an invalid argument), then node-addon-api automatically converts and throws
+the error as a C++ exception of type `Napi::Error`.
+If a JavaScript function called by C++ code via node-addon-api throws a JavaScript
+exception, then node-addon-api automatically converts and throws it as a C++
+exception of type `Napi:Error` on return from the JavaScript code to the native
+If a C++ exception of type `Napi::Error` escapes from a N-API C++ callback, then
+the N-API wrapper automatically converts and throws it as a JavaScript exception.
+On return from a native method, node-addon-api will automatically convert a pending C++
+exception to a JavaScript exception.
+When C++ exceptions are enabled try/catch can be used to catch exceptions thrown
+from calls to JavaScript and then they can either be handled or rethrown before
+returning from a native method.
+## Examples with C++ exceptions enabled
+### Throwing a C++ exception
+Env env = ...
+throw Napi::Error::New(env, "Example exception");
+// other C++ statements
+// ...
+The statements following the throw statement will not be executed. The exception
+will bubble up as a C++ exception of type `Napi::Error`, until it is either caught
+while still in C++, or else automatically propagated as a JavaScript exception
+when returning to JavaScript.
+### Propagating a N-API C++ exception
+Napi::Function jsFunctionThatThrows = someObj.As<Napi::Function>();
+Napi::Value result = jsFunctionThatThrows({ arg1, arg2 });
+// other C++ statements
+// ...
+The C++ statements following the call to the JavaScript function will not be
+executed. The exception will bubble up as a C++ exception of type `Napi::Error`,
+until it is either caught while still in C++, or else automatically propagated as
+a JavaScript exception when returning to JavaScript.
+### Handling a N-API C++ exception
+Napi::Function jsFunctionThatThrows = someObj.As<Napi::Function>();
+Napi::Value result;
+try {
+    result = jsFunctionThatThrows({ arg1, arg2 });
+} catch (const Error& e) {
+    cerr << "Caught JavaScript exception: " + e.what();
+Since the exception was caught here, it will not be propagated as a JavaScript
+<a name="noexceptions"></a>
+## Handling Errors Without C++ Exceptions
+If C++ exceptions are disabled (for more info see: [Setup](setup.md)), then the
+`Napi::Error` class does not extend `std::exception`. This means that any calls to
+node-addon-api function do not throw a C++ exceptions. Instead, it raises
+_pending_ JavaScript exceptions and returns an _empty_ `Napi::Value`.
+The calling code should check `env.IsExceptionPending()` before attempting to use a
+returned value, and may use methods on the `Napi::Env` class
+to check for, get, and clear a pending JavaScript exception (for more info see: [Env](env.md)).
+If the pending exception is not cleared, it will be thrown when the native code
+returns to JavaScript.
+## Examples with C++ exceptions disabled
+### Throwing a JS exception
+Napi::Env env = ...
+Napi::Error::New(env, "Example exception").ThrowAsJavaScriptException();
+After throwing a JavaScript exception, the code should generally return
+immediately from the native callback, after performing any necessary cleanup.
+### Propagating a N-API JS exception
+Napi::Env env = ...
+Napi::Function jsFunctionThatThrows = someObj.As<Napi::Function>();
+Napi::Value result = jsFunctionThatThrows({ arg1, arg2 });
+if (env.IsExceptionPending()) {
+    Error e = env.GetAndClearPendingException();
+    return e.Value();
+If env.IsExceptionPending() returns true a JavaScript exception is pending. To
+let the exception propagate, the code should generally return immediately from
+the native callback, after performing any necessary cleanup.
+### Handling a N-API JS exception
+Napi::Env env = ...
+Napi::Function jsFunctionThatThrows = someObj.As<Napi::Function>();
+Napi::Value result = jsFunctionThatThrows({ arg1, arg2 });
+if (env.IsExceptionPending()) {
+    Napi::Error e = env.GetAndClearPendingException();
+    cerr << "Caught JavaScript exception: " + e.Message();
+Since the exception was cleared here, it will not be propagated as a JavaScript
+exception after the native callback returns.
+## Calling N-API directly from a **node-addon-api** addon
+**node-addon-api** provides macros for throwing errors in response to non-OK
+`napi_status` results when calling [N-API](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/n-api.html)
+functions from within a native addon. These macros are defined differently
+depending on whether C++ exceptions are enabled or not, but are available for
+use in either case.
+### `NAPI_THROW(e, ...)`
+This macro accepts a `Napi::Error`, throws it, and returns the value given as
+the last parameter. If C++ exceptions are enabled (by defining
+`NAPI_CPP_EXCEPTIONS` during the build), the return value will be ignored.
+### `NAPI_THROW_IF_FAILED(env, status, ...)`
+This macro accepts a `Napi::Env` and a `napi_status`. It constructs an error
+from the `napi_status`, throws it, and returns the value given as the last
+parameter. If C++ exceptions are enabled (by defining `NAPI_CPP_EXCEPTIONS`
+during the build), the return value will be ignored.
+### `NAPI_THROW_IF_FAILED_VOID(env, status)`
+This macro accepts a `Napi::Env` and a `napi_status`. It constructs an error
+from the `napi_status`, throws it, and returns.
+### `NAPI_FATAL_IF_FAILED(status, location, message)`
+This macro accepts a `napi_status`, a C string indicating the location where the
+error occurred, and a second C string for the message to display.

+ 82 - 0

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+# EscapableHandleScope
+The `Napi::EscapableHandleScope` class is used to manage the lifetime of object handles
+which are created through the use of node-addon-api. These handles
+keep an object alive in the heap in order to ensure that the objects
+are not collected by the garbage collector while native code is using them.
+A handle may be created when any new node-addon-api Value or one
+of its subclasses is created or returned.
+The `Napi::EscapableHandleScope` is a special type of `Napi::HandleScope`
+which allows a single handle to be "promoted" to an outer scope.
+For more details refer to the section titled
+[Object lifetime management](object_lifetime_management.md).
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Creates a new escapable handle scope.
+Napi::EscapableHandleScope Napi::EscapableHandleScope::New(Napi:Env env);
+- `[in] Env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::EscapableHandleScope` object.
+Returns a new `Napi::EscapableHandleScope`
+### Constructor
+Creates a new escapable handle scope.
+Napi::EscapableHandleScope Napi::EscapableHandleScope::New(napi_env env, napi_handle_scope scope);
+- `[in] env`: napi_env in which the scope passed in was created.
+- `[in] scope`: pre-existing napi_handle_scope.
+Returns a new `Napi::EscapableHandleScope` instance which wraps the
+napi_escapable_handle_scope handle passed in. This can be used
+to mix usage of the C N-API and node-addon-api.
+operator EscapableHandleScope::napi_escapable_handle_scope
+operator Napi::EscapableHandleScope::napi_escapable_handle_scope() const
+Returns the N-API napi_escapable_handle_scope wrapped by the `Napi::EscapableHandleScope` object.
+This can be used to mix usage of the C N-API and node-addon-api by allowing
+the class to be used be converted to a napi_escapable_handle_scope.
+### Destructor
+Deletes the `Napi::EscapableHandleScope` instance and allows any objects/handles created
+in the scope to be collected by the garbage collector. There is no
+guarantee as to when the gargbage collector will do this.
+### Escape
+napi::Value Napi::EscapableHandleScope::Escape(napi_value escapee);
+- `[in] escapee`: Napi::Value or napi_env to promote to the outer scope
+Returns `Napi::Value` which can be used in the outer scope. This method can
+be called at most once on a given `Napi::EscapableHandleScope`. If it is called
+more than once an exception will be thrown.
+### Env
+Napi::Env Napi::EscapableHandleScope::Env() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Env` associated with the `Napi::EscapableHandleScope`.

+ 59 - 0

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+# External (template)
+The `Napi::External` template class implements the ability to create a `Napi::Value` object with arbitrary C++ data. It is the user's responsibility to manage the memory for the arbitrary C++ data.
+`Napi::External` objects can be created with an optional Finalizer function and optional Hint value. The Finalizer function, if specified, is called when your `Napi::External` object is released by Node's garbage collector. It gives your code the opportunity to free any dynamically created data. If you specify a Hint value, it is passed to your Finalizer function.
+## Methods
+### New
+template <typename T>
+static Napi::External Napi::External::New(napi_env env, T* data);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::External` object.
+- `[in] data`: The arbitrary C++ data to be held by the `Napi::External` object.
+Returns the created `Napi::External<T>` object.
+### New
+template <typename T>
+static Napi::External Napi::External::New(napi_env env,
+                    T* data,
+                    Finalizer finalizeCallback);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::External` object.
+- `[in] data`: The arbitrary C++ data to be held by the `Napi::External` object.
+- `[in] finalizeCallback`: A function called when the `Napi::External` object is released by the garbage collector accepting a T* and returning void.
+Returns the created `Napi::External<T>` object.
+### New
+template <typename T>
+static Napi::External Napi::External::New(napi_env env,
+                    T* data,
+                    Finalizer finalizeCallback,
+                    Hint* finalizeHint);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::External` object.
+- `[in] data`: The arbitrary C++ data to be held by the `Napi::External` object.
+- `[in] finalizeCallback`: A function called when the `Napi::External` object is released by the garbage collector accepting T* and Hint* parameters and returning void.
+- `[in] finalizeHint`: A hint value passed to the `finalizeCallback` function.
+Returns the created `Napi::External<T>` object.
+### Data
+T* Napi::External::Data() const;
+Returns a pointer to the arbitrary C++ data held by the `Napi::External` object.

+ 294 - 0

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+# Function
+The `Napi::Function` class provides a set of methods for creating a function object in
+native code that can later be called from JavaScript. The created function is not
+automatically visible from JavaScript. Instead it needs to be part of the add-on's
+module exports or be returned by one of the module's exported functions.
+In addition the `Napi::Function` class also provides methods that can be used to call
+functions that were created in JavaScript and passed to the native add-on.
+The `Napi::Function` class inherits its behavior from the `Napi::Object` class (for more info
+see: [`Napi::Object`](object.md)).
+## Example
+#include <napi.h>
+using namespace Napi;
+Value Fn(const CallbackInfo& info) {
+  Env env = info.Env();
+  // ...
+  return String::New(env, "Hello World");
+Object Init(Env env, Object exports) {
+  exports.Set(String::New(env, "fn"), Function::New(env, Fn));
+The above code can be used from JavaScript as follows:
+const addon = require('./addon');
+With the `Napi::Function` class it is possible to call a JavaScript function object
+from a native add-on with two different methods: `Call` and `MakeCallback`.
+The API of these two methods is very similar, but they are used in different
+contexts. The `MakeCallback` method is used to call from native code back into
+JavaScript after returning from an [asynchronous operation](async_operations.md)
+and in general in situations which don't have an existing JavaScript function on
+the stack. The `Call` method is used when there is already a JavaScript function
+on the stack (for example when running a native method called from JavaScript).
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Creates a new empty instance of `Napi::Function`.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new instance of the `Napi::Function` object.
+Napi::Function::Function(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Function` object.
+- `[in] value`: The `napi_value` which is a handle for a JavaScript function.
+Returns a non-empty `Napi::Function` instance.
+### New
+Creates an instance of a `Napi::Function` object.
+template <typename Callable>
+static Napi::Function Napi::Function::New(napi_env env, Callable cb, const char* utf8name = nullptr, void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Function` object.
+- `[in] cb`: Object that implements `Callable`.
+- `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string to be used as the name of the function.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data context. This will be passed back into the
+function when invoked later.
+Returns an instance of a `Napi::Function` object.
+### New
+template <typename Callable>
+static Napi::Function Napi::Function::New(napi_env env, Callable cb, const std::string& utf8name, void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Function` object.
+- `[in] cb`: Object that implements `Callable`.
+- `[in] utf8name`: String to be used as the name of the function.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data context. This will be passed back into the
+function when invoked later.
+Returns an instance of a `Napi::Function` object.
+### New
+Creates a new JavaScript value from one that represents the constructor for the
+Napi::Object Napi::Function::New(const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing
+the arguments of the contructor function.
+Returns a new JavaScript object.
+### New
+Creates a new JavaScript value from one that represents the constructor for the
+Napi::Object Napi::Function::New(const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] args`: Vector of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the constructor function.
+Returns a new JavaScript object.
+### New
+Creates a new JavaScript value from one that represents the constructor for the
+Napi::Object Napi::Function::New(size_t argc, const napi_value* args) const;
+- `[in] argc`: The number of the arguments passed to the contructor function.
+- `[in] args`: Array of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the constructor function.
+Returns a new JavaScript object.
+### Call
+Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing
+the arguments of the function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function.
+### Call
+Calls a JavaScript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] args`: Vector of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function.
+### Call
+Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(size_t argc, const napi_value* args) const;
+- `[in] argc`: The number of the arguments passed to the function.
+- `[in] args`: Array of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function.
+### Call
+Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(napi_value recv, const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function.
+- `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing
+the arguments of the function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function.
+### Call
+Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(napi_value recv, const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function.
+- `[in] args`: Vector of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function.
+### Call
+Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(napi_value recv, size_t argc, const napi_value* args) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function.
+- `[in] argc`: The number of the arguments passed to the function.
+- `[in] args`: Array of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function.
+### MakeCallback
+Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on after an asynchronous operation.
+Napi::Value Napi::Function::MakeCallback(napi_value recv, const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args, napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function.
+- `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing
+the arguments of the function.
+- `[in] context`: Context for the async operation that is invoking the callback.
+This should normally be a value previously obtained from [Napi::AsyncContext](async_context.md).
+However `nullptr` is also allowed, which indicates the current async context
+(if any) is to be used for the callback.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function.
+### MakeCallback
+Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on after an asynchronous operation.
+Napi::Value Napi::Function::MakeCallback(napi_value recv, const std::vector<napi_value>& args, napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function.
+- `[in] args`: List of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the function.
+- `[in] context`: Context for the async operation that is invoking the callback.
+This should normally be a value previously obtained from [Napi::AsyncContext](async_context.md).
+However `nullptr` is also allowed, which indicates the current async context
+(if any) is to be used for the callback.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function.
+### MakeCallback
+Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on after an asynchronous operation.
+Napi::Value Napi::Function::MakeCallback(napi_value recv, size_t argc, const napi_value* args, napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function.
+- `[in] argc`: The number of the arguments passed to the function.
+- `[in] args`: Array of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the function.
+- `[in] context`: Context for the async operation that is invoking the callback.
+This should normally be a value previously obtained from [Napi::AsyncContext](async_context.md).
+However `nullptr` is also allowed, which indicates the current async context
+(if any) is to be used for the callback.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function.
+## Operator
+Napi::Value Napi::Function::operator ()(const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value`.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function.

+ 238 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+# FunctionReference
+`Napi::FunctionReference` is a subclass of [`Napi::Reference`](reference.md), and
+is equivalent to an instance of `Napi::Reference<Napi::Function>`. This means
+that a `Napi::FunctionReference` holds a [`Napi::Function`](function.md), and a
+count of the number of references to that `Napi::Function`. When the count is
+greater than 0, a `Napi::FunctionReference` is not eligible for garbage collection.
+This ensures that the `Function` will remain accessible, even if the original
+reference to it is no longer available.
+`Napi::FunctionReference` allows the referenced JavaScript function object to be
+called from a native add-on with two different methods: `Call` and `MakeCallback`.
+See the documentation for [`Napi::Function`](function.md) for when `Call` should
+be used instead of `MakeCallback` and vice-versa.
+The `Napi::FunctionReference` class inherits its behavior from the `Napi::Reference`
+class (for more info see: [`Napi::Reference`](reference.md)).
+## Methods
+### Weak
+Creates a "weak" reference to the value, in that the initial reference count is
+set to 0.
+static Napi::FunctionReference Napi::Weak(const Napi::Function& value);
+- `[in] value`: The value which is to be referenced.
+Returns the newly created reference.
+### Persistent
+Creates a "persistent" reference to the value, in that the initial reference
+count is set to 1.
+static Napi::FunctionReference Napi::Persistent(const Napi::Function& value);
+- `[in] value`: The value which is to be referenced.
+Returns the newly created reference.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new empty instance of `Napi::FunctionReference`.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new instance of the `Napi::FunctionReference`.
+Napi::FunctionReference::FunctionReference(napi_env env, napi_ref ref);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::FunctionReference` object.
+- `[in] ref`: The N-API reference to be held by the `Napi::FunctionReference`.
+Returns a newly created `Napi::FunctionReference` object.
+### New
+Constructs a new instance by calling the constructor held by this reference.
+Napi::Object Napi::FunctionReference::New(const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing
+the arguments of the contructor function.
+Returns a new JavaScript object.
+### New
+Constructs a new instance by calling the constructor held by this reference.
+Napi::Object Napi::FunctionReference::New(const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] args`: Vector of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the constructor function.
+Returns a new JavaScript object.
+### Call
+Calls a referenced Javascript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::FunctionReference::Call(const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing
+the arguments of the referenced function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript object returned by the referenced
+### Call
+Calls a referenced JavaScript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::FunctionReference::Call(const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] args`: Vector of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the referenced function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript object returned by the referenced
+### Call
+Calls a referenced JavaScript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::FunctionReference::Call(napi_value recv, const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the referenced function when it's called.
+- `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing
+the arguments of the referenced function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript object returned by the referenced
+### Call
+Calls a referenced JavaScript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::FunctionReference::Call(napi_value recv, const std::vector<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the referenced function when it's called.
+- `[in] args`: Vector of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the referenced function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript object returned by the referenced
+### Call
+Calls a referenced JavaScript function from a native add-on.
+Napi::Value Napi::FunctionReference::Call(napi_value recv, size_t argc, const napi_value* args) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the referenced function when it's called.
+- `[in] argc`: The number of arguments passed to the referenced function.
+- `[in] args`: Array of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the referenced function.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript object returned by the referenced
+### MakeCallback
+Calls a referenced JavaScript function from a native add-on after an asynchronous
+Napi::Value Napi::FunctionReference::MakeCallback(napi_value recv, const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args, napi_async_context = nullptr) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the referenced function when it's called.
+- `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing
+the arguments of the referenced function.
+- `[in] context`: Context for the async operation that is invoking the callback.
+This should normally be a value previously obtained from [Napi::AsyncContext](async_context.md).
+However `nullptr` is also allowed, which indicates the current async context
+(if any) is to be used for the callback.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript object returned by the referenced
+### MakeCallback
+Calls a referenced JavaScript function from a native add-on after an asynchronous
+Napi::Value Napi::FunctionReference::MakeCallback(napi_value recv, const std::vector<napi_value>& args, napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the referenced function when it's called.
+- `[in] args`: Vector of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the referenced function.
+- `[in] context`: Context for the async operation that is invoking the callback.
+This should normally be a value previously obtained from [Napi::AsyncContext](async_context.md).
+However `nullptr` is also allowed, which indicates the current async context
+(if any) is to be used for the callback.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript object returned by the referenced
+### MakeCallback
+Calls a referenced JavaScript function from a native add-on after an asynchronous
+Napi::Value Napi::FunctionReference::MakeCallback(napi_value recv, size_t argc, const napi_value* args, napi_async_context context = nullptr) const;
+- `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the referenced function when it's called.
+- `[in] argc`: The number of arguments passed to the referenced function.
+- `[in] args`: Array of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the
+arguments of the referenced function.
+- `[in] context`: Context for the async operation that is invoking the callback.
+This should normally be a value previously obtained from [Napi::AsyncContext](async_context.md).
+However `nullptr` is also allowed, which indicates the current async context
+(if any) is to be used for the callback.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript object returned by the referenced
+## Operator
+Napi::Value operator ()(const std::initializer_list<napi_value>& args) const;
+- `[in] args`: Initializer list of reference to JavaScript values as `napi_value`
+Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the referenced

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Generator
+## What is generator
+**[generator-napi-module](https://www.npmjs.com/package/generator-napi-module)** is a module to quickly generate a skeleton module using
+**N-API**, the new API for Native addons. This module automatically sets up your
+**gyp file** to use **node-addon-api**, the C++ wrappers for N-API and generates
+a wrapper JS module. Optionally, it can even configure the generated project to
+use **TypeScript** instead.
+## **generator-napi-module** reference
+  - [Installation and usage](https://www.npmjs.com/package/generator-napi-module#installation)

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# HandleScope
+The HandleScope class is used to manage the lifetime of object handles
+which are created through the use of node-addon-api. These handles
+keep an object alive in the heap in order to ensure that the objects
+are not collected while native code is using them.
+A handle may be created when any new node-addon-api Value or one
+of its subclasses is created or returned. For more details refer to
+the section titled [Object lifetime management](object_lifetime_management.md).
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Creates a new handle scope on the stack.
+Napi::HandleScope::HandleScope(Napi::Env env);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::HandleScope` object.
+Returns a new `Napi::HandleScope`
+### Constructor
+Creates a new handle scope on the stack.
+Napi::HandleScope::HandleScope(Napi::Env env, Napi::HandleScope scope);
+- `[in] env`: `Napi::Env` in which the scope passed in was created.
+- `[in] scope`: pre-existing `Napi::HandleScope`.
+Returns a new `Napi::HandleScope` instance which wraps the napi_handle_scope
+handle passed in.  This can be used to mix usage of the C N-API
+and node-addon-api.
+operator HandleScope::napi_handle_scope
+operator Napi::HandleScope::napi_handle_scope() const
+Returns the N-API napi_handle_scope wrapped by the `Napi::EscapableHandleScope` object.
+This can be used to mix usage of the C N-API and node-addon-api by allowing
+the class to be used be converted to a napi_handle_scope.
+### Destructor
+Deletes the `Napi::HandleScope` instance and allows any objects/handles created
+in the scope to be collected by the garbage collector.  There is no
+guarantee as to when the gargbage collector will do this.
+### Env
+Napi::Env Napi::HandleScope::Env() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Env` associated with the `Napi::HandleScope`.

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# MemoryManagement
+The `Napi::MemoryManagement` class contains functions that give the JavaScript engine
+an indication of the amount of externally allocated memory that is kept alive by
+JavaScript objects.
+## Methods
+### AdjustExternalMemory
+The function `AdjustExternalMemory` adjusts the amount of registered external
+memory used to give the JavaScript engine an indication of the amount of externally
+allocated memory that is kept alive by JavaScript objects.
+The JavaScript engine uses this to decide when to perform global garbage collections.
+Registering externally allocated memory will trigger global garbage collections
+more often than it would otherwise in an attempt to garbage collect the JavaScript
+objects that keep the externally allocated memory alive.
+static int64_t Napi::MemoryManagement::AdjustExternalMemory(Napi::Env env, int64_t change_in_bytes);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which the API is invoked under.
+- `[in] change_in_bytes`: The change in externally allocated memory that is kept
+alive by JavaScript objects expressed in bytes.
+Returns the adjusted memory value.

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# node-gyp
+C++ code needs to be compiled into executable form whether it be as an object
+file to linked with others, a shared library, or a standalone executable.
+The main reason for this is that we need to link to the Node.js dependencies and
+headers correctly, another reason is that we need a cross platform way to build
+C++ source into binary for the target platform.
+Until now **node-gyp** is the **de-facto** standard build tool for writing
+Node.js addons. It's based on Google's **gyp** build tool, which abstract away
+many of the tedious issues related to cross platform building.
+**node-gyp** uses a file called ```binding.gyp``` that is located on the root of
+your addon project.
+```binding.gyp``` file, contains all building configurations organized with a
+JSON like syntax. The most important parameter is the  **target** that must be
+set to the same value used on the initialization code of the addon as in the
+examples reported below:
+### **binding.gyp**
+  "targets": [
+    {
+      # myModule is the name of your native addon
+      "target_name": "myModule",
+      "sources": ["src/my_module.cc", ...],
+      ...
+  ]
+### **my_module.cc**
+#include <napi.h>
+// ...
+* This code is our entry-point. We receive two arguments here, the first is the
+* environment that represent an independent instance of the JavaScript runtime,
+* the second is exports, the same as module.exports in a .js file.
+* You can either add properties to the exports object passed in or create your
+* own exports object. In either case you must return the object to be used as
+* the exports for the module when you return from the Init function.
+Napi::Object Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports) {
+  // ...
+  return exports;
+* This code defines the entry-point for the Node addon, it tells Node where to go
+* once the library has been loaded into active memory. The first argument must
+* match the "target" in our *binding.gyp*. Using NODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME ensures
+* that the argument will be correct, as long as the module is built with
+* node-gyp (which is the usual way of building modules). The second argument
+* points to the function to invoke. The function must not be namespaced.
+## **node-gyp** reference
+  - [Installation](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-gyp#installation)
+  - [How to use](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-gyp#how-to-use)
+  - [The binding.gyp file](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-gyp#the-bindinggyp-file)
+  - [Commands](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-gyp#commands)
+  - [Command options](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-gyp#command-options)
+  - [Configuration](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-gyp#configuration)
+Sometimes finding the right settings for ```binding.gyp``` is not easy so to
+accomplish at most complicated task please refer to:
+- [GYP documentation](https://gyp.gsrc.io/index.md)
+- [node-gyp wiki](https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp/wiki)

+ 163 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Number
+`Napi::Number` class is a representation of the JavaScript `Number` object. The
+`Napi::Number` class inherits its behavior from `Napi::Value` class
+(for more info see [`Napi::Value`](value.md))
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Creates a new _empty_ instance of a `Napi::Number` object.
+Returns a new _empty_ `Napi::Number` object.
+### Contructor
+Creates a new instance of a `Napi::Number` object.
+Napi::Number(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+ - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Number` object.
+ - `[in] value`: The JavaScript value holding a number.
+ Returns a non-empty `Napi::Number` object.
+ ### New
+ Creates a new instance of a `Napi::Number` object.
+Napi::Number Napi::Number::New(napi_env env, double value);
+ - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Number` object.
+ - `[in] value`: The C++ primitive from which to instantiate the `Napi::Number`.
+Creates a new instance of a `Napi::Number` object.
+### Int32Value
+Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `int32_t` primitive type.
+Napi::Number::Int32Value() const;
+Returns the `int32_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object.
+### Uint32Value
+Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `uint32_t` primitive type.
+Napi::Number::Uint32Value() const;
+Returns the `uint32_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object.
+### Int64Value
+Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `int64_t` primitive type.
+Napi::Number::Int64Value() const;
+Returns the `int64_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object.
+### FloatValue
+Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `float` primitive type.
+Napi::Number::FloatValue() const;
+Returns the `float` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object.
+### DoubleValue
+Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `double` primitive type.
+Napi::Number::DoubleValue() const;
+Returns the `double` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object.
+## Operators
+The `Napi::Number` class contains a set of operators to easily cast JavaScript
+`Number` object to one of the following primitive types:
+ - `int32_t`
+ - `uint32_t`
+ - `int64_t`
+ - `float`
+ - `double`
+### operator int32_t
+Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `int32_t` primitive.
+Napi::Number::operator int32_t() const;
+Returns the `int32_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object.
+### operator uint32_t
+Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `uint32_t` primitive type.
+Napi::Number::operator uint32_t() const;
+Returns the `uint32_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object.
+### operator int64_t
+Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `int64_t` primitive type.
+Napi::Number::operator int64_t() const;
+Returns the `int64_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object.
+### operator float
+Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `float` primitive type.
+Napi::Number::operator float() const;
+Returns the `float` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object.
+### operator double
+Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `double` primitive type.
+Napi::Number::operator double() const;
+Returns the `double` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object.
+### Example
+The following shows an example of casting a number to an `uint32_t` value.
+uint32_t operatorVal = Napi::Number::New(Env(), 10.0); // Number to unsigned 32 bit integer
+// or
+auto instanceVal = info[0].As<Napi::Number>().Uint32Value();

+ 202 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Object
+The `Napi::Object` class corresponds to a JavaScript object. It is extended by the following node-addon-api classes that you may use when working with more specific types:
+- [`Napi::Value`](value.md) and extends [`Napi::Array`](array.md)
+- [`Napi::ArrayBuffer`](array_buffer.md)
+- [`Napi::Buffer<T>`](buffer.md)
+- [`Napi::Function`](function.md)
+- [`Napi::TypedArray`](typed_array.md).
+This class provides a number of convenience methods, most of which are used to set or get properties on a JavaScript object. For example, Set() and Get().
+## Example
+#include <napi.h>
+using namespace Napi;
+Void Init(Env env) {
+  // Create a new instance
+  Object obj = Object::New(env);
+  // Assign values to properties
+  obj.Set("hello", "world");
+  obj.Set(uint32_t(42), "The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything");
+  obj.Set("Douglas Adams", true);
+  // Get properties
+  Value val1 = obj.Get("hello");
+  Value val2 = obj.Get(uint32_t(42));
+  Value val3 = obj.Get("Douglas Adams");
+  // Test if objects have properties.
+  bool obj1 = obj.Has("hello"); // true
+  bool obj2 = obj.Has("world"); // false
+## Methods
+### Empty Constructor
+Creates a new empty Object instance.
+### Constructor
+Napi::Object::Object(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the Value object.
+- `[in] value`: The C++ primitive from which to instantiate the Value. `value` may be any of:
+  - bool
+  - Any integer type
+  - Any floating point type
+  - const char* (encoded using UTF-8, null-terminated)
+  - const char16_t* (encoded using UTF-16-LE, null-terminated)
+  - std::string (encoded using UTF-8)
+  - std::u16string
+  - Napi::Value
+  - napi_value
+Creates a non-empty `Napi::Object` instance.
+### New()
+Napi::Object Napi::Object::New(napi_env env);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Value` object.
+Creates a new `Napi::Object` value.
+### Set()
+void Napi::Object::Set (____ key, ____ value);
+- `[in] key`: The name for the property being assigned.
+- `[in] value`: The value being assigned to the property.
+Add a property with the specified key with the specified value to the object.
+The key can be any of the following types:
+- `napi_value`
+- [`Napi::Value`](value.md)
+- `const char*`
+- `const std::string&`
+- `uint32_t`
+While the value must be any of the following types:
+- `napi_value`
+- [`Napi::Value`](value.md)
+- `const char*`
+- `std::string&`
+- `bool`
+- `double`
+### Get()
+Napi::Value Napi::Object::Get(____ key);
+- `[in] key`: The name of the property to return the value for.
+Returns the [`Napi::Value`](value.md) associated with the key property. Returns the value *undefined* if the key does not exist.
+The `key` can be any of the following types:
+- `napi_value`
+- [`Napi::Value`](value.md)
+- `const char *`
+- `const std::string &`
+- `uint32_t`
+### Has()
+bool Napi::Object::Has (____ key) const;
+- `[in] key`: The name of the property to check.
+Returns a `bool` that is *true* if the object has a property named `key` and *false* otherwise.
+### InstanceOf()
+bool Napi::Object::InstanceOf (const Function& constructor) const
+- `[in] constructor`: The constructor [`Napi::Function`](function.md) of the value that is being compared with the object.
+Returns a `bool` that is true if the `Napi::Object` is an instance created by the `constructor` and false otherwise.
+Note: This is equivalent to the JavaScript instanceof operator.
+### DefineProperty()
+void Napi::Object::DefineProperty (const Napi::PropertyDescriptor& property);
+- `[in] property`: A [`Napi::PropertyDescriptor`](property_descriptor.md).
+Define a property on the object.
+### DefineProperties()
+void Napi::Object::DefineProperties (____ properties)
+- `[in] properties`: A list of [`Napi::PropertyDescriptor`](property_descriptor.md). Can be one of the following types:
+	- const std::initializer_list<Napi::PropertyDescriptor>&
+	- const std::vector<Napi::PropertyDescriptor>&
+Defines properties on the object.
+### Operator[]()
+Napi::PropertyLValue<std::string> Napi::Object::operator[] (const char* utf8name);
+- `[in] utf8name`: UTF-8 encoded null-terminated property name.
+Returns a [`Napi::PropertyLValue`](propertylvalue.md) as the named property or sets the named property.
+Napi::PropertyLValue<std::string> Napi::Object::operator[] (const std::string& utf8name);
+- `[in] utf8name`: UTF-8 encoded property name.
+Returns a [`Napi::PropertyLValue`](propertylvalue.md) as the named property or sets the named property.
+Napi::PropertyLValue<uint32_t> Napi::Object::operator[] (uint32_t index);
+- `[in] index`: Element index.
+Returns a [`Napi::PropertyLValue`](propertylvalue.md) or sets an indexed property or array element.
+Napi::Value Napi::Object::operator[] (const char* utf8name) const;
+- `[in] utf8name`: UTF-8 encoded null-terminated property name.
+Returns the named property as a [`Napi::Value`](value.md).
+Napi::Value Napi::Object::operator[] (const std::string& utf8name) const;
+- `[in] utf8name`: UTF-8 encoded property name.
+Returns the named property as a [`Napi::Value`](value.md).
+Napi::Value Napi::Object::operator[] (uint32_t index) const;
+- `[in] index`: Element index.
+Returns an indexed property or array element as a [`Napi::Value`](value.md).

+ 83 - 0

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+# Object lifetime management
+A handle may be created when any new node-addon-api Value and
+its subclasses is created or returned.
+As the methods and classes within the node-addon-api are used,
+handles to objects in the heap for the underlying
+VM may be created. A handle may be created when any new
+node-addon-api Value or one of its subclasses is created or returned.
+These handles must hold the objects 'live' until they are no
+longer required by the native code, otherwise the objects could be
+collected by the garbage collector before the native code was
+finished using them.
+As handles are created they are associated with a
+'scope'. The lifespan for the default scope is tied to the lifespan
+of the native method call. The result is that, by default, handles
+remain valid and the objects associated with these handles will be
+held live for the lifespan of the native method call.
+In many cases, however, it is necessary that the handles remain valid for
+either a shorter or longer lifespan than that of the native method.
+The sections which follow describe the node-addon-api classes and
+methods that than can be used to change the handle lifespan from
+the default.
+## Making handle lifespan shorter than that of the native method
+It is often necessary to make the lifespan of handles shorter than
+the lifespan of a native method. For example, consider a native method
+that has a loop which creates a number of values and does something
+with each of the values, one at a time:
+for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_MAX; i++) {
+  std::string name = std::string("inner-scope") + std::to_string(i);
+  Napi::Value newValue = Napi::String::New(info.Env(), name.c_str());
+  // do something with newValue
+This would result in a large number of handles being created, consuming
+substantial resources. In addition, even though the native code could only
+use the most recently created value, all of the previously created
+values would also be kept alive since they all share the same scope.
+To handle this case, node-addon-api provides the ability to establish
+a new 'scope' to which newly created handles will be associated. Once those
+handles are no longer required, the scope can be deleted and any handles
+associated with the scope are invalidated. The `Napi::HandleScope`
+and `Napi::EscapableHandleScope` classes are provided by node-addon-api for
+creating additional scopes.
+node-addon-api only supports a single nested hierarchy of scopes. There is
+only one active scope at any time, and all new handles will be associated
+with that scope while it is active. Scopes must be deleted in the reverse
+order from which they are opened. In addition, all scopes created within
+a native method must be deleted before returning from that method. Since
+`Napi::HandleScopes` are typically stack allocated the compiler will take care of
+deletion, however, care must be taken to create the scope in the right
+place such that you achieve the desired lifetime.
+Taking the earlier example, creating a `Napi::HandleScope` in the innner loop
+would ensure that at most a single new value is held alive throughout the
+execution of the loop:
+for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_MAX; i++) {
+  Napi::HandleScope scope(info.Env());
+  std::string name = std::string("inner-scope") + std::to_string(i);
+  Napi::Value newValue = Napi::String::New(info.Env(), name.c_str());
+  // do something with neValue
+When nesting scopes, there are cases where a handle from an
+inner scope needs to live beyond the lifespan of that scope. node-addon-api
+provides the `Napi::EscapableHandleScope` with the `Escape` method
+in order to support this case. An escapable scope
+allows one object to be 'promoted' so that it 'escapes' the
+current scope and the lifespan of the handle changes from the current
+scope to that of the outer scope. The `Escape` method can only be called
+once for a given `Napi::EscapableHandleScope`.

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 117 - 0

+ 546 - 0

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+# Object Wrap
+The `Napi::ObjectWrap` class is used to bind the lifetime of C++ code to a
+JavaScript object. Once bound, each time an instance of the JavaScript object
+is created, an instance of the C++ class will also be created. When a method
+is called on the JavaScript object which is defined as an InstanceMethod, the
+corresponding C++ method on the wrapped C++ class will be invoked.
+In order to create a wrapper it's necessary to extend the
+`Napi::ObjectWrap`class which contains all the plumbing to connect JavaScript code
+with a C++ object. Classes extending `Napi::ObjectWrap` can be instantiated from
+JavaScript using the **new** operator, and their methods can be directly invoked
+from JavaScript. The **wrap** word refers to a way of grouping methods and state
+of the class because it will be necessary write custom code to bridge each of
+your C++ class methods.
+## Example
+#include <napi.h>
+class Example : public Napi::ObjectWrap<Example> {
+  public:
+    static Napi::Object Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports);
+    Example(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info);
+  private:
+    static Napi::FunctionReference constructor;
+    double _value;
+    Napi::Value GetValue(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info);
+    Napi::Value SetValue(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info);
+Napi::Object Example::Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports) {
+    // This method is used to hook the accessor and method callbacks
+    Napi::Function func = DefineClass(env, "Example", {
+        InstanceMethod("GetValue", &Example::GetValue),
+        InstanceMethod("SetValue", &Example::SetValue)
+    });
+    // Create a peristent reference to the class constructor. This will allow
+    // a function called on a class prototype and a function
+    // called on instance of a class to be distinguished from each other.
+    constructor = Napi::Persistent(func);
+    // Call the SuppressDestruct() method on the static data prevent the calling
+    // to this destructor to reset the reference when the environment is no longer
+    // available.
+    constructor.SuppressDestruct();
+    exports.Set("Example", func);
+    return exports;
+Example::Example(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info) : Napi::ObjectWrap<Example>(info) {
+    Napi::Env env = info.Env();
+    // ...
+    Napi::Number value = info[0].As<Napi::Number>();
+    this->_value = value.DoubleValue();
+Napi::FunctionReference Example::constructor;
+Napi::Value Example::GetValue(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info){
+    Napi::Env env = info.Env();
+    return Napi::Number::New(env, this->_value);
+Napi::Value Example::SetValue(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info){
+    Napi::Env env = info.Env();
+    // ...
+    Napi::Number value = info[0].As<Napi::Number>();
+    this->_value = value.DoubleValue();
+    return this->GetValue(info);
+// Initialize native add-on
+Napi::Object Init (Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports) {
+    Example::Init(env, exports);
+    return exports;
+// Register and initialize native add-on
+The above code can be used from JavaScript as follows:
+'use strict'
+const { Example } = require('bindings')('addon')
+const example = new Example(11)
+// It prints 11
+// It prints 19
+At initialization time, the `Napi::ObjectWrap::DefineClass()` method must be used
+to hook up the accessor and method callbacks. It takes a list of property
+descriptors, which can be constructed via the various static methods on the base
+When JavaScript code invokes the constructor, the constructor callback will create
+a new C++ instance and "wrap" it into the newly created JavaScript object.
+When JavaScript code invokes a method or a property accessor on the class the
+corresponding C++ callback function will be executed.
+For a wrapped object it could be difficult to distinguish between a function called
+on a class prototype and a function called on instance of a class. Therefore it is
+good practice to save a persistent reference to the class constructor. This allows
+the two cases to be distinguished from each other by checking the this object
+against the class constructor.
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Creates a new instance of a JavaScript object that wraps native instance.
+Napi::ObjectWrap(const Napi::CallbackInfo& callbackInfo);
+- `[in] callbackInfo`: The object representing the components of the JavaScript
+request being made.
+### Unwrap
+Retrieves a native instance wrapped in a JavaScript object.
+static T* Napi::ObjectWrap::Unwrap(Napi::Object wrapper);
+* `[in] wrapper`: The JavaScript object that wraps the native instance.
+Returns a native instace wrapped in a JavaScript object. Given the
+Napi:Object, this allows a method to get a pointer to the wrapped
+C++ object and then reference fields, call methods, etc. within that class.
+In many cases calling Unwrap is not required, as methods can
+use the `this` field for ObjectWrap when running in a method on a
+class that extends ObjectWrap.
+### DefineClass
+Defnines a JavaScript class with constructor, static and instance properties and
+static Napi::Function Napi::ObjectWrap::DefineClass(Napi::Env env,
+                                const char* utf8name,
+                                const std::initializer_list<PropertyDescriptor>& properties,
+                                void* data = nullptr);
+* `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct a JavaScript class.
+* `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string that represents the name of the
+JavaScript constructor function.
+* `[in] properties`: Initializer list of class property descriptor describing
+static and instance properties and methods of the class.
+See: [`Class propertry and descriptor`](class_property_descriptor.md).
+* `[in] data`: User-provided data passed to the constructor callback as `data`
+property of the `Napi::CallbackInfo`.
+Returns a `Napi::Function` representing the constructor function for the class.
+### DefineClass
+Defnines a JavaScript class with constructor, static and instance properties and
+static Napi::Function Napi::ObjectWrap::DefineClass(Napi::Env env,
+                            const char* utf8name,
+                            const std::vector<PropertyDescriptor>& properties,
+                            void* data = nullptr);
+* `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct a JavaScript class.
+* `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string that represents the name of the
+JavaScript constructor function.
+* `[in] properties`: Vector of class property descriptor describing static and
+instance properties and methods of the class.
+See: [`Class propertry and descriptor`](class_property_descriptor.md).
+* `[in] data`: User-provided data passed to the constructor callback as `data`
+property of the `Napi::CallbackInfo`.
+Returns a `Napi::Function` representing the constructor function for the class.
+### StaticMethod
+Creates property descriptor that represents a static method of a JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::StaticMethod(const char* utf8name,
+                                       StaticVoidMethodCallback method,
+                                       napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                       void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string that represents the name of a static
+method for the class.
+- `[in] method`: The native function that represents a static method of a
+JavaScript class.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with a particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into method when it is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents the static method of a
+JavaScript class.
+### StaticMethod
+Creates property descriptor that represents a static method of a JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::StaticMethod(const char* utf8name,
+                                       StaticMethodCallback method,
+                                       napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                       void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string that represents the name of a static
+method for the class.
+- `[in] method`: The native function that represents a static method of a
+JavaScript class.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with a particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into method when it is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents a static method of a
+JavaScript class.
+### StaticMethod
+Creates property descriptor that represents a static method of a JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::StaticMethod(Symbol name,
+                                       StaticVoidMethodCallback method,
+                                       napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                       void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] name`: Napi:Symbol that represents the name of a static
+method for the class.
+- `[in] method`: The native function that represents a static method of a
+JavaScript class.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with a particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into method when it is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents the static method of a
+JavaScript class.
+### StaticMethod
+Creates property descriptor that represents a static method of a JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::StaticMethod(Symbol name,
+                                       StaticMethodCallback method,
+                                       napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                       void* data = nullptr);
+method for the class.
+- `[in] name`: Napi:Symbol that represents the name of a static.
+- `[in] method`: The native function that represents a static method of a
+JavaScript class.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with a particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into method when it is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents a static method of a
+JavaScript class.
+### StaticAccessor
+Creates property descriptor that represents a static accessor property of a
+JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::StaticAccessor(const char* utf8name,
+                                         StaticGetterCallback getter,
+                                         StaticSetterCallback setter,
+                                         napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                         void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string that represents the name of a static
+accessor property for the class.
+- `[in] getter`: The native function to call when a get access to the property of
+a JavaScript class is performed.
+- `[in] setter`: The native function to call when a set access to the property of
+a JavaScript class is performed.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with a particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into getter or setter when
+is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents a static accessor
+property of a JavaScript class.
+### StaticAccessor
+Creates property descriptor that represents a static accessor property of a
+JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::StaticAccessor(Symbol name,
+                                         StaticGetterCallback getter,
+                                         StaticSetterCallback setter,
+                                         napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                         void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] name`: Napi:Symbol that represents the name of a static accessor.
+- `[in] getter`: The native function to call when a get access to the property of
+a JavaScript class is performed.
+- `[in] setter`: The native function to call when a set access to the property of
+a JavaScript class is performed.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with a particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into getter or setter when
+is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents a static accessor
+property of a JavaScript class.
+### InstanceMethod
+Creates property descriptor that represents an instance method of a JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::InstanceMethod(const char* utf8name,
+                                         InstanceVoidMethodCallback method,
+                                         napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                         void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string that represents the name of an instance
+method for the class.
+- `[in] method`: The native function that represents an instance method of a
+JavaScript class.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with a particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into method when it is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents an instance method of a
+JavaScript class.
+### InstanceMethod
+Creates property descriptor that represents an instance method of a JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::InstanceMethod(const char* utf8name,
+                                         InstanceMethodCallback method,
+                                         napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                         void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string that represents the name of an instance
+method for the class.
+- `[in] method`: The native function that represents an instance method of a
+JavaScript class.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with a particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into method when it is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents an instance method of a
+JavaScript class.
+### InstanceMethod
+Creates property descriptor that represents an instance method of a JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::InstanceMethod(Napi::Symbol name,
+                                         InstanceVoidMethodCallback method,
+                                         napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                         void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] name`: The `Napi::Symbol` object whose value is used to identify the
+instance method for the class.
+- `[in] method`: The native function that represents an instance method of a
+JavaScript class.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with a particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into method when it is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents an instance method of a
+JavaScript class.
+### InstanceMethod
+Creates property descriptor that represents an instance method of a JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::InstanceMethod(Napi::Symbol name,
+                                         InstanceMethodCallback method,
+                                         napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                         void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] name`: The `Napi::Symbol` object whose value is used to identify the
+instance method for the class.
+- `[in] method`: The native function that represents an instance method of a
+JavaScript class.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with a particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into method when it is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents an instance method of a
+JavaScript class.
+### InstanceAccessor
+Creates property descriptor that represents an instance accessor property of a
+JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::InstanceAccessor(const char* utf8name,
+                                           InstanceGetterCallback getter,
+                                           InstanceSetterCallback setter,
+                                           napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                           void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string that represents the name of an instance
+accessor property for the class.
+- `[in] getter`: The native function to call when a get access to the property of
+a JavaScript class is performed.
+- `[in] setter`: The native function to call when a set access to the property of
+a JavaScript class is performed.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with the particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into getter or setter when this is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents an instance accessor
+property of a JavaScript class.
+### InstanceAccessor
+Creates property descriptor that represents an instance accessor property of a
+JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::InstanceAccessor(Symbol name,
+                                           InstanceGetterCallback getter,
+                                           InstanceSetterCallback setter,
+                                           napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default,
+                                           void* data = nullptr);
+- `[in] name`: The `Napi::Symbol` object whose value is used to identify the
+instance accessor.
+- `[in] getter`: The native function to call when a get access to the property of
+a JavaScript class is performed.
+- `[in] setter`: The native function to call when a set access to the property of
+a JavaScript class is performed.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes associated with the particular property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+- `[in] data`: User-provided data passed into getter or setter when this is invoked.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents an instance accessor
+property of a JavaScript class.
+### StaticValue
+Creates property descriptor that represents an static value property of a
+JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::StaticValue(const char* utf8name,
+                                      Napi::Value value,
+                                      napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
+- `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string that represents the name of the static
+- `[in] value`: The value that's retrieved by a get access of the property.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes to be associated with the property in addition
+to the napi_static attribute.  One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents an static value
+property of a JavaScript class
+### StaticValue
+Creates property descriptor that represents an static value property of a
+JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::StaticValue(Symbol name,
+                                      Napi::Value value,
+                                      napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
+- `[in] name`: The `Napi::Symbol` object whose value is used to identify the
+name of the static property.
+- `[in] value`: The value that's retrieved by a get access of the property.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes to be associated with the property in addition
+to the napi_static attribute.  One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents an static value
+property of a JavaScript class
+### InstanceValue
+Creates property descriptor that represents an instance value property of a
+JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::InstanceValue(const char* utf8name,
+                                        Napi::Value value,
+                                        napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
+- `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string that represents the name of the property.
+- `[in] value`: The value that's retrieved by a get access of the property.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes to be associated with the property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents an instance value
+property of a JavaScript class.
+### InstanceValue
+Creates property descriptor that represents an instance value property of a
+JavaScript class.
+static Napi::PropertyDescriptor Napi::ObjectWrap::InstanceValue(Symbol name,
+                                        Napi::Value value,
+                                        napi_property_attributes attributes = napi_default);
+- `[in] name`: The `Napi::Symbol` object whose value is used to identify the
+name of the property.
+- `[in] value`: The value that's retrieved by a get access of the property.
+- `[in] attributes`: The attributes to be associated with the property.
+One or more of `napi_property_attributes`.
+Returns `Napi::PropertyDescriptor` object that represents an instance value

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Prebuild tools
+The distribution of a native add-on is just as important as its implementation.
+In order to install a native add-on it's important to have all the necessary
+dependencies installed and well configured (see the [setup](setup.md) section).
+The end-user will need to compile the add-on when they will do an `npm install`
+and in some cases this could create problems. To avoid the compilation process it's
+possible to ditribute the native add-on in pre-built form for different platform
+and architectures. The prebuild tools help to create and distrubute the pre-built
+form of a native add-on.
+The following list report two of the tools that are compatible with **N-API**:
+- **[node-pre-gyp](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-pre-gyp)**
+- **[prebuild](https://www.npmjs.com/package/prebuild)**
+- **[prebuildify](https://www.npmjs.com/package/prebuildify)**

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Promise
+The `Napi::Promise` class, along with its `Napi::Promise::Deferred` class, implement the ability to create, resolve, and reject Promise objects.
+The basic approach is to create a `Napi::Promise::Deferred` object and return to your caller the value returned by the `Napi::Promise::Deferred::Promise` method. For example:
+Napi::Value YourFunction(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info) {
+  // your code goes here...
+  Napi::Promise::Deferred deferred = Napi::Promise::Deferred::New(info.Env());
+  // deferred needs to survive this call...
+  return deferred.Promise();
+Later, when the asynchronous process completes, call either the `Resolve` or `Reject` method on the `Napi::Promise::Deferred` object created earlier:
+  deferred.Resolve(String::New(info.Env(), "OK"));
+## Promise::Deferred Methods
+### Factory Method
+static Napi::Promise::Deferred Napi::Promise::Deferred::New(napi_env env);
+* `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to create the `Napi::Promise::Deferred` object.
+### Constructor
+Napi::Promise::Deferred(napi_env env);
+* `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Promise::Deferred` object.
+### Env
+Napi::Env Napi::Promise::Deferred::Env() const;
+Returns the Env environment this `Napi::Promise::Deferred` object is associated with.
+### Promise
+Napi::Promise Napi::Promise::Deferred::Promise() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Promise` object held by the `Napi::Promise::Deferred` object.
+### Resolve
+void Napi::Promise::Deferred::Resolve(napi_value value) const;
+Resolves the `Napi::Promise` object held by the `Napi::Promise::Deferred` object.
+* `[in] value`: The N-API primitive value with which to resolve the `Napi::Promise`.
+### Reject
+void Napi::Promise::Deferred::Reject(napi_value value) const;
+Rejects the Promise object held by the `Napi::Promise::Deferred` object.
+* `[in] value`: The N-API primitive value with which to reject the `Napi::Promise`.

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 231 - 0

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# RangeError
+The `Napi::RangeError` class is a representation of the JavaScript `RangeError` that is
+thrown when trying to pass a value as an argument to a function that does not allow
+a range that includes the value.
+The `Napi::RangeError` class inherits its behaviors from the `Napi::Error` class (for
+more info see: [`Napi::Error`](error.md)).
+For more details about error handling refer to the section titled [Error handling](error_handling.md).
+## Methods
+### New
+Creates a new instance of a `Napi::RangeError` object.
+Napi::RangeError::New(Napi::Env env, const char* message);
+- `[in] Env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::RangeError` object.
+- `[in] message`: Null-terminated string to be used as the message for the `Napi::RangeError`.
+Returns an instance of a `Napi::RangeError` object.
+### New
+Creates a new instance of a `Napi::RangeError` object.
+Napi::RangeError::New(Napi::Env env, const std::string& message);
+- `[in] Env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::RangeError` object.
+- `[in] message`: Reference string to be used as the message for the `Napi::RangeError`.
+Returns an instance of a `Napi::RangeError` object.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new empty instance of a `Napi::RangeError`.
+### Constructor
+Initializes a `Napi::RangeError` instance from an existing Javascript error object.
+Napi::RangeError::RangeError(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] Env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::RangeError` object.
+- `[in] value`: The `Napi::Error` reference to wrap.
+Returns an instance of a `Napi::RangeError` object.

+ 111 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Reference (template)
+Holds a counted reference to a [`Napi::Value`](value.md) object; initially a weak reference unless otherwise specified, may be changed to/from a strong reference by adjusting the refcount.
+The referenced `Napi::Value` is not immediately destroyed when the reference count is zero; it is merely then eligible for garbage-collection if there are no other references to the `Napi::Value`.
+`Napi::Reference` objects allocated in static space, such as a global static instance, must call the `SuppressDestruct` method to prevent its destructor, running at program shutdown time, from attempting to reset the reference when the environment is no longer valid.
+The following classes inherit, either directly or indirectly, from `Napi::Reference`:
+* [`Napi::ObjectWrap`](object_wrap.md)
+* [`Napi::ObjectReference`](object_reference.md)
+* [`Napi::FunctionReference`](function_reference.md)
+## Methods
+### Factory Method
+static Napi::Reference<T> Napi::Reference::New(const T& value, uint32_t initialRefcount = 0);
+* `[in] value`: The value which is to be referenced.
+* `[in] initialRefcount`: The initial reference count.
+### Empty Constructor
+Creates a new _empty_ `Napi::Reference` instance.
+### Constructor
+Napi::Reference::Reference(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+* `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Reference` object.
+* `[in] value`: The N-API primitive value to be held by the `Napi::Reference`.
+### Env
+Napi::Env Napi::Reference::Env() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Env` value in which the `Napi::Reference` was instantiated.
+### IsEmpty
+bool Napi::Reference::IsEmpty() const;
+Determines whether the value held by the `Napi::Reference` is empty.
+### Value
+T Napi::Reference::Value() const;
+Returns the value held by the `Napi::Reference`.
+### Ref
+uint32_t Napi::Reference::Ref();
+Increments the reference count for the `Napi::Reference` and returns the resulting reference count. Throws an error if the increment fails.
+### Unref
+uint32_t Napi::Reference::Unref();
+Decrements the reference count for the `Napi::Reference` and returns the resulting reference count. Throws an error if the decrement fails.
+### Reset (Empty)
+void Napi::Reference::Reset();
+Sets the value held by the `Napi::Reference` to be empty.
+### Reset
+void Napi::Reference::Reset(const T& value, uint32_t refcount = 0);
+* `[in] value`: The value which is to be referenced.
+* `[in] initialRefcount`: The initial reference count.
+Sets the value held by the `Napi::Reference`.
+### SuppressDestruct
+void Napi::Reference::SuppressDestruct();
+Call this method on a `Napi::Reference` that is declared as static data to prevent its destructor, running at program shutdown time, from attempting to reset the reference when the environment is no longer valid.

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Setup
+## Prerequisites
+Before starting to use **N-API** you need to assure you have the following
+* **Node.JS** see: [Installing Node.js](https://nodejs.org/)
+* **Node.js native addon build tool**
+  - **[node-gyp](node-gyp.md)**
+## Installation and usage
+To use **N-API** in a native module:
+  1. Add a dependency on this package to `package.json`:
+  "dependencies": {
+    "node-addon-api": "*",
+  }
+  2. Reference this package's include directory and gyp file in `binding.gyp`:
+  'include_dirs': ["<!@(node -p \"require('node-addon-api').include\")"],
+  'dependencies': ["<!(node -p \"require('node-addon-api').gyp\")"],
+  3. Decide whether the package will enable C++ exceptions in the N-API wrapper.
+     The base ABI-stable C APIs do not throw or handle C++ exceptions, but the
+     N-API C++ wrapper classes may _optionally_
+     [integrate C++ and JavaScript exception-handling
+     ](https://nodejs.github.io/node-addon-api/class_napi_1_1_error.html).
+     To enable that capability, C++ exceptions must be enabled in `binding.gyp`:
+  'cflags!': [ '-fno-exceptions' ],
+  'cflags_cc!': [ '-fno-exceptions' ],
+  'xcode_settings': {
+    'CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY': 'libc++',
+  },
+  'msvs_settings': {
+    'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'ExceptionHandling': 1 },
+  },
+  Alternatively, disable use of C++ exceptions in N-API:
+  'defines': [ 'NAPI_DISABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS' ],
+  4. If you would like your native addon to support OSX, please also add the
+  following settings in the `binding.gyp` file:
+  ```gyp
+  ['OS=="mac"', {
+      'cflags+': ['-fvisibility=hidden'],
+      'xcode_settings': {
+        'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'YES', # -fvisibility=hidden
+      }
+  }]
+  ```
+  5. Include `napi.h` in the native module code.
+     To ensure only ABI-stable APIs are used, DO NOT include
+     `node.h`, `nan.h`, or `v8.h`.
+#include "napi.h"
+At build time, the N-API back-compat library code will be used only when the
+targeted node version *does not* have N-API built-in.
+The preprocessor directive `NODE_ADDON_API_DISABLE_DEPRECATED` can be defined at
+compile time before including `napi.h` to skip the definition of deprecated APIs.

+ 89 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# String
+## Constructor
+Returns a new **empty** `Napi::String` instance.
+If an error occurs, a `Napi::Error` will get thrown. If C++ exceptions are not
+being used, callers should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before
+attempting to use the returned value.
+Napi::String::String(napi_env env, napi_value value); ///< Wraps a N-API value primitive.
+- `[in] env` - The environment in which to create the string.
+- `[in] value` - The primitive to wrap.
+Returns a `Napi::String` wrapping a `napi_value`.
+If an error occurs, a `Napi::Error` will get thrown. If C++ exceptions are not
+being used, callers should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before
+attempting to use the returned value.
+## Operators
+### operator std::string
+Napi::String::operator std::string() const;
+Returns a UTF-8 encoded C++ string.
+### operator std::u16string
+Napi::String::operator std::u16string() const;
+Returns a UTF-16 encoded C++ string.
+## Methods
+### New
+Returns a new empty `Napi::String`.
+### New
+Napi::String::New(napi_env env, const std::string& value);
+Napi::String::New(napi_env env, const std::u16::string& value);
+Napi::String::New(napi_env env, const char* value);
+Napi::String::New(napi_env env, const char16_t* value);
+Napi::String::New(napi_env env, const char* value, size_t length);
+Napi::String::New(napi_env env, const char16_t* value, size_t length);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Value` object.
+- `[in] value`: The C++ primitive from which to instantiate the `Napi::Value`. `value` may be any of:
+  - `std::string&` - represents an ANSI string.
+  - `std::u16string&` - represents a UTF16-LE string.
+  - `const char*` - represents a UTF8 string.
+  - `const char16_t*` - represents a UTF16-LE string.
+- `[in] length`: The length of the string (not necessarily null-terminated) in code units.
+Returns a new `Napi::String` that represents the passed in C++ string.
+If an error occurs, a `Napi::Error` will get thrown. If C++ exceptions are not
+being used, callers should check the result of `Env::IsExceptionPending` before
+attempting to use the returned value.
+### Utf8Value
+std::string Napi::String::Utf8Value() const;
+Returns a UTF-8 encoded C++ string.
+### Utf16Value
+std::u16string Napi::String::Utf16Value() const;
+Returns a UTF-16 encoded C++ string.

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Symbol
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Instantiates a new `Napi::Symbol` value.
+Returns a new empty `Napi::Symbol`.
+### New
+Napi::Symbol::New(napi_env env, const std::string& description);
+Napi::Symbol::New(napi_env env, const char* description);
+Napi::Symbol::New(napi_env env, Napi::String description);
+Napi::Symbol::New(napi_env env, napi_value description);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Symbol` object.
+- `[in] value`: The C++ primitive which represents the description hint for the `Napi::Symbol`.
+  `description` may be any of:
+  - `std::string&` - ANSI string description.
+  - `const char*` - represents a UTF8 string description.
+  - `String` - Node addon API String description.
+  - `napi_value` - N-API `napi_value` description.
+If an error occurs, a `Napi::Error` will get thrown. If C++ exceptions are not
+being used, callers should check the result of `Napi::Env::IsExceptionPending` before
+attempting to use the returned value.
+### Utf8Value
+static Napi::Symbol Napi::Symbol::WellKnown(napi_env env, const std::string& name);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Symbol` object.
+- `[in] name`: The C++ string representing the `Napi::Symbol` to retrieve.
+Returns a `Napi::Symbol` representing a well-known `Symbol` from the
+`Symbol` registry.

+ 303 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# ThreadSafeFunction
+JavaScript functions can normally only be called from a native addon's main
+thread. If an addon creates additional threads, then node-addon-api functions
+that require a `Napi::Env`, `Napi::Value`, or `Napi::Reference` must not be
+called from those threads.
+When an addon has additional threads and JavaScript functions need to be invoked
+based on the processing completed by those threads, those threads must
+communicate with the addon's main thread so that the main thread can invoke the
+JavaScript function on their behalf. The thread-safe function APIs provide an
+easy way to do this.
+These APIs provide the type `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` as well as APIs to
+create, destroy, and call objects of this type.
+`Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::New()` creates a persistent reference that holds a
+JavaScript function which can be called from multiple threads. The calls happen
+asynchronously. This means that values with which the JavaScript callback is to
+be called will be placed in a queue, and, for each value in the queue, a call
+will eventually be made to the JavaScript function.
+`Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` objects are destroyed when every thread which uses
+the object has called `Release()` or has received a return status of
+`napi_closing` in response to a call to `BlockingCall()` or `NonBlockingCall()`.
+The queue is emptied before the `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` is destroyed. It is
+important that `Release()` be the last API call made in conjunction with a given
+`Napi::ThreadSafeFunction`, because after the call completes, there is no
+guarantee that the `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` is still allocated. For the same
+reason it is also important that no more use be made of a thread-safe function
+after receiving a return value of `napi_closing` in response to a call to
+`BlockingCall()` or `NonBlockingCall()`. Data associated with the
+`Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` can be freed in its `Finalizer` callback which was
+passed to `ThreadSafeFunction::New()`.
+Once the number of threads making use of a `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` reaches
+zero, no further threads can start making use of it by calling `Acquire()`. In
+fact, all subsequent API calls associated with it, except `Release()`, will
+return an error value of `napi_closing`.
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Creates a new empty instance of `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction`.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new instance of the `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` object.
+Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::ThreadSafeFunction(napi_threadsafe_function tsfn);
+- `tsfn`: The `napi_threadsafe_function` which is a handle for an existing
+  thread-safe function.
+Returns a non-empty `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` instance.
+### New
+Creates a new instance of the `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` object. The `New`
+function has several overloads for the various optional parameters: skip the
+optional parameter for that specific overload.
+New(napi_env env,
+    const Function& callback,
+    const Object& resource,
+    ResourceString resourceName,
+    size_t maxQueueSize,
+    size_t initialThreadCount,
+    ContextType* context,
+    Finalizer finalizeCallback,
+    FinalizerDataType* data);
+- `env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the
+  `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` object.
+- `callback`: The `Function` to call from another thread.
+- `[optional] resource`: An object associated with the async work that will be
+  passed to possible async_hooks init hooks.
+- `resourceName`: A JavaScript string to provide an identifier for the kind of
+  resource that is being provided for diagnostic information exposed by the
+  async_hooks API.
+- `maxQueueSize`: Maximum size of the queue. `0` for no limit.
+- `initialThreadCount`: The initial number of threads, including the main
+  thread, which will be making use of this function.
+- `[optional] context`: Data to attach to the resulting `ThreadSafeFunction`.
+- `[optional] finalizeCallback`: Function to call when the `ThreadSafeFunction`
+  is being destroyed.  This callback will be invoked on the main thread when the
+  thread-safe function is about to be destroyed. It receives the context and the
+  finalize data given during construction (if given), and provides an
+  opportunity for cleaning up after the threads e.g. by calling
+  `uv_thread_join()`. It is important that, aside from the main loop thread,
+  there be no threads left using the thread-safe function after the finalize
+  callback completes. Must implement `void operator()(Env env, DataType* data,
+  Context* hint)`, skipping `data` or `hint` if they are not provided.
+  Can be retreived via `GetContext()`.
+- `[optional] data`: Data to be passed to `finalizeCallback`.
+Returns a non-empty `Napi::ThreadSafeFunction` instance.
+### Acquire
+Add a thread to this thread-safe function object, indicating that a new thread
+will start making use of the thread-safe function. 
+napi_status Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::Acquire()
+Returns one of:
+- `napi_ok`: The thread has successfully acquired the thread-safe function
+for its use. 
+- `napi_closing`: The thread-safe function has been marked as closing via a
+previous call to `Abort()`.
+### Release
+Indicate that an existing thread will stop making use of the thread-safe
+function. A thread should call this API when it stops making use of this
+thread-safe function. Using any thread-safe APIs after having called this API
+has undefined results in the current thread, as it may have been destroyed.
+napi_status Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::Release()
+Returns one of:
+- `napi_ok`: The thread-safe function has been successfully released.
+- `napi_invalid_arg`: The thread-safe function's thread-count is zero.
+- `napi_generic_failure`: A generic error occurred when attemping to release
+the thread-safe function.
+### Abort
+"Abort" the thread-safe function. This will cause all subsequent APIs associated
+with the thread-safe function except `Release()` to return `napi_closing` even
+before its reference count reaches zero. In particular, `BlockingCall` and
+`NonBlockingCall()` will return `napi_closing`, thus informing the threads that
+it is no longer possible to make asynchronous calls to the thread-safe function.
+This can be used as a criterion for terminating the thread. Upon receiving a
+return value of `napi_closing` from a thread-safe function call a thread must
+make no further use of the thread-safe function because it is no longer
+guaranteed to be allocated.
+napi_status Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::Abort()
+Returns one of:
+- `napi_ok`: The thread-safe function has been successfully aborted.
+- `napi_invalid_arg`: The thread-safe function's thread-count is zero.
+- `napi_generic_failure`: A generic error occurred when attemping to abort
+the thread-safe function.
+### BlockingCall / NonBlockingCall
+Calls the Javascript function in either a blocking or non-blocking fashion.
+- `BlockingCall()`: the API blocks until space becomes available in the queue.
+  Will never block if the thread-safe function was created with a maximum queue
+  size of `0`.
+- `NonBlockingCall()`: will return `napi_queue_full` if the queue was full,
+  preventing data from being successfully added to the queue.
+There are several overloaded implementations of `BlockingCall()` and
+`NonBlockingCall()` for use with optional parameters: skip the optional
+parameter for that specific overload.
+napi_status Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::BlockingCall(DataType* data, Callback callback) const
+napi_status Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::NonBlockingCall(DataType* data, Callback callback) const
+- `[optional] data`: Data to pass to `callback`.
+- `[optional] callback`: C++ function that is invoked on the main thread. The
+  callback receives the `ThreadSafeFunction`'s JavaScript callback function to
+  call as an `Napi::Function` in its parameters and the `DataType*` data pointer
+  (if provided). Must implement `void operator()(Napi::Env env, Function
+  jsCallback, DataType* data)`, skipping `data` if not provided. It is not
+  necessary to call into JavaScript via `MakeCallback()` because N-API runs
+  `callback` in a context appropriate for callbacks.
+Returns one of:
+- `napi_ok`: The call was successfully added to the queue.
+- `napi_queue_full`: The queue was full when trying to call in a non-blocking
+  method.
+- `napi_closing`: The thread-safe function is aborted and cannot accept more
+  calls.
+- `napi_invalid_arg`: The thread-safe function is closed.
+- `napi_generic_failure`: A generic error occurred when attemping to add to the
+  queue.
+## Example
+#include <chrono>
+#include <thread>
+#include <napi.h>
+using namespace Napi;
+std::thread nativeThread;
+ThreadSafeFunction tsfn;
+Value Start( const CallbackInfo& info )
+  Napi::Env env = info.Env();
+  if ( info.Length() < 2 )
+  {
+    throw TypeError::New( env, "Expected two arguments" );
+  }
+  else if ( !info[0].IsFunction() )
+  {
+    throw TypeError::New( env, "Expected first arg to be function" );
+  }
+  else if ( !info[1].IsNumber() )
+  {
+    throw TypeError::New( env, "Expected second arg to be number" );
+  }
+  int count = info[1].As<Number>().Int32Value();
+  // Create a ThreadSafeFunction
+  tsfn = ThreadSafeFunction::New(
+      env,
+      info[0].As<Function>(),  // JavaScript function called asynchronously
+      "Resource Name",         // Name
+      0,                       // Unlimited queue
+      1,                       // Only one thread will use this initially
+      []( Napi::Env ) {        // Finalizer used to clean threads up
+        nativeThread.join();
+      } );
+  // Create a native thread
+  nativeThread = std::thread( [count] {
+    auto callback = []( Napi::Env env, Function jsCallback, int* value ) {
+      // Transform native data into JS data, passing it to the provided 
+      // `jsCallback` -- the TSFN's JavaScript function.
+      jsCallback.Call( {Number::New( env, *value )} );
+      // We're finished with the data.
+      delete value;
+    };
+    for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+    {
+      // Create new data
+      int* value = new int( clock() );
+      // Perform a blocking call
+      napi_status status = tsfn.BlockingCall( value, callback );
+      if ( status != napi_ok )
+      {
+        // Handle error
+        break;
+      }
+      std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds( 1 ) );
+    }
+    // Release the thread-safe function
+    tsfn.Release();
+  } );
+  return Boolean::New(env, true);
+Napi::Object Init( Napi::Env env, Object exports )
+  exports.Set( "start", Function::New( env, Start ) );
+  return exports;
+NODE_API_MODULE( clock, Init )
+The above code can be used from JavaScript as follows:
+const { start } = require('bindings')('clock');
+start(function () {
+    console.log("JavaScript callback called with arguments", Array.from(arguments));
+}, 5);
+When executed, the output will show the value of `clock()` five times at one
+second intervals:
+JavaScript callback called with arguments [ 84745 ]
+JavaScript callback called with arguments [ 103211 ]
+JavaScript callback called with arguments [ 104516 ]
+JavaScript callback called with arguments [ 105104 ]
+JavaScript callback called with arguments [ 105691 ]

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# TypeError
+The `Napi::TypeError` class is a representation of the JavaScript `TypeError` that is
+thrown when an operand or argument passed to a function is incompatible with the
+type expected by the operator or function.
+The `Napi::TypeError` class inherits its behaviors from the `Napi::Error` class (for more info
+see: [`Napi::Error`](error.md)).
+For more details about error handling refer to the section titled [Error handling](error_handling.md).
+## Methods
+### New
+Creates a new instance of the `Napi::TypeError` object.
+Napi::TypeError::New(Napi:Env env, const char* message);
+- `[in] Env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::TypeError` object.
+- `[in] message`: Null-terminated string to be used as the message for the `Napi::TypeError`.
+Returns an instance of a `Napi::TypeError` object.
+### New
+Creates a new instance of a `Napi::TypeError` object.
+Napi::TypeError::New(Napi:Env env, const std::string& message);
+- `[in] Env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::TypeError` object.
+- `[in] message`: Reference string to be used as the message for the `Napi::TypeError`.
+Returns an instance of a `Napi::TypeError` object.
+### Constructor
+Creates a new empty instance of a `Napi::TypeError`.
+### Constructor
+Initializes a `Napi::TypeError` instance from an existing JavaScript error object.
+Napi::TypeError::TypeError(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] Env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::TypeError` object.
+- `[in] value`: The `Napi::Error` reference to wrap.
+Returns an instance of a `Napi::TypeError` object.

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# TypedArray
+The `Napi::TypedArray` class corresponds to the
+[JavaScript `TypedArray`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray)
+## Methods
+### Constructor
+Initializes an empty instance of the `Napi::TypedArray` class.
+### Constructor
+Initializes a wrapper instance of an existing `Napi::TypedArray` instance.
+Napi::TypedArray::TypedArray(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::TypedArray` instance.
+- `[in] value`: The `Napi::TypedArray` reference to wrap.
+### TypedArrayType
+napi_typedarray_type Napi::TypedArray::TypedArrayType() const;
+Returns the type of this instance.
+### ArrayBuffer
+Napi::ArrayBuffer Napi::TypedArray::ArrayBuffer() const;
+Returns the backing array buffer.
+### ElementSize
+uint8_t Napi::TypedArray::ElementSize() const;
+Returns the size of one element, in bytes.
+### ElementLength
+size_t Napi::TypedArray::ElementLength() const;
+Returns the number of elements.
+### ByteOffset
+size_t Napi::TypedArray::ByteOffset() const;
+Returns the offset into the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` where the array starts, in bytes.
+### ByteLength
+size_t Napi::TypedArray::ByteLength() const;
+Returns the length of the array, in bytes.

+ 133 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# TypedArrayOf
+The `Napi::TypedArrayOf` class corresponds to the various
+[JavaScript `TypedArray`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray)
+## Typedefs
+The common JavaScript `TypedArray` types are pre-defined for each of use:
+typedef Napi::TypedArrayOf<int8_t> Int8Array;
+typedef Napi::TypedArrayOf<uint8_t> Uint8Array;
+typedef Napi::TypedArrayOf<int16_t> Int16Array;
+typedef Napi::TypedArrayOf<uint16_t> Uint16Array;
+typedef Napi::TypedArrayOf<int32_t> Int32Array;
+typedef Napi::TypedArrayOf<uint32_t> Uint32Array;
+typedef Napi::TypedArrayOf<float> Float32Array;
+typedef Napi::TypedArrayOf<double> Float64Array;
+The one exception is the `Uint8ClampedArray` which requires explicit
+Uint8Array::New(env, length, napi_uint8_clamped_array)
+Note that while it's possible to create a "clamped" array the _clamping_
+behavior is only applied in JavaScript.
+## Methods
+### New
+Allocates a new `Napi::TypedArray` instance with a given length. The underlying
+`Napi::ArrayBuffer` is allocated automatically to the desired number of elements.
+The array type parameter can normally be omitted (because it is inferred from
+the template parameter T), except when creating a "clamped" array.
+static Napi::TypedArrayOf Napi::TypedArrayOf::New(napi_env env,
+                        size_t elementLength,
+                        napi_typedarray_type type);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::TypedArrayOf` instance.
+- `[in] elementLength`: The length to be allocated, in elements.
+- `[in] type`: The type of array to allocate (optional).
+Returns a new `Napi::TypedArrayOf` instance.
+### New
+Wraps the provided `Napi::ArrayBuffer` into a new `Napi::TypedArray` instance.
+The array `type` parameter can normally be omitted (because it is inferred from
+the template parameter `T`), except when creating a "clamped" array.
+static Napi::TypedArrayOf Napi::TypedArrayOf::New(napi_env env,
+                        size_t elementLength,
+                        Napi::ArrayBuffer arrayBuffer,
+                        size_t bufferOffset,
+                        napi_typedarray_type type);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::TypedArrayOf` instance.
+- `[in] elementLength`: The length to array, in elements.
+- `[in] arrayBuffer`: The backing `Napi::ArrayBuffer` instance.
+- `[in] bufferOffset`: The offset into the `Napi::ArrayBuffer` where the array starts,
+                       in bytes.
+- `[in] type`: The type of array to allocate (optional).
+Returns a new `Napi::TypedArrayOf` instance.
+### Constructor
+Initializes an empty instance of the `Napi::TypedArrayOf` class.
+### Constructor
+Initializes a wrapper instance of an existing `Napi::TypedArrayOf` object.
+Napi::TypedArrayOf::TypedArrayOf(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which to create the `Napi::TypedArrayOf` object.
+- `[in] value`: The `Napi::TypedArrayOf` reference to wrap.
+### operator []
+T& Napi::TypedArrayOf::operator [](size_t index);
+- `[in] index: The element index into the array.
+Returns the element found at the given index.
+### operator []
+const T& Napi::TypedArrayOf::operator [](size_t index) const;
+- `[in] index: The element index into the array.
+Returns the element found at the given index.
+### Data
+T* Napi::TypedArrayOf::Data() const;
+Returns a pointer into the backing `Napi::ArrayBuffer` which is offset to point to the
+start of the array.
+### Data
+const T* Napi::TypedArrayOf::Data() const
+Returns a pointer into the backing `Napi::ArrayBuffer` which is offset to point to the
+start of the array.

+ 269 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# Value
+`Napi::Value` is the C++ manifestation of a JavaScript value.
+Value is a the base class upon which other JavaScript values such as Number, Boolean, String, and Object are based.
+The following classes inherit, either directly or indirectly, from `Napi::Value`:
+- [`Napi::Array`](array.md)
+- [`Napi::ArrayBuffer`](array_buffer.md)
+- [`Napi::Boolean`](boolean.md)
+- [`Napi::Buffer`](buffer.md)
+- [`Napi::External`](external.md)
+- [`Napi::Function`](function.md)
+- [`Napi::Name`](name.md)
+- [`Napi::Number`](number.md)
+- [`Napi::Object`](object.md)
+- [`Napi::String`](string.md)
+- [`Napi::Symbol`](symbol.md)
+- [`Napi::TypedArray`](typed_array.md)
+- [`Napi::TypedArrayOf`](typed_array_of.md)
+## Methods
+### Empty Constructor
+Creates a new *empty* `Napi::Value` instance.
+### Constructor
+Napi::Value::Value(napi_env env, napi_value value);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Value` object.
+- `[in] value`: The C++ primitive from which to instantiate the `Napi::Value`. `value` may be any of:
+  - `bool`
+  - Any integer type
+  - Any floating point type
+  - `const char*` (encoded using UTF-8, null-terminated)
+  - `const char16_t*` (encoded using UTF-16-LE, null-terminated)
+  - `std::string` (encoded using UTF-8)
+  - `std::u16string`
+  - `Napi::Value`
+  - `napi_value`
+### From
+template <typename T> static Napi::Value Napi::Value::From(napi_env env, const T& value);
+- `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to create the `Napi::Value` object.
+- `[in] value`: The N-API primitive value from which to create the `Napi::Value` object.
+Returns a `Napi::Value` object from an N-API primitive value.
+### operator napi_value
+operator napi_value() const;
+Returns this Value's N-API value primitive.
+Returns `nullptr` if this `Napi::Value` is *empty*.
+### operator ==
+bool Napi::Value::operator ==(const Napi::Value& other) const;
+- `[in] other`: The `Napi::Value` object to be compared.
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` strictly equals another `Napi::Value`.
+### operator !=
+bool Napi::Value::operator !=(const Napi::Value& other) const;
+- `[in] other`: The `Napi::Value` object to be compared.
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` does not strictly equal another `Napi::Value`.
+### StrictEquals
+bool Napi::Value::StrictEquals(const Napi::Value& other) const;
+- `[in] other`: The `Napi::Value` object to be compared.
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` strictly equals another `Napi::Value`.
+### Env
+Napi::Env Napi::Value::Env() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Env` environment this value is associated with.
+### IsEmpty
+bool Napi::Value::IsEmpty() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is *empty* (uninitialized).
+An empty `Napi::Value` is invalid, and most attempts to perform an operation on an empty Value will result in an exception.
+Note an empty `Napi::Value` is distinct from JavaScript `null` or `undefined`, which are valid values.
+When C++ exceptions are disabled at compile time, a method with a `Napi::Value` return type may return an empty Value to indicate a pending exception. So when not using C++ exceptions, callers should check whether this `Napi::Value` is empty before attempting to use it.
+### Type
+napi_valuetype Napi::Value::Type() const;
+Returns the `napi_valuetype` type of the `Napi::Value`.
+### IsUndefined
+bool Napi::Value::IsUndefined() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is an undefined JavaScript value.
+### IsNull
+bool Napi::Value::IsNull() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is a null JavaScript value.
+### IsBoolean
+bool Napi::Value::IsBoolean() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is a JavaScript boolean.
+### IsNumber
+bool Napi::Value::IsNumber() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is a JavaScript number.
+### IsString
+bool Napi::Value::IsString() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is a JavaScript string.
+### IsSymbol
+bool Napi::Value::IsSymbol() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is a JavaScript symbol.
+### IsArray
+bool Napi::Value::IsArray() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is a JavaScript array.
+### IsArrayBuffer
+bool Napi::Value::IsArrayBuffer() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is a JavaScript array buffer.
+### IsTypedArray
+bool Napi::Value::IsTypedArray() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is a JavaScript typed array.
+### IsObject
+bool Napi::Value::IsObject() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is JavaScript object.
+### IsFunction
+bool Napi::Value::IsFunction() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is a JavaScript function.
+### IsBuffer
+bool Napi::Value::IsBuffer() const;
+Returns a `bool` indicating if this `Napi::Value` is a Node buffer.
+### As
+template <typename T> T Napi::Value::As() const;
+Casts to another type of `Napi::Value`, when the actual type is known or assumed.
+This conversion does not coerce the type. Calling any methods inappropriate for the actual value type will throw `Napi::Error`.
+### ToBoolean
+Napi::Boolean Napi::Value::ToBoolean() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Value` coerced to a JavaScript boolean.
+### ToNumber
+Napi::Number Napi::Value::ToNumber() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Value` coerced to a JavaScript number.
+### ToString
+Napi::String Napi::Value::ToString() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Value` coerced to a JavaScript string.
+### ToObject
+Napi::Object Napi::Value::ToObject() const;
+Returns the `Napi::Value` coerced to a JavaScript object.

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# VersionManagement
+The `Napi::VersionManagement` class contains methods that allow information
+to be retrieved about the version of N-API and Node.js. In some cases it is
+important to make decisions based on different versions of the system.
+## Methods
+### GetNapiVersion
+Retrieves the highest N-API version supported by Node.js runtime.
+static uint32_t Napi::VersionManagement::GetNapiVersion(Env env);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which the API is invoked under.
+Returns the highest N-API version supported by Node.js runtime.
+### GetNodeVersion
+Retrives information about Node.js version present on the system. All the
+information is stored in the `napi_node_version` structrue that is defined as
+shown below:
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t major;
+  uint32_t minor;
+  uint32_t patch;
+  const char* release;
+} napi_node_version;
+static const napi_node_version* Napi::VersionManagement::GetNodeVersion(Env env);
+- `[in] env`: The environment in which the API is invoked under.
+Returns the structure a pointer to the structure `napi_node_version` populated by
+the version information of Node.js runtime.

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Working with JavaScript Values
+`node-addon-api` provides a set of classes that allow to create and manage
+JavaScript object:
+- [Function](function.md)
+  - [FunctionReference](function_reference.md)
+- [ObjectWrap](object_wrap.md)
+  - [ClassPropertyDescriptor](class_property_descriptor.md)
+- [Buffer](buffer.md)
+- [ArrayBuffer](array_buffer.md)
+- [TypedArray](typed_array.md)
+  - [TypedArrayOf](typed_array_of.md)
+- [DataView](dataview.md)

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#include "../src/node_api.h"

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+var path = require('path');
+var versionArray = process.version
+  .substr(1)
+  .replace(/-.*$/, '')
+  .split('.')
+  .map(function(item) {
+    return +item;
+  });
+// TODO: Check if the main node semantic version is within multiple ranges,
+// or detect presence of built-in N-API by some other mechanism TBD.
+// We know which version of Node.js first shipped the incarnation of the API
+// available in *this* package. So, if we find that the Node.js version is below
+// that, we indicate that the API is missing from Node.js.
+var isNodeApiBuiltin = (
+  versionArray[0] > 8 ||
+  (versionArray[0] == 8 && versionArray[1] >= 6) ||
+  (versionArray[0] == 6 && versionArray[1] >= 15) ||
+  (versionArray[0] == 6 && versionArray[1] >= 14 && versionArray[2] >= 2));
+// The flag is not needed when the Node version is not 8, nor if the API is
+// built-in, because we removed the flag at the same time as creating the final
+// incarnation of the built-in API.
+var needsFlag = (!isNodeApiBuiltin && versionArray[0] == 8);
+var include = [__dirname];
+var gyp = path.join(__dirname, 'src', 'node_api.gyp');
+if (isNodeApiBuiltin) {
+  gyp += ':nothing';
+} else {
+  gyp += ':node-api';
+  include.unshift(path.join(__dirname, 'external-napi'));
+module.exports = {
+  include: include.map(function(item) {
+    return '"' + item + '"';
+  }).join(' '),
+  gyp: gyp,
+  isNodeApiBuiltin: isNodeApiBuiltin,
+  needsFlag: needsFlag

+ 192 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// PropertyDescriptor class
+template <typename Getter>
+inline PropertyDescriptor
+PropertyDescriptor::Accessor(const char* utf8name,
+                             Getter getter,
+                             napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                             void* /*data*/) {
+  typedef details::CallbackData<Getter, Napi::Value> CbData;
+  // TODO: Delete when the function is destroyed
+  auto callbackData = new CbData({ getter, nullptr });
+  return PropertyDescriptor({
+    utf8name,
+    nullptr,
+    nullptr,
+    CbData::Wrapper,
+    nullptr,
+    nullptr,
+    attributes,
+    callbackData
+  });
+template <typename Getter>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Accessor(const std::string& utf8name,
+                                                       Getter getter,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* data) {
+  return Accessor(utf8name.c_str(), getter, attributes, data);
+template <typename Getter>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Accessor(napi_value name,
+                                                       Getter getter,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* /*data*/) {
+  typedef details::CallbackData<Getter, Napi::Value> CbData;
+  // TODO: Delete when the function is destroyed
+  auto callbackData = new CbData({ getter, nullptr });
+  return PropertyDescriptor({
+    nullptr,
+    name,
+    nullptr,
+    CbData::Wrapper,
+    nullptr,
+    nullptr,
+    attributes,
+    callbackData
+  });
+template <typename Getter>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Accessor(Name name,
+                                                       Getter getter,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* data) {
+  napi_value nameValue = name;
+  return PropertyDescriptor::Accessor(nameValue, getter, attributes, data);
+template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Accessor(const char* utf8name,
+                                                       Getter getter,
+                                                       Setter setter,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* /*data*/) {
+  typedef details::AccessorCallbackData<Getter, Setter> CbData;
+  // TODO: Delete when the function is destroyed
+  auto callbackData = new CbData({ getter, setter, nullptr });
+  return PropertyDescriptor({
+    utf8name,
+    nullptr,
+    nullptr,
+    CbData::GetterWrapper,
+    CbData::SetterWrapper,
+    nullptr,
+    attributes,
+    callbackData
+  });
+template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Accessor(const std::string& utf8name,
+                                                       Getter getter,
+                                                       Setter setter,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* data) {
+  return Accessor(utf8name.c_str(), getter, setter, attributes, data);
+template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Accessor(napi_value name,
+                                                       Getter getter,
+                                                       Setter setter,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* /*data*/) {
+  typedef details::AccessorCallbackData<Getter, Setter> CbData;
+  // TODO: Delete when the function is destroyed
+  auto callbackData = new CbData({ getter, setter, nullptr });
+  return PropertyDescriptor({
+    nullptr,
+    name,
+    nullptr,
+    CbData::GetterWrapper,
+    CbData::SetterWrapper,
+    nullptr,
+    attributes,
+    callbackData
+  });
+template <typename Getter, typename Setter>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Accessor(Name name,
+                                                       Getter getter,
+                                                       Setter setter,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* data) {
+  napi_value nameValue = name;
+  return PropertyDescriptor::Accessor(nameValue, getter, setter, attributes, data);
+template <typename Callable>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Function(const char* utf8name,
+                                                       Callable cb,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* /*data*/) {
+  typedef decltype(cb(CallbackInfo(nullptr, nullptr))) ReturnType;
+  typedef details::CallbackData<Callable, ReturnType> CbData;
+  // TODO: Delete when the function is destroyed
+  auto callbackData = new CbData({ cb, nullptr });
+  return PropertyDescriptor({
+    utf8name,
+    nullptr,
+    CbData::Wrapper,
+    nullptr,
+    nullptr,
+    nullptr,
+    attributes,
+    callbackData
+  });
+template <typename Callable>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Function(const std::string& utf8name,
+                                                       Callable cb,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* data) {
+  return Function(utf8name.c_str(), cb, attributes, data);
+template <typename Callable>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Function(napi_value name,
+                                                       Callable cb,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* /*data*/) {
+  typedef decltype(cb(CallbackInfo(nullptr, nullptr))) ReturnType;
+  typedef details::CallbackData<Callable, ReturnType> CbData;
+  // TODO: Delete when the function is destroyed
+  auto callbackData = new CbData({ cb, nullptr });
+  return PropertyDescriptor({
+    nullptr,
+    name,
+    CbData::Wrapper,
+    nullptr,
+    nullptr,
+    nullptr,
+    attributes,
+    callbackData
+  });
+template <typename Callable>
+inline PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor::Function(Name name,
+                                                       Callable cb,
+                                                       napi_property_attributes attributes,
+                                                       void* data) {
+  napi_value nameValue = name;
+  return PropertyDescriptor::Function(nameValue, cb, attributes, data);

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 4097 - 0

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 2053 - 0

+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/issues"
+  },
+  "contributors": [
+    "Abhishek Kumar Singh (https://github.com/abhi11210646)",
+    "Alba Mendez (https://github.com/jmendeth)",
+    "Andrew Petersen (https://github.com/kirbysayshi)",
+    "Anisha Rohra (https://github.com/anisha-rohra)",
+    "Anna Henningsen (https://github.com/addaleax)",
+    "Arnaud Botella (https://github.com/BotellaA)",
+    "Arunesh Chandra (https://github.com/aruneshchandra)",
+    "Ben Berman (https://github.com/rivertam)",
+    "Benjamin Byholm (https://github.com/kkoopa)",
+    "Bill Gallafent (https://github.com/gallafent)",
+    "Bruce A. MacNaughton (https://github.com/bmacnaughton)",
+    "Cory Mickelson (https://github.com/corymickelson)",
+    "David Halls (https://github.com/davedoesdev)",
+    "Dongjin Na (https://github.com/nadongguri)",
+    "Eric Bickle (https://github.com/ebickle)",
+    "Gabriel Schulhof (https://github.com/gabrielschulhof)",
+    "Gus Caplan (https://github.com/devsnek)",
+    "Hitesh Kanwathirtha (https://github.com/digitalinfinity)",
+    "Jake Barnes (https://github.com/DuBistKomisch)",
+    "Jake Yoon (https://github.com/yjaeseok)",
+    "Jason Ginchereau (https://github.com/jasongin)",
+    "Jim Schlight (https://github.com/jschlight)",
+    "Jinho Bang (https://github.com/romandev)",
+    "joshgarde (https://github.com/joshgarde)",
+    "Kevin Eady (https://github.com/KevinEady)",
+    "Konstantin Tarkus (https://github.com/koistya)",
+    "Kyle Farnung (https://github.com/kfarnung)",
+    "Luciano Martorella (https://github.com/lmartorella)",
+    "Matteo Collina (https://github.com/mcollina)",
+    "Michael Dawson (https://github.com/mhdawson)",
+    "Michele Campus (https://github.com/kYroL01)",
+    "Mikhail Cheshkov (https://github.com/mcheshkov)",
+    "Nicola Del Gobbo (https://github.com/NickNaso)",
+    "Nick Soggin (https://github.com/iSkore)",
+    "Philipp Renoth (https://github.com/DaAitch)",
+    "Rolf Timmermans (https://github.com/rolftimmermans)",
+    "Ross Weir (https://github.com/ross-weir)",
+    "Ryuichi Okumura (https://github.com/okuryu)",
+    "Sampson Gao (https://github.com/sampsongao)",
+    "Sam Roberts (https://github.com/sam-github)",
+    "Taylor Woll (https://github.com/boingoing)",
+    "Thomas Gentilhomme (https://github.com/fraxken)",
+    "Tobias Nießen (https://github.com/tniessen)",
+    "Tux3 (https://github.com/tux3)",
+    "Yohei Kishimoto (https://github.com/morokosi)"
+  ],
+  "dependencies": {},
+  "description": "Node.js API (N-API)",
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "safe-buffer": "^5.1.1"
+  },
+  "directories": {},
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api",
+  "keywords": ["n-api", "napi", "addon", "native", "bindings", "c", "c++", "nan", "node-addon-api"],
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "main": "index.js",
+  "name": "node-addon-api",
+  "optionalDependencies": {},
+  "readme": "README.md",
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api.git"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "pretest": "node-gyp rebuild -C test",
+    "test": "node test",
+    "predev": "node-gyp rebuild -C test --debug",
+    "dev": "node test",
+    "predev:incremental": "node-gyp configure build -C test --debug",
+    "dev:incremental": "node test",
+    "doc": "doxygen doc/Doxyfile"
+  },
+  "version": "1.7.2"

+ 7 - 0

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+ 2 - 0

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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 142 - 0

+ 40 - 0

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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 3655 - 0

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  'targets': [
+    {
+      'target_name': 'nothing',
+      'type': 'static_library',
+      'sources': [ 'nothing.c' ]
+    },
+    {
+      'target_name': 'node-api',
+      'type': 'static_library',
+      'sources': [
+        'node_api.cc',
+        'node_internals.cc',
+      ],
+      'defines': [
+         'EXTERNAL_NAPI',
+      ],
+      'cflags_cc': ['-fvisibility=hidden']
+    }
+  ]

+ 588 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+ * Experimental prototype for demonstrating VM agnostic and ABI stable API
+ * for native modules to use instead of using Nan and V8 APIs directly.
+ *
+ * The current status is "Experimental" and should not be used for
+ * production applications.  The API is still subject to change
+ * and as an experimental feature is NOT subject to semver.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef SRC_NODE_API_H_
+#define SRC_NODE_API_H_
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "node_api_types.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    #ifdef EXTERNAL_NAPI
+      // Building external N-API, or native module against external N-API
+      #define NAPI_EXTERN /* nothing */
+    #else
+      // Building native module against node with built-in N-API
+      #define NAPI_EXTERN __declspec(dllimport)
+    #endif
+  #else
+    // Building node with built-in N-API
+    #define NAPI_EXTERN __declspec(dllexport)
+  #endif
+  #define NAPI_EXTERN /* nothing */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+# define NAPI_MODULE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+# define NAPI_MODULE_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define NAPI_NO_RETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
+typedef napi_value (*napi_addon_register_func)(napi_env env,
+                                               napi_value exports);
+typedef struct {
+  int nm_version;
+  unsigned int nm_flags;
+  const char* nm_filename;
+  napi_addon_register_func nm_register_func;
+  const char* nm_modname;
+  void* nm_priv;
+  void* reserved[4];
+} napi_module;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma section(".CRT$XCU", read)
+#define NAPI_C_CTOR(fn)                                                     \
+  static void __cdecl fn(void);                                             \
+  __declspec(dllexport, allocate(".CRT$XCU")) void(__cdecl * fn##_)(void) = \
+      fn;                                                                   \
+  static void __cdecl fn(void)
+#define NAPI_C_CTOR(fn)                              \
+  static void fn(void) __attribute__((constructor)); \
+  static void fn(void)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define EXTERN_C_START extern "C" {
+#define EXTERN_C_END }
+#define EXTERN_C_END
+#define NAPI_MODULE_X(modname, regfunc, priv, flags)                  \
+  EXTERN_C_START                                                      \
+    static napi_module _module =                                      \
+    {                                                                 \
+      NAPI_MODULE_VERSION,                                            \
+      flags,                                                          \
+      __FILE__,                                                       \
+      regfunc,                                                        \
+      #modname,                                                       \
+      priv,                                                           \
+      {0},                                                            \
+    };                                                                \
+    NAPI_C_CTOR(_register_ ## modname) {                              \
+      napi_module_register(&_module);                                 \
+    }                                                                 \
+#define NAPI_MODULE(modname, regfunc) \
+  NAPI_MODULE_X(modname, regfunc, NULL, 0)
+NAPI_EXTERN void napi_module_register(napi_module* mod);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_get_last_error_info(napi_env env,
+                         const napi_extended_error_info** result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_fatal_exception(napi_env env, napi_value err);
+NAPI_EXTERN NAPI_NO_RETURN void napi_fatal_error(const char* location,
+                                                 size_t location_len,
+                                                 const char* message,
+                                                 size_t message_len);
+// Getters for defined singletons
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_undefined(napi_env env, napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_null(napi_env env, napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_global(napi_env env, napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_boolean(napi_env env,
+                                         bool value,
+                                         napi_value* result);
+// Methods to create Primitive types/Objects
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_object(napi_env env, napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_array(napi_env env, napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_array_with_length(napi_env env,
+                                                      size_t length,
+                                                      napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_double(napi_env env,
+                                           double value,
+                                           napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_int32(napi_env env,
+                                          int32_t value,
+                                          napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_uint32(napi_env env,
+                                           uint32_t value,
+                                           napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_int64(napi_env env,
+                                          int64_t value,
+                                          napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_string_latin1(napi_env env,
+                                                  const char* str,
+                                                  size_t length,
+                                                  napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_string_utf8(napi_env env,
+                                                const char* str,
+                                                size_t length,
+                                                napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_string_utf16(napi_env env,
+                                                 const char16_t* str,
+                                                 size_t length,
+                                                 napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_symbol(napi_env env,
+                                           napi_value description,
+                                           napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_function(napi_env env,
+                                             const char* utf8name,
+                                             size_t length,
+                                             napi_callback cb,
+                                             void* data,
+                                             napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_error(napi_env env,
+                                          napi_value code,
+                                          napi_value msg,
+                                          napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_type_error(napi_env env,
+                                               napi_value code,
+                                               napi_value msg,
+                                               napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_range_error(napi_env env,
+                                                napi_value code,
+                                                napi_value msg,
+                                                napi_value* result);
+// Methods to get the the native napi_value from Primitive type
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_typeof(napi_env env,
+                                    napi_value value,
+                                    napi_valuetype* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_value_double(napi_env env,
+                                              napi_value value,
+                                              double* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_value_int32(napi_env env,
+                                             napi_value value,
+                                             int32_t* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_value_uint32(napi_env env,
+                                              napi_value value,
+                                              uint32_t* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_value_int64(napi_env env,
+                                             napi_value value,
+                                             int64_t* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_value_bool(napi_env env,
+                                            napi_value value,
+                                            bool* result);
+// Copies LATIN-1 encoded bytes from a string into a buffer.
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_value_string_latin1(napi_env env,
+                                                     napi_value value,
+                                                     char* buf,
+                                                     size_t bufsize,
+                                                     size_t* result);
+// Copies UTF-8 encoded bytes from a string into a buffer.
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_value_string_utf8(napi_env env,
+                                                   napi_value value,
+                                                   char* buf,
+                                                   size_t bufsize,
+                                                   size_t* result);
+// Copies UTF-16 encoded bytes from a string into a buffer.
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_value_string_utf16(napi_env env,
+                                                    napi_value value,
+                                                    char16_t* buf,
+                                                    size_t bufsize,
+                                                    size_t* result);
+// Methods to coerce values
+// These APIs may execute user scripts
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_coerce_to_bool(napi_env env,
+                                            napi_value value,
+                                            napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_coerce_to_number(napi_env env,
+                                              napi_value value,
+                                              napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_coerce_to_object(napi_env env,
+                                              napi_value value,
+                                              napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_coerce_to_string(napi_env env,
+                                              napi_value value,
+                                              napi_value* result);
+// Methods to work with Objects
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_prototype(napi_env env,
+                                           napi_value object,
+                                           napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_property_names(napi_env env,
+                                                napi_value object,
+                                                napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_set_property(napi_env env,
+                                          napi_value object,
+                                          napi_value key,
+                                          napi_value value);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_has_property(napi_env env,
+                                          napi_value object,
+                                          napi_value key,
+                                          bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_property(napi_env env,
+                                          napi_value object,
+                                          napi_value key,
+                                          napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_delete_property(napi_env env,
+                                             napi_value object,
+                                             napi_value key,
+                                             bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_has_own_property(napi_env env,
+                                              napi_value object,
+                                              napi_value key,
+                                              bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_set_named_property(napi_env env,
+                                          napi_value object,
+                                          const char* utf8name,
+                                          napi_value value);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_has_named_property(napi_env env,
+                                          napi_value object,
+                                          const char* utf8name,
+                                          bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_named_property(napi_env env,
+                                          napi_value object,
+                                          const char* utf8name,
+                                          napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_set_element(napi_env env,
+                                         napi_value object,
+                                         uint32_t index,
+                                         napi_value value);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_has_element(napi_env env,
+                                         napi_value object,
+                                         uint32_t index,
+                                         bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_element(napi_env env,
+                                         napi_value object,
+                                         uint32_t index,
+                                         napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_delete_element(napi_env env,
+                                            napi_value object,
+                                            uint32_t index,
+                                            bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_define_properties(napi_env env,
+                       napi_value object,
+                       size_t property_count,
+                       const napi_property_descriptor* properties);
+// Methods to work with Arrays
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_is_array(napi_env env,
+                                      napi_value value,
+                                      bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_array_length(napi_env env,
+                                              napi_value value,
+                                              uint32_t* result);
+// Methods to compare values
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_strict_equals(napi_env env,
+                                           napi_value lhs,
+                                           napi_value rhs,
+                                           bool* result);
+// Methods to work with Functions
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_call_function(napi_env env,
+                                           napi_value recv,
+                                           napi_value func,
+                                           size_t argc,
+                                           const napi_value* argv,
+                                           napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_new_instance(napi_env env,
+                                          napi_value constructor,
+                                          size_t argc,
+                                          const napi_value* argv,
+                                          napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_instanceof(napi_env env,
+                                        napi_value object,
+                                        napi_value constructor,
+                                        bool* result);
+// Methods to work with napi_callbacks
+// Gets all callback info in a single call. (Ugly, but faster.)
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_cb_info(
+    napi_env env,               // [in] NAPI environment handle
+    napi_callback_info cbinfo,  // [in] Opaque callback-info handle
+    size_t* argc,      // [in-out] Specifies the size of the provided argv array
+                       // and receives the actual count of args.
+    napi_value* argv,  // [out] Array of values
+    napi_value* this_arg,  // [out] Receives the JS 'this' arg for the call
+    void** data);          // [out] Receives the data pointer for the callback.
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_new_target(napi_env env,
+                                            napi_callback_info cbinfo,
+                                            napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_define_class(napi_env env,
+                  const char* utf8name,
+                  size_t length,
+                  napi_callback constructor,
+                  void* data,
+                  size_t property_count,
+                  const napi_property_descriptor* properties,
+                  napi_value* result);
+// Methods to work with external data objects
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_wrap(napi_env env,
+                                  napi_value js_object,
+                                  void* native_object,
+                                  napi_finalize finalize_cb,
+                                  void* finalize_hint,
+                                  napi_ref* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_unwrap(napi_env env,
+                                    napi_value js_object,
+                                    void** result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_remove_wrap(napi_env env,
+                                         napi_value js_object,
+                                         void** result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_external(napi_env env,
+                                             void* data,
+                                             napi_finalize finalize_cb,
+                                             void* finalize_hint,
+                                             napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_value_external(napi_env env,
+                                                napi_value value,
+                                                void** result);
+// Methods to control object lifespan
+// Set initial_refcount to 0 for a weak reference, >0 for a strong reference.
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_reference(napi_env env,
+                                              napi_value value,
+                                              uint32_t initial_refcount,
+                                              napi_ref* result);
+// Deletes a reference. The referenced value is released, and may
+// be GC'd unless there are other references to it.
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_delete_reference(napi_env env, napi_ref ref);
+// Increments the reference count, optionally returning the resulting count.
+// After this call the  reference will be a strong reference because its
+// refcount is >0, and the referenced object is effectively "pinned".
+// Calling this when the refcount is 0 and the object is unavailable
+// results in an error.
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_reference_ref(napi_env env,
+                                           napi_ref ref,
+                                           uint32_t* result);
+// Decrements the reference count, optionally returning the resulting count.
+// If the result is 0 the reference is now weak and the object may be GC'd
+// at any time if there are no other references. Calling this when the
+// refcount is already 0 results in an error.
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_reference_unref(napi_env env,
+                                             napi_ref ref,
+                                             uint32_t* result);
+// Attempts to get a referenced value. If the reference is weak,
+// the value might no longer be available, in that case the call
+// is still successful but the result is NULL.
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_reference_value(napi_env env,
+                                                 napi_ref ref,
+                                                 napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_open_handle_scope(napi_env env,
+                                               napi_handle_scope* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_close_handle_scope(napi_env env,
+                                                napi_handle_scope scope);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_open_escapable_handle_scope(napi_env env,
+                                 napi_escapable_handle_scope* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_close_escapable_handle_scope(napi_env env,
+                                  napi_escapable_handle_scope scope);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_escape_handle(napi_env env,
+                                           napi_escapable_handle_scope scope,
+                                           napi_value escapee,
+                                           napi_value* result);
+// Methods to support error handling
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_throw(napi_env env, napi_value error);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_throw_error(napi_env env,
+                                         const char* code,
+                                         const char* msg);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_throw_type_error(napi_env env,
+                                         const char* code,
+                                         const char* msg);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_throw_range_error(napi_env env,
+                                         const char* code,
+                                         const char* msg);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_is_error(napi_env env,
+                                      napi_value value,
+                                      bool* result);
+// Methods to support catching exceptions
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_is_exception_pending(napi_env env, bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_and_clear_last_exception(napi_env env,
+                                                          napi_value* result);
+// Methods to provide node::Buffer functionality with napi types
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_buffer(napi_env env,
+                                           size_t length,
+                                           void** data,
+                                           napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_external_buffer(napi_env env,
+                                                    size_t length,
+                                                    void* data,
+                                                    napi_finalize finalize_cb,
+                                                    void* finalize_hint,
+                                                    napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_buffer_copy(napi_env env,
+                                                size_t length,
+                                                const void* data,
+                                                void** result_data,
+                                                napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_is_buffer(napi_env env,
+                                       napi_value value,
+                                       bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_buffer_info(napi_env env,
+                                             napi_value value,
+                                             void** data,
+                                             size_t* length);
+// Methods to work with array buffers and typed arrays
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_is_arraybuffer(napi_env env,
+                                            napi_value value,
+                                            bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_arraybuffer(napi_env env,
+                                                size_t byte_length,
+                                                void** data,
+                                                napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status
+napi_create_external_arraybuffer(napi_env env,
+                                 void* external_data,
+                                 size_t byte_length,
+                                 napi_finalize finalize_cb,
+                                 void* finalize_hint,
+                                 napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_arraybuffer_info(napi_env env,
+                                                  napi_value arraybuffer,
+                                                  void** data,
+                                                  size_t* byte_length);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_is_typedarray(napi_env env,
+                                           napi_value value,
+                                           bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_typedarray(napi_env env,
+                                               napi_typedarray_type type,
+                                               size_t length,
+                                               napi_value arraybuffer,
+                                               size_t byte_offset,
+                                               napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_typedarray_info(napi_env env,
+                                                 napi_value typedarray,
+                                                 napi_typedarray_type* type,
+                                                 size_t* length,
+                                                 void** data,
+                                                 napi_value* arraybuffer,
+                                                 size_t* byte_offset);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_dataview(napi_env env,
+                                             size_t length,
+                                             napi_value arraybuffer,
+                                             size_t byte_offset,
+                                             napi_value* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_is_dataview(napi_env env,
+                                         napi_value value,
+                                         bool* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_dataview_info(napi_env env,
+                                               napi_value dataview,
+                                               size_t* bytelength,
+                                               void** data,
+                                               napi_value* arraybuffer,
+                                               size_t* byte_offset);
+// Methods to manage simple async operations
+napi_status napi_create_async_work(napi_env env,
+                                   napi_value async_resource,
+                                   napi_value async_resource_name,
+                                   napi_async_execute_callback execute,
+                                   napi_async_complete_callback complete,
+                                   void* data,
+                                   napi_async_work* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_delete_async_work(napi_env env,
+                                               napi_async_work work);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_queue_async_work(napi_env env,
+                                              napi_async_work work);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_cancel_async_work(napi_env env,
+                                               napi_async_work work);
+// Methods for custom handling of async operations
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_async_init(napi_env env,
+                                        napi_value async_resource,
+                                        napi_value async_resource_name,
+                                        napi_async_context* result);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_async_destroy(napi_env env,
+                                           napi_async_context async_context);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_make_callback(napi_env env,
+                                           napi_async_context async_context,
+                                           napi_value recv,
+                                           napi_value func,
+                                           size_t argc,
+                                           const napi_value* argv,
+                                           napi_value* result);
+// version management
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_get_version(napi_env env, uint32_t* result);
+napi_status napi_get_node_version(napi_env env,
+                                  const napi_node_version** version);
+// Promises
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_promise(napi_env env,
+                                            napi_deferred* deferred,
+                                            napi_value* promise);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_resolve_deferred(napi_env env,
+                                              napi_deferred deferred,
+                                              napi_value resolution);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_reject_deferred(napi_env env,
+                                             napi_deferred deferred,
+                                             napi_value rejection);
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_is_promise(napi_env env,
+                                        napi_value promise,
+                                        bool* is_promise);
+// Memory management
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_adjust_external_memory(napi_env env,
+                                                    int64_t change_in_bytes,
+                                                    int64_t* adjusted_value);
+// Runnig a script
+NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_run_script(napi_env env,
+                                        napi_value script,
+                                        napi_value* result);
+#endif  // SRC_NODE_API_H_

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio 2015
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "node-api", "node-api.vcxproj", "{E4A8443B-91CD-63AB-0A0C-2349E346D08E}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "nothing", "nothing.vcxproj", "{4274DA33-CEE2-2DAC-88A1-6CD071AA3A39}"
+	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+		Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
+		Release|x64 = Release|x64
+	EndGlobalSection
+	GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+		{4274DA33-CEE2-2DAC-88A1-6CD071AA3A39}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+		{4274DA33-CEE2-2DAC-88A1-6CD071AA3A39}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+		{4274DA33-CEE2-2DAC-88A1-6CD071AA3A39}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+		{4274DA33-CEE2-2DAC-88A1-6CD071AA3A39}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+		{E4A8443B-91CD-63AB-0A0C-2349E346D08E}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+		{E4A8443B-91CD-63AB-0A0C-2349E346D08E}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+		{E4A8443B-91CD-63AB-0A0C-2349E346D08E}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+		{E4A8443B-91CD-63AB-0A0C-2349E346D08E}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+	EndGlobalSection
+	GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+		HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+	EndGlobalSection

+ 115 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#if !defined __cplusplus || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900)
+    typedef uint16_t char16_t;
+// JSVM API types are all opaque pointers for ABI stability
+// typedef undefined structs instead of void* for compile time type safety
+typedef struct napi_env__ *napi_env;
+typedef struct napi_value__ *napi_value;
+typedef struct napi_ref__ *napi_ref;
+typedef struct napi_handle_scope__ *napi_handle_scope;
+typedef struct napi_escapable_handle_scope__ *napi_escapable_handle_scope;
+typedef struct napi_callback_info__ *napi_callback_info;
+typedef struct napi_async_context__ *napi_async_context;
+typedef struct napi_async_work__ *napi_async_work;
+typedef struct napi_deferred__ *napi_deferred;
+typedef enum {
+  napi_default = 0,
+  napi_writable = 1 << 0,
+  napi_enumerable = 1 << 1,
+  napi_configurable = 1 << 2,
+  // Used with napi_define_class to distinguish static properties
+  // from instance properties. Ignored by napi_define_properties.
+  napi_static = 1 << 10,
+} napi_property_attributes;
+typedef enum {
+  // ES6 types (corresponds to typeof)
+  napi_undefined,
+  napi_null,
+  napi_boolean,
+  napi_number,
+  napi_string,
+  napi_symbol,
+  napi_object,
+  napi_function,
+  napi_external,
+} napi_valuetype;
+typedef enum {
+  napi_int8_array,
+  napi_uint8_array,
+  napi_uint8_clamped_array,
+  napi_int16_array,
+  napi_uint16_array,
+  napi_int32_array,
+  napi_uint32_array,
+  napi_float32_array,
+  napi_float64_array,
+} napi_typedarray_type;
+typedef enum {
+  napi_ok,
+  napi_invalid_arg,
+  napi_object_expected,
+  napi_string_expected,
+  napi_name_expected,
+  napi_function_expected,
+  napi_number_expected,
+  napi_boolean_expected,
+  napi_array_expected,
+  napi_generic_failure,
+  napi_pending_exception,
+  napi_cancelled,
+  napi_escape_called_twice,
+  napi_handle_scope_mismatch
+} napi_status;
+typedef napi_value (*napi_callback)(napi_env env,
+                                    napi_callback_info info);
+typedef void (*napi_finalize)(napi_env env,
+                              void* finalize_data,
+                              void* finalize_hint);
+typedef void (*napi_async_execute_callback)(napi_env env,
+                                            void* data);
+typedef void (*napi_async_complete_callback)(napi_env env,
+                                             napi_status status,
+                                             void* data);
+typedef struct {
+  // One of utf8name or name should be NULL.
+  const char* utf8name;
+  napi_value name;
+  napi_callback method;
+  napi_callback getter;
+  napi_callback setter;
+  napi_value value;
+  napi_property_attributes attributes;
+  void* data;
+} napi_property_descriptor;
+typedef struct {
+  const char* error_message;
+  void* engine_reserved;
+  uint32_t engine_error_code;
+  napi_status error_code;
+} napi_extended_error_info;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t major;
+  uint32_t minor;
+  uint32_t patch;
+  const char* release;
+} napi_node_version;
+#endif  // SRC_NODE_API_TYPES_H_

+ 142 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#include "node_internals.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <vector>
+#include "uv.h"
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define getpid GetCurrentProcessId
+#include <unistd.h>  // getpid
+CallbackScope::CallbackScope(void *work) {
+#endif // NODE_MAJOR_VERSION < 8
+namespace node {
+async_context EmitAsyncInit(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                            v8::Local<v8::Object> resource,
+                            v8::Local<v8::String> name,
+                            async_id trigger_async_id) {
+  return async_context();
+void EmitAsyncDestroy(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                      async_context asyncContext) {
+AsyncResource::AsyncResource(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                             v8::Local<v8::Object> object,
+                             const char *name) {
+#endif // NODE_MAJOR_VERSION < 8
+v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> MakeCallback(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                                       v8::Local<v8::Object> recv,
+                                       v8::Local<v8::Function> callback,
+                                       int argc,
+                                       v8::Local<v8::Value>* argv,
+                                       async_context asyncContext) {
+  return node::MakeCallback(isolate, recv, callback, argc, argv);
+static void PrintErrorString(const char* format, ...) {
+  va_list ap;
+  va_start(ap, format);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+  HANDLE stderr_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
+  // Check if stderr is something other than a tty/console
+  if (stderr_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ||
+      stderr_handle == nullptr ||
+      uv_guess_handle(_fileno(stderr)) != UV_TTY) {
+    vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+    return;
+  }
+  // Fill in any placeholders
+  int n = _vscprintf(format, ap);
+  std::vector<char> out(n + 1);
+  vsprintf(out.data(), format, ap);
+  // Get required wide buffer size
+  n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, out.data(), -1, nullptr, 0);
+  std::vector<wchar_t> wbuf(n);
+  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, out.data(), -1, wbuf.data(), n);
+  // Don't include the null character in the output
+  CHECK_GT(n, 0);
+  WriteConsoleW(stderr_handle, wbuf.data(), n - 1, nullptr, nullptr);
+  vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+void DumpBacktrace(FILE* fp) {
+NO_RETURN void Abort() {
+  DumpBacktrace(stderr);
+  fflush(stderr);
+NO_RETURN void Assert(const char* const (*args)[4]) {
+  auto filename = (*args)[0];
+  auto linenum = (*args)[1];
+  auto message = (*args)[2];
+  auto function = (*args)[3];
+  char exepath[256];
+  size_t exepath_size = sizeof(exepath);
+  if (uv_exepath(exepath, &exepath_size))
+    snprintf(exepath, sizeof(exepath), "node");
+  char pid[12] = {0};
+  snprintf(pid, sizeof(pid), "[%u]", getpid());
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s%s: %s:%s:%s%s Assertion `%s' failed.\n",
+          exepath, pid, filename, linenum,
+          function, *function ? ":" : "", message);
+  fflush(stderr);
+  Abort();
+static void OnFatalError(const char* location, const char* message) {
+  if (location) {
+    PrintErrorString("FATAL ERROR: %s %s\n", location, message);
+  } else {
+    PrintErrorString("FATAL ERROR: %s\n", message);
+  }
+  fflush(stderr);
+  ABORT();
+NO_RETURN void FatalError(const char* location, const char* message) {
+  OnFatalError(location, message);
+  // to suppress compiler warning
+  ABORT();
+}  // namespace node
+v8::Local<v8::Name> v8::Private::ForApi(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                                         v8::Local<v8::String> key) {
+  return v8::Symbol::ForApi(isolate, key);
+#endif // NODE_MAJOR_VERSION < 6

+ 157 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// This is a stripped down shim to allow node_api.cc to build outside of the node source tree.
+#include "node_version.h"
+#include "util-inl.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "uv.h"
+#include "node.h"
+#include <string>
+// Windows 8+ does not like abort() in Release mode
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define ABORT_NO_BACKTRACE() abort()
+#define ABORT() node::Abort()
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define LIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 1)
+#define UNLIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 0)
+#define LIKELY(expr) expr
+#define UNLIKELY(expr) expr
+#define STRINGIFY_(x) #x
+#define CHECK(expr)                                                           \
+  do {                                                                        \
+    if (UNLIKELY(!(expr))) {                                                  \
+      static const char* const args[] = { __FILE__, STRINGIFY(__LINE__),      \
+                                          #expr, PRETTY_FUNCTION_NAME };      \
+      node::Assert(&args);                                                    \
+    }                                                                         \
+  } while (0)
+#define CHECK_EQ(a, b) CHECK((a) == (b))
+#define CHECK_GE(a, b) CHECK((a) >= (b))
+#define CHECK_GT(a, b) CHECK((a) > (b))
+#define CHECK_LE(a, b) CHECK((a) <= (b))
+#define CHECK_LT(a, b) CHECK((a) < (b))
+#define CHECK_NE(a, b) CHECK((a) != (b))
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define NO_RETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
+#define NO_RETURN
+#define NODE_RELEASE "node"
+class CallbackScope {
+  public:
+    CallbackScope(void *work);
+#endif // NODE_MAJOR_VERSION < 8
+namespace node {
+// Copied from Node.js' src/node_persistent.h
+template <typename T>
+struct ResetInDestructorPersistentTraits {
+  static const bool kResetInDestructor = true;
+  template <typename S, typename M>
+  // Disallow copy semantics by leaving this unimplemented.
+  inline static void Copy(
+      const v8::Persistent<S, M>&,
+      v8::Persistent<T, ResetInDestructorPersistentTraits<T>>*);
+// v8::Persistent does not reset the object slot in its destructor.  That is
+// acknowledged as a flaw in the V8 API and expected to change in the future
+// but for now node::Persistent is the easier and safer alternative.
+template <typename T>
+using Persistent = v8::Persistent<T, ResetInDestructorPersistentTraits<T>>;
+typedef int async_id;
+typedef struct async_context {
+  node::async_id async_id;
+  node::async_id trigger_async_id;
+} async_context;
+#endif // NODE_MAJOR_VERSION < 8.2
+NODE_EXTERN async_context EmitAsyncInit(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                                        v8::Local<v8::Object> resource,
+                                        v8::Local<v8::String> name,
+                                        async_id trigger_async_id = -1);
+NODE_EXTERN void EmitAsyncDestroy(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                                  async_context asyncContext);
+v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> MakeCallback(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                                       v8::Local<v8::Object> recv,
+                                       v8::Local<v8::Function> callback,
+                                       int argc,
+                                       v8::Local<v8::Value>* argv,
+                                       async_context asyncContext);
+class AsyncResource {
+  public:
+    AsyncResource(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                  v8::Local<v8::Object> object,
+                  const char *name);
+#endif // node version below 8
+#endif // node version below 8.6
+// The slightly odd function signature for Assert() is to ease
+// instruction cache pressure in calls from ASSERT and CHECK.
+NO_RETURN void Abort();
+NO_RETURN void Assert(const char* const (*args)[4]);
+void DumpBacktrace(FILE* fp);
+template <typename T, size_t N>
+constexpr size_t arraysize(const T(&)[N]) { return N; }
+NO_RETURN void FatalError(const char* location, const char* message);
+}  // namespace node
+#define NewTarget This
+#endif // NODE_MAJOR_VERSION < 8
+namespace v8 {
+  namespace Private {
+    v8::Local<v8::Name> ForApi(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::String> key);
+  }
+#define GetPrivate(context, key) Get((context), (key))
+#define SetPrivate(context, key, value)                                 \
+  DefineOwnProperty((context), (key), (value),                          \
+                    static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>(v8::DontEnum |   \
+                                                       v8::DontDelete | \
+                                                       v8::ReadOnly))
+#endif // NODE_MAJOR_VERSION < 6

+ 0 - 0

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 139 - 0

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
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+      <UniqueIdentifier>{E9F714C1-DA89-54E2-60CF-39FEB20BF756}</UniqueIdentifier>
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+  </ItemGroup>
+  <ItemGroup>
+    <ClCompile Include="nothing.c"/>
+    <ClCompile Include="C:\Users\ZhangXK\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\src\win_delay_load_hook.cc">
+      <Filter>C:\Users\ZhangXK\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\src</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <None Include="node_api.gyp"/>
+  </ItemGroup>

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#ifndef SRC_UTIL_INL_H_
+#define SRC_UTIL_INL_H_
+#include "util.h"
+#include "v8.h"
+namespace node {
+inline v8::Local<v8::String> OneByteString(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                                           const char* data,
+                                           int length) {
+  return v8::String::NewFromOneByte(isolate,
+                                    reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data),
+                                    v8::NewStringType::kNormal,
+                                    length).ToLocalChecked();
+inline v8::Local<v8::String> OneByteString(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                                           const signed char* data,
+                                           int length) {
+  return v8::String::NewFromOneByte(isolate,
+                                    reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data),
+                                    v8::NewStringType::kNormal,
+                                    length).ToLocalChecked();
+inline v8::Local<v8::String> OneByteString(v8::Isolate* isolate,
+                                           const unsigned char* data,
+                                           int length) {
+  return v8::String::NewFromOneByte(isolate,
+                                    reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data),
+                                    v8::NewStringType::kNormal,
+                                    length).ToLocalChecked();
+}  // namespace node
+#endif  // SRC_UTIL_INL_H_

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef SRC_UTIL_H_
+#define SRC_UTIL_H_
+#define FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(isolate, string)                                \
+  (node::OneByteString((isolate), (string), sizeof(string) - 1))
+#endif  // SRC_UTIL_H_

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Migration Script
+The migration tool is designed to reduce repetitive work in the migration process. However, the script is not aiming to convert every thing for you. There are usually some small fixes and major reconstruction required.
+### How To Use
+To run the conversion script, first make sure you have the latest `node-addon-api` in your `node_modules` directory.
+npm install node-addon-api
+Then run the script passing your project directory
+node ./node_modules/node-addon-api/tools/conversion.js ./
+After finish, recompile and debug things that are missed by the script.
+### Quick Fixes
+Here is the list of things that can be fixed easily.
+  1. Change your methods' return value to void if it doesn't return value to JavaScript.
+  2. Use `.` to access attribute or to invoke member function in Napi::Object instead of `->`.
+  3. `Napi::New(env, value);` to `Napi::[Type]::New(env, value);
+### Major Reconstructions
+The implementation of `Napi::ObjectWrap` is significantly different from NAN's. `Napi::ObjectWrap` takes a pointer to the wrapped object and creates a reference to the wrapped object inside ObjectWrap constructor. `Napi::ObjectWrap` also associates wrapped object's instance methods to Javascript module instead of static methods like NAN.
+So if you use Nan::ObjectWrap in your module, you will need to execute the following steps.
+  1. Convert your [ClassName]::New function to a constructor function that takes a `Napi::CallbackInfo`. Declare it as
+[ClassName](const Napi::CallbackInfo& info);
+and define it as
+[ClassName]::[ClassName](const Napi::CallbackInfo& info) : Napi::ObjectWrap<[ClassName]>(info){
+  ...
+This way, the `Napi::ObjectWrap` constructor will be invoked after the object has been instantiated and `Napi::ObjectWrap` can use the `this` pointer to create a reference to the wrapped object.
+  2. Move your original constructor code into the new constructor. Delete your original constructor.
+  3. In your class initialization function, associate native methods in the following way. The `&` character before methods is required because they are not static methods but instance methods.
+Napi::FunctionReference constructor;
+void [ClassName]::Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports, Napi::Object module) {
+  Napi::HandleScope scope(env);
+  Napi::Function ctor = DefineClass(env, "Canvas", {
+    InstanceMethod("Func1", &[ClassName]::Func1),
+    InstanceMethod("Func2", &[ClassName]::Func2),
+    InstanceAccessor("Value", &[ClassName]::ValueGetter),
+    StaticMethod("MethodName", &[ClassName]::StaticMethod),
+    InstanceValue("Value", Napi::[Type]::New(env, value)),
+  });
+  constructor = Napi::Persistent(ctor);
+  constructor .SuppressDestruct();
+  exports.Set("[ClassName]", ctor);
+  4. In function where you need to Unwrap the ObjectWrap in NAN like `[ClassName]* native = Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<[ClassName]>(info.This());`, use `this` pointer directly as the unwrapped object as each ObjectWrap instance is associated with a unique object instance.
+If you still find issues after following this guide, please leave us an issue describing your problem and we will try to resolve it.

+ 100 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+'use strict';
+// Descend into a directory structure and, for each file matching *.node, output
+// based on the imports found in the file whether it's an N-API module or not.
+const fs = require('fs');
+const path = require('path');
+const child_process = require('child_process');
+// Read the output of the command, break it into lines, and use the reducer to
+// decide whether the file is an N-API module or not.
+function checkFile(file, command, argv, reducer) {
+  const child = child_process.spawn(command, argv, {
+    stdio: ['inherit', 'pipe', 'inherit']
+  });
+  let leftover = '';
+  let isNapi = undefined;
+  child.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => {
+    if (isNapi === undefined) {
+      chunk = (leftover + chunk.toString()).split(/[\r\n]+/);
+      leftover = chunk.pop();
+      isNapi = chunk.reduce(reducer, isNapi);
+      if (isNapi !== undefined) {
+        child.kill();
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  child.on('close', (code, signal) => {
+    if ((code === null && signal !== null) || (code !== 0)) {
+      console.log(
+        command + ' exited with code: '  + code + ' and signal: ' + signal);
+    } else {
+      // Green if it's a N-API module, red otherwise.
+      console.log(
+          '\x1b[' + (isNapi ? '42' : '41') + 'm' +
+          (isNapi ? '    N-API' : 'Not N-API') +
+          '\x1b[0m: ' + file);
+    }
+  });
+// Use nm -a to list symbols.
+function checkFileUNIX(file) {
+  checkFile(file, 'nm', ['-a', file], (soFar, line) => {
+    if (soFar === undefined) {
+      line = line.match(/([0-9a-f]*)? ([a-zA-Z]) (.*$)/);
+      if (line[2] === 'U') {
+        if (/^napi/.test(line[3])) {
+          soFar = true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return soFar;
+  });
+// Use dumpbin /imports to list symbols.
+function checkFileWin32(file) {
+  checkFile(file, 'dumpbin', ['/imports', file], (soFar, line) => {
+    if (soFar === undefined) {
+      line = line.match(/([0-9a-f]*)? +([a-zA-Z0-9]) (.*$)/);
+      if (line && /^napi/.test(line[line.length - 1])) {
+        soFar = true;
+      }
+    }
+    return soFar;
+  });
+// Descend into a directory structure and pass each file ending in '.node' to
+// one of the above checks, depending on the OS.
+function recurse(top) {
+  fs.readdir(top, (error, items) => {
+    if (error) {
+      throw ("error reading directory " + top + ": " + error);
+    }
+    items.forEach((item) => {
+      item = path.join(top, item);
+      fs.stat(item, ((item) => (error, stats) => {
+        if (error) {
+          throw ("error about " + item + ": " + error);
+        }
+        if (stats.isDirectory()) {
+          recurse(item);
+        } else if (/[.]node$/.test(item) &&
+            // Explicitly ignore files called 'nothing.node' because they are
+            // artefacts of node-addon-api having identified a version of
+            // Node.js that ships with a correct implementation of N-API.
+            path.basename(item) !== 'nothing.node') {
+          process.platform === 'win32' ?
+              checkFileWin32(item) :
+              checkFileUNIX(item);
+        }
+      })(item));
+    });
+  });
+// Start with the directory given on the command line or the current directory
+// if nothing was given.
+recurse(process.argv.length > 3 ? process.argv[2] : '.');

+ 313 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env node
+'use strict'
+const fs = require('fs');
+const path = require('path');
+const args = process.argv.slice(2);
+const dir = args[0];
+if (!dir) {
+  console.log('Usage: node ' + path.basename(__filename) + ' <target-dir>');
+  process.exit(1);
+const NodeApiVersion = require('../package.json').version;
+const disable = args[1];
+if (disable != "--disable" && dir != "--disable") {
+  var ConfigFileOperations = {
+    'package.json': [
+       [ /([ ]*)"dependencies": {/g, '$1"dependencies": {\n$1  "node-addon-api": "' + NodeApiVersion + '",'],
+       [ /[ ]*"nan": *"[^"]+"(,|)[\n\r]/g, '' ]
+    ],
+    'binding.gyp': [
+       [ /([ ]*)'include_dirs': \[/g, '$1\'include_dirs\': [\n$1  \'<!@(node -p "require(\\\'node-addon-api\\\').include")\',' ],
+       [ /([ ]*)"include_dirs": \[/g, '$1"include_dirs": [\n$1  "<!@(node -p \\"require(\'node-addon-api\').include\\")",' ],
+       [ /([ ]*)'dependencies': \[/g, '$1\'dependencies\': [\n$1  \'<!(node -p "require(\\\'node-addon-api\\\').gyp")\','],
+       [ /([ ]*)"dependencies": \[/g, '$1"dependencies": [\n$1  "<!(node -p \'require(\\\"node-addon-api\\\").gyp\')",'],
+       [ /[ ]*("|')<!\(node -e ("|'|\\"|\\')require\(("|'|\\"|\\')nan("|'|\\"|\\')\)("|'|\\"|\\')\)("|')(,|)[\r\n]/g, '' ],
+       [ /([ ]*)("|')target_name("|'): ("|')(.+?)("|'),/g, '$1$2target_name$2: $4$5$6,\n      $2cflags!$2: [ $2-fno-exceptions$2 ],\n      $2cflags_cc!$2: [ $2-fno-exceptions$2 ],\n      $2xcode_settings$2: { $2GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS$2: $2YES$2,\n        $2CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY$2: $2libc++$2,\n        $2MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET$2: $210.7$2,\n      },\n      $2msvs_settings$2: {\n        $2VCCLCompilerTool$2: { $2ExceptionHandling$2: 1 },\n      },' ],
+    ]
+  };
+} else {
+  var ConfigFileOperations = {
+    'package.json': [
+      [ /([ ]*)"dependencies": {/g, '$1"dependencies": {\n$1  "node-addon-api": "' + NodeApiVersion + '",'],
+      [ /[ ]*"nan": *"[^"]+"(,|)[\n\r]/g, '' ]
+    ],
+    'binding.gyp': [
+      [ /([ ]*)'include_dirs': \[/g, '$1\'include_dirs\': [\n$1  \'<!@(node -p "require(\\\'node-addon-api\\\').include")\',' ],
+      [ /([ ]*)"include_dirs": \[/g, '$1"include_dirs": [\n$1  "<!@(node -p \'require(\\\"node-addon-api\\\").include\')",' ],
+      [ /([ ]*)'dependencies': \[/g, '$1\'dependencies\': [\n$1  \'<!(node -p "require(\\\'node-addon-api\\\').gyp")\','],
+      [ /([ ]*)"dependencies": \[/g, '$1"dependencies": [\n$1  "<!(node -p \'require(\\\"node-addon-api\\\").gyp\')",'],
+      [ /[ ]*("|')<!\(node -e ("|'|\\"|\\')require\(("|'|\\"|\\')nan("|'|\\"|\\')\)("|'|\\"|\\')\)("|')(,|)[\r\n]/g, '' ],
+      [ /([ ]*)("|')target_name("|'): ("|')(.+?)("|'),/g, '$1$2target_name$2: $4$5$6,\n      $2cflags!$2: [ $2-fno-exceptions$2 ],\n      $2cflags_cc!$2: [ $2-fno-exceptions$2 ],\n      $2defines$2: [ $2NAPI_DISABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS$2 ],\n      $2conditions$2: [\n        [\'OS==\"win\"\', { $2defines$2: [ $2_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1$2 ] }]\n      ]' ],
+    ]
+  };
+var SourceFileOperations = [
+  [ /Nan::SetMethod\(target,[\s]*\"(.*)\"[\s]*,[\s]*([^)]+)\)/g, 'exports.Set(Napi::String::New(env, \"$1\"), Napi::Function::New(env, $2))' ],
+  [ /v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate>\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*Nan::New<FunctionTemplate>\([\w\d:]+\);(?:\w+->Reset\(\1\))?\s+\1->SetClassName\(Nan::String::New\("(\w+)"\)\);/g, 'Napi::Function $1 = DefineClass(env, "$2", {' ],
+  [ /Local<FunctionTemplate>\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*Nan::New<FunctionTemplate>\([\w\d:]+\);\s+(\w+)\.Reset\((\1)\);\s+\1->SetClassName\((Nan::String::New|Nan::New<(v8::)*String>)\("(.+?)"\)\);/g, 'Napi::Function $1 = DefineClass(env, "$6", {'],
+  [ /Local<FunctionTemplate>\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*Nan::New<FunctionTemplate>\([\w\d:]+\);(?:\w+->Reset\(\1\))?\s+\1->SetClassName\(Nan::String::New\("(\w+)"\)\);/g, 'Napi::Function $1 = DefineClass(env, "$2", {' ],
+  [ /Nan::New<v8::FunctionTemplate>\(([\w\d:]+)\)->GetFunction\(\)/g, 'Napi::Function::New(env, $1)' ],
+  [ /Nan::New<FunctionTemplate>\(([\w\d:]+)\)->GetFunction()/g, 'Napi::Function::New(env, $1);' ],
+  [ /Nan::New<v8::FunctionTemplate>\(([\w\d:]+)\)/g, 'Napi::Function::New(env, $1)' ],
+  [ /Nan::New<FunctionTemplate>\(([\w\d:]+)\)/g, 'Napi::Function::New(env, $1)' ],
+  // FunctionTemplate to FunctionReference
+  [ /Nan::Persistent<(v8::)*FunctionTemplate>/g, 'Napi::FunctionReference' ],
+  [ /Nan::Persistent<(v8::)*Function>/g, 'Napi::FunctionReference' ],
+  [ /v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate>/g, 'Napi::FunctionReference' ],
+  [ /Local<FunctionTemplate>/g, 'Napi::FunctionReference' ],
+  [ /v8::FunctionTemplate/g, 'Napi::FunctionReference' ],
+  [ /FunctionTemplate/g, 'Napi::FunctionReference' ],
+  [ /([ ]*)Nan::SetPrototypeMethod\(\w+, "(\w+)", (\w+)\);/g, '$1InstanceMethod("$2", &$3),' ],
+  [ /([ ]*)(?:\w+\.Reset\(\w+\);\s+)?\(target\)\.Set\("(\w+)",\s*Nan::GetFunction\((\w+)\)\);/gm,
+    '});\n\n' +
+    '$1constructor = Napi::Persistent($3);\n' +
+    '$1constructor.SuppressDestruct();\n' +
+    '$1target.Set("$2", $3);' ],
+  // TODO: Other attribute combinations
+  [ /static_cast<PropertyAttribute>\(ReadOnly\s*\|\s*DontDelete\)/gm,
+    'static_cast<napi_property_attributes>(napi_enumerable | napi_configurable)' ],
+  [ /([\w\d:<>]+?)::Cast\((.+?)\)/g, '$2.As<$1>()' ],
+  [ /\*Nan::Utf8String\(([^)]+)\)/g, '$1->As<Napi::String>().Utf8Value().c_str()' ],
+  [ /Nan::Utf8String +(\w+)\(([^)]+)\)/g, 'std::string $1 = $2.As<Napi::String>()' ],
+  [ /Nan::Utf8String/g, 'std::string' ],
+  [ /v8::String::Utf8Value (.+?)\((.+?)\)/g, 'Napi::String $1(env, $2)' ],
+  [ /String::Utf8Value (.+?)\((.+?)\)/g, 'Napi::String $1(env, $2)' ],
+  [ /\.length\(\)/g, '.Length()' ],
+  [ /Nan::MakeCallback\(([^,]+),[\s\\]+([^,]+),/gm, '$2.MakeCallback($1,' ],
+  [ /class\s+(\w+)\s*:\s*public\s+Nan::ObjectWrap/g, 'class $1 : public Napi::ObjectWrap<$1>' ],
+  [ /(\w+)\(([^\)]*)\)\s*:\s*Nan::ObjectWrap\(\)\s*(,)?/gm, '$1($2) : Napi::ObjectWrap<$1>()$3' ],
+  // HandleOKCallback to OnOK
+  [ /HandleOKCallback/g, 'OnOK' ],
+  // HandleErrorCallback to OnError
+  [ /HandleErrorCallback/g, 'OnError' ],
+  // ex. .As<Function>() to .As<Napi::Object>()
+  [ /\.As<v8::(Value|Boolean|String|Number|Object|Array|Symbol|External|Function)>\(\)/g, '.As<Napi::$1>()' ],
+  [ /\.As<(Value|Boolean|String|Number|Object|Array|Symbol|External|Function)>\(\)/g, '.As<Napi::$1>()' ],
+  // ex. Nan::New<Number>(info[0]) to Napi::Number::New(info[0])
+  [ /Nan::New<(v8::)*Integer>\((.+?)\)/g, 'Napi::Number::New(env, $2)' ],
+  [ /Nan::New\(([0-9\.]+)\)/g, 'Napi::Number::New(env, $1)' ],
+  [ /Nan::New<(v8::)*String>\("(.+?)"\)/g, 'Napi::String::New(env, "$2")' ],
+  [ /Nan::New\("(.+?)"\)/g, 'Napi::String::New(env, "$1")' ],
+  [ /Nan::New<(v8::)*(.+?)>\(\)/g, 'Napi::$2::New(env)' ],
+  [ /Nan::New<(.+?)>\(\)/g, 'Napi::$1::New(env)' ],
+  [ /Nan::New<(v8::)*(.+?)>\(/g, 'Napi::$2::New(env, ' ],
+  [ /Nan::New<(.+?)>\(/g, 'Napi::$1::New(env, ' ],
+  [ /Nan::NewBuffer\(/g, 'Napi::Buffer<char>::New(env, ' ],
+  // TODO: Properly handle this
+  [ /Nan::New\(/g, 'Napi::New(env, ' ],
+  [ /\.IsInt32\(\)/g, '.IsNumber()' ],
+  [ /->IsInt32\(\)/g, '.IsNumber()' ],
+  [ /(.+?)->BooleanValue\(\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Boolean>().Value()' ],
+  [ /(.+?)->Int32Value\(\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Number>().Int32Value()' ],
+  [ /(.+?)->Uint32Value\(\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Number>().Uint32Value()' ],
+  [ /(.+?)->IntegerValue\(\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Number>().Int64Value()' ],
+  [ /(.+?)->NumberValue\(\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Number>().DoubleValue()' ],
+  // ex. Nan::To<bool>(info[0]) to info[0].Value()
+  [ /Nan::To<v8::(Boolean|String|Number|Object|Array|Symbol|Function)>\((.+?)\)/g, '$2.To<Napi::$1>()' ],
+  [ /Nan::To<(Boolean|String|Number|Object|Array|Symbol|Function)>\((.+?)\)/g, '$2.To<Napi::$1>()' ],
+  // ex. Nan::To<bool>(info[0]) to info[0].As<Napi::Boolean>().Value()
+  [ /Nan::To<bool>\((.+?)\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Boolean>().Value()' ],
+  // ex. Nan::To<int>(info[0]) to info[0].As<Napi::Number>().Int32Value()
+  [ /Nan::To<int>\((.+?)\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Number>().Int32Value()' ],
+  // ex. Nan::To<int32_t>(info[0]) to info[0].As<Napi::Number>().Int32Value()
+  [ /Nan::To<int32_t>\((.+?)\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Number>().Int32Value()' ],
+  // ex. Nan::To<uint32_t>(info[0]) to info[0].As<Napi::Number>().Uint32Value()
+  [ /Nan::To<uint32_t>\((.+?)\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Number>().Uint32Value()' ],
+  // ex. Nan::To<int64_t>(info[0]) to info[0].As<Napi::Number>().Int64Value()
+  [ /Nan::To<int64_t>\((.+?)\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Number>().Int64Value()' ],
+  // ex. Nan::To<float>(info[0]) to info[0].As<Napi::Number>().FloatValue()
+  [ /Nan::To<float>\((.+?)\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Number>().FloatValue()' ],
+  // ex. Nan::To<double>(info[0]) to info[0].As<Napi::Number>().DoubleValue()
+  [ /Nan::To<double>\((.+?)\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Number>().DoubleValue()' ],
+  [ /Nan::New\((\w+)\)->HasInstance\((\w+)\)/g, '$2.InstanceOf($1.Value())' ],
+  [ /Nan::Has\(([^,]+),\s*/gm, '($1).Has(' ],
+  [ /\.Has\([\s|\\]*Nan::New<(v8::)*String>\(([^)]+)\)\)/gm, '.Has($1)' ],
+  [ /\.Has\([\s|\\]*Nan::New\(([^)]+)\)\)/gm, '.Has($1)' ],
+  [ /Nan::Get\(([^,]+),\s*/gm, '($1).Get(' ],
+  [ /\.Get\([\s|\\]*Nan::New<(v8::)*String>\(([^)]+)\)\)/gm, '.Get($1)' ],
+  [ /\.Get\([\s|\\]*Nan::New\(([^)]+)\)\)/gm, '.Get($1)' ],
+  [ /Nan::Set\(([^,]+),\s*/gm, '($1).Set(' ],
+  [ /\.Set\([\s|\\]*Nan::New<(v8::)*String>\(([^)]+)\)\s*,/gm, '.Set($1,' ],
+  [ /\.Set\([\s|\\]*Nan::New\(([^)]+)\)\s*,/gm, '.Set($1,' ],
+  // ex. node::Buffer::HasInstance(info[0]) to info[0].IsBuffer()
+  [ /node::Buffer::HasInstance\((.+?)\)/g, '$1.IsBuffer()' ],
+  // ex. node::Buffer::Length(info[0]) to info[0].Length()
+  [ /node::Buffer::Length\((.+?)\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Buffer<char>>().Length()' ],
+  // ex. node::Buffer::Data(info[0]) to info[0].Data()
+  [ /node::Buffer::Data\((.+?)\)/g, '$1.As<Napi::Buffer<char>>().Data()' ],
+  [ /Nan::CopyBuffer\(/g, 'Napi::Buffer::Copy(env, ' ],
+  // Nan::AsyncQueueWorker(worker)
+  [ /Nan::AsyncQueueWorker\((.+)\);/g, '$1.Queue();' ],
+  [ /Nan::(Undefined|Null|True|False)\(\)/g, 'env.$1()' ],
+  // Nan::ThrowError(error) to Napi::Error::New(env, error).ThrowAsJavaScriptException()
+  [ /([ ]*)return Nan::Throw(\w*?)Error\((.+?)\);/g, '$1Napi::$2Error::New(env, $3).ThrowAsJavaScriptException();\n$1return env.Null();' ],
+  [ /Nan::Throw(\w*?)Error\((.+?)\);\n(\s*)return;/g, 'Napi::$1Error::New(env, $2).ThrowAsJavaScriptException();\n$3return env.Null();' ],
+  [ /Nan::Throw(\w*?)Error\((.+?)\);/g, 'Napi::$1Error::New(env, $2).ThrowAsJavaScriptException();\n' ],
+  // Nan::RangeError(error) to Napi::RangeError::New(env, error)
+  [ /Nan::(\w*?)Error\((.+)\)/g, 'Napi::$1Error::New(env, $2)' ],
+  [ /Nan::Set\((.+?),\n* *(.+?),\n* *(.+?),\n* *(.+?)\)/g, '$1.Set($2, $3, $4)' ],
+  [ /Nan::(Escapable)?HandleScope\s+(\w+)\s*;/g, 'Napi::$1HandleScope $2(env);' ],
+  [ /Nan::(Escapable)?HandleScope/g, 'Napi::$1HandleScope' ],
+  [ /Nan::ForceSet\(([^,]+), ?/g, '$1->DefineProperty(' ],
+  [ /\.ForceSet\(Napi::String::New\(env, "(\w+)"\),\s*?/g, '.DefineProperty("$1", ' ],
+  // [ /Nan::GetPropertyNames\(([^,]+)\)/, '$1->GetPropertyNames()' ],
+  [ /Nan::Equals\(([^,]+),/g, '$1.StrictEquals(' ],
+  [ /(.+)->Set\(/g, '$1.Set\(' ],
+  [ /Nan::Callback/g, 'Napi::FunctionReference' ],
+  [ /Nan::Persistent<Object>/g, 'Napi::ObjectReference' ],
+  [ /Nan::ADDON_REGISTER_FUNCTION_ARGS_TYPE target/g, 'Napi::Env& env, Napi::Object& target' ],
+  [ /(\w+)\*\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<\w+>\(info\.This\(\)\);/g, '$1* $2 = this;' ],
+  [ /Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<(\w+)>\((.*)\);/g, '$2.Unwrap<$1>();' ],
+  [ /Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE/g, 'void' ],
+  [ /NAN_INLINE/g, 'inline' ],
+  [ /Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE/g, 'const Napi::CallbackInfo&' ],
+  [ /NAN_METHOD\(([\w\d:]+?)\)/g, 'Napi::Value $1(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info)'],
+  [ /static\s*NAN_GETTER\(([\w\d:]+?)\)/g, 'Napi::Value $1(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info)' ],
+  [ /NAN_GETTER\(([\w\d:]+?)\)/g, 'Napi::Value $1(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info)' ],
+  [ /static\s*NAN_SETTER\(([\w\d:]+?)\)/g, 'void $1(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info, const Napi::Value& value)' ],
+  [ /NAN_SETTER\(([\w\d:]+?)\)/g, 'void $1(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info, const Napi::Value& value)' ],
+  [ /void Init\((v8::)*Local<(v8::)*Object> exports\)/g, 'Napi::Object Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports)' ],
+  [ /NAN_MODULE_INIT\(([\w\d:]+?)\);/g, 'Napi::Object $1(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports);' ],
+  [ /NAN_MODULE_INIT\(([\w\d:]+?)\)/g, 'Napi::Object $1(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports)' ],
+  [ /::(Init(?:ialize)?)\(target\)/g, '::$1(env, target, module)' ],
+  [ /constructor_template/g, 'constructor' ],
+  [ /Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<(v8::)?Value>[ ]*& [ ]*info\)[ ]*{\n*([ ]*)/gm, 'Napi::CallbackInfo& info) {\n$2Napi::Env env = info.Env();\n$2' ],
+  [ /Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<(v8::)*Value>\s*&\s*info\);/g, 'Napi::CallbackInfo& info);' ],
+  [ /Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<(v8::)*Value>\s*&/g, 'Napi::CallbackInfo&' ],
+  [ /Buffer::HasInstance\(([^)]+)\)/g, '$1.IsBuffer()' ],
+  [ /info\[(\d+)\]->/g, 'info[$1].' ],
+  [ /info\[([\w\d]+)\]->/g, 'info[$1].' ],
+  [ /info\.This\(\)->/g, 'info.This().' ],
+  [ /->Is(Object|String|Int32|Number)\(\)/g, '.Is$1()' ],
+  [ /info.GetReturnValue\(\).SetUndefined\(\)/g, 'return env.Undefined()' ],
+  [ /info\.GetReturnValue\(\)\.Set\(((\n|.)+?)\);/g, 'return $1;' ],
+  // ex. Local<Value> to Napi::Value
+  [ /v8::Local<v8::(Value|Boolean|String|Number|Object|Array|Symbol|External|Function)>/g, 'Napi::$1' ],
+  [ /Local<(Value|Boolean|String|Number|Object|Array|Symbol|External|Function)>/g, 'Napi::$1' ],
+  // Declare an env in helper functions that take a Napi::Value
+  [ /(\w+)\(Napi::Value (\w+)(,\s*[^\()]+)?\)\s*{\n*([ ]*)/gm, '$1(Napi::Value $2$3) {\n$4Napi::Env env = $2.Env();\n$4' ],
+  // delete #include <node.h> and/or <v8.h>
+  [ /#include +(<|")(?:node|nan).h("|>)/g, "#include $1napi.h$2\n#include $1uv.h$2" ],
+  [ /Nan::/g, 'Napi::' ],
+  [ /nan.h/g, 'napi.h' ],
+  // delete .FromJust()
+  [ /\.FromJust\(\)/g, '' ],
+  // delete .ToLocalCheck()
+  [ /\.ToLocalChecked\(\)/g, '' ],
+  [ /^.*->SetInternalFieldCount\(.*$/gm, '' ],
+  // replace using node; and/or using v8; to using Napi;
+  [ /using (node|v8);/g, 'using Napi;' ],
+  [ /using namespace (node|Nan|v8);/g, 'using namespace Napi;' ],
+  // delete using v8::Local;
+  [ /using v8::Local;\n/g, '' ],
+  // replace using v8::XXX; with using Napi::XXX
+  [ /using v8::([A-Za-z]+);/g, 'using Napi::$1;' ],
+var paths = listFiles(dir);
+paths.forEach(function(dirEntry) {
+  var filename = dirEntry.split('\\').pop().split('/').pop();
+  // Check whether the file is a source file or a config file
+  // then execute function accordingly
+  var sourcePattern = /.+\.h|.+\.cc|.+\.cpp/;
+  if (sourcePattern.test(filename)) {
+    convertFile(dirEntry, SourceFileOperations);
+  } else if (ConfigFileOperations[filename] != null) {
+    convertFile(dirEntry, ConfigFileOperations[filename]);
+  }
+function listFiles(dir, filelist) {
+  var files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
+  filelist = filelist || [];
+  files.forEach(function(file) {
+    if (file === 'node_modules') {
+      return
+    }
+    if (fs.statSync(path.join(dir, file)).isDirectory()) {
+      filelist = listFiles(path.join(dir, file), filelist);
+    } else {
+      filelist.push(path.join(dir, file));
+    }
+  });
+  return filelist;
+function convert(content, operations) {
+  for (let i = 0; i < operations.length; i ++) {
+    let operation = operations[i];
+    content = content.replace(operation[0], operation[1]);
+  }
+  return content;
+function convertFile(fileName, operations) {
+  fs.readFile(fileName, "utf-8", function (err, file) {
+    if (err) throw err;
+    file = convert(file, operations);
+    fs.writeFile(fileName, file, function(err){
+      if (err) throw err;
+    });
+  });

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+  "name": "js_ext_comx_dxf_engine",
+  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "lockfileVersion": 2,
+  "requires": true,
+  "packages": {
+    "": {
+      "name": "js_ext_comx_dxf_engine",
+      "version": "1.0.0",
+      "license": "ISC",
+      "dependencies": {
+        "node-addon-api": "^1.1.0"
+      }
+    },
+    "node_modules/node-addon-api": {
+      "version": "1.7.2",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmmirror.com/node-addon-api/-/node-addon-api-1.7.2.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-ibPK3iA+vaY1eEjESkQkM0BbCqFOaZMiXRTtdB0u7b4djtY6JnsjvPdUHVMg6xQt3B8fpTTWHI9A+ADjM9frzg=="
+    }
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "node-addon-api": {
+      "version": "1.7.2",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmmirror.com/node-addon-api/-/node-addon-api-1.7.2.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-ibPK3iA+vaY1eEjESkQkM0BbCqFOaZMiXRTtdB0u7b4djtY6JnsjvPdUHVMg6xQt3B8fpTTWHI9A+ADjM9frzg=="
+    }
+  }

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "main": "lib/binding.js",
+  "dependencies": {
+    "node-addon-api": "^1.1.0"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "test": "node --napi-modules ./test/test_binding.js"
+  },
+  "gypfile": true,
+  "name": "js_ext_comx_dxf_engine",
+  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "description": "COMX Javascript Extend Addon",
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "nil"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "COMX",
+    "JS.Ext",
+    "comx",
+    "dxf_engine"
+  ],
+  "author": "zhangxk@dlut.edu.cn",
+  "license": "Commercial"

+ 489 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+#ifndef _DXF_CORE_DATA_16F4EFB686D642BDB4047C57533CD9D0
+#define _DXF_CORE_DATA_16F4EFB686D642BDB4047C57533CD9D0
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <functional>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#define DEG_INV(radian) (radian*180.0)/(M_PI)
+#define DEG(angle) ((angle) / 180.0 *M_PI)
+namespace dxf {
+namespace core {
+enum dxf_entity_type_t {
+        LINE       = 2023,
+        VERTEX     = 2024,
+        ARC        = 2025,
+        CIRCLE     = 2026,
+        ELLIPSE    = 2027,
+        FACE       = 2028,
+        TEXT       = 2029,
+        MTEXT      = 2030
+struct point_t {
+        double    x, y, z;
+        int       color_index;
+        double    angle;
+        point_t(double vx = 0.0, double vy = 0.0, double vz = 0.0,
+                int vcolor_index = 256, double vangle = 0.0) : x(vx), y(vy), z(vz), color_index(vcolor_index), angle(vangle)
+        {
+                //nothing.
+        }
+        friend std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & in, point_t & pt);
+        friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & out, const point_t & pt);
+std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & in, point_t & pt)
+        in >> pt.x >> pt.y >> pt.z;
+        pt.color_index = -1;
+        pt.angle = 0.0;
+        return in;
+std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & out, const point_t & pt)
+        out << pt.x << " " << pt.y << " " << pt.z;
+        return out;
+typedef point_t scale_t;
+typedef point_t stretch_direction_t;
+typedef point_t vector_t;
+struct TBlockNode
+        std::string         m_strBlockName;
+        std::string         m_strBlockID;
+        point_t             m_ptBlockBase;
+        std::string         m_strLayerName;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+struct TInsertNode
+        std::string	    m_strBlockName;
+        std::string	    m_strParentBlockID;
+        std::string         m_strLayerName;
+        point_t	            m_ptInsertBase;
+        scale_t	            m_vecInsertScale;
+        double              m_dRotateAngle;
+        stretch_direction_t m_vecInsertStretchDirection;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+struct line_t {
+        point_t             m_ptStart;
+        point_t             m_ptEnd;
+        std::string         m_strOwnerID;
+        std::string         m_strLayerName;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+struct vertex_t {
+        point_t             m_ptVertex;
+        std::string         m_strOwnerID;
+        std::string         m_strLayerName;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+struct arc_t {
+        point_t             m_ptCenter;
+        double              m_dRadius;
+        double              m_dStartAngle;
+        double              m_dEndAngle;
+        std::string         m_strOwnerID;
+        std::string         m_strLayerName;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+struct circle_t {
+        point_t             m_ptCenter;
+        double              m_dRadius;
+        std::string         m_strOwnerID;
+        std::string         m_strLayerName;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+struct face_3d_t {
+        point_t             m_pt1, m_pt2, m_pt3, m_pt4;
+        double              m_dThickness;
+        std::string         m_strOwnerID;
+        std::string         m_strLayerName;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+struct elipse_t {
+        point_t             m_ptCenter;
+        double              m_dMajorRadius;
+        double              m_dMinorRadius;
+        vector_t            m_dirMajor;
+        vector_t            m_dirMinor;
+        double              m_dAngle1;
+        double              m_dAngle2;
+        std::string         m_strOwnerID;
+        std::string         m_strLayerName;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+struct text_t {
+        point_t             m_ptInsert;
+        double              m_dHeight;
+        double              m_dXScaleFactor;
+        std::string         m_strText;
+        std::string         m_strStyle;
+        double              m_dRotateAngle;
+        int                 m_hJustification;
+        int                 m_vJustification;
+        std::string         m_strOwnerID;
+        std::string         m_strLayerName;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+struct mtext_t {
+        point_t             m_ptInsert;
+        double              m_dHeight;
+        int                 m_iAttachmentPoint;
+        double              m_dLineSpacingFactor;
+        std::string         m_strText;
+        std::string         m_strStyle;
+        double              m_dAngle;
+        std::string         m_strOwnerID;
+        std::string         m_strLayerName;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+struct block_t {
+        std::string         m_strName;
+struct layer_t {
+        std::string         m_strName;
+        int                 m_iColorIndex;
+std::string Trim(const std::string &input) // Remove leading and trailing whitespace
+        std::string ret = input;
+        static const char whitespace[] = " \n\t\v\r\f";
+        ret.erase(0, ret.find_first_not_of(whitespace));
+        ret.erase(ret.find_last_not_of(whitespace) + 1U);
+        return ret;
+struct variable_t {
+        std::string         m_strVariable;
+        int                 m_iCode;
+        enum {
+                STRING,
+                VECTOR,
+                INT,
+                DOUBLE
+        } m_eType;
+        template<typename Ret>
+        Ret Cast()
+        {
+                if (std::is_same<Ret, vector_t>::value)
+                {
+                        assert(m_eType == VECTOR);
+                }
+                else if (std::is_same<Ret, int>::value)
+                {
+                        assert(m_eType == INT);
+                }
+                else if (std::is_same<Ret, double>::value)
+                {
+                        assert(m_eType == DOUBLE);
+                }
+                else if (std::is_same<Ret, std::string>::value)
+                {
+                        //assert(m_eType == STRING);
+                        return Trim(m_strVariable);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        assert(false);
+                }
+                std::stringstream sstr(m_strVariable.c_str());
+                Ret ret;
+                sstr >> ret;
+                return ret;
+        }
+template<typename T>std::string toString(const T &val)
+        std::stringstream sstr;
+        sstr << val;
+        return sstr.str();
+class TEntityContainer
+        std::vector<line_t>     _lines;
+        std::vector<vertex_t>   _vertexs;
+        std::vector<arc_t>      _arcs;
+        std::vector<circle_t>   _circles;
+        std::vector<elipse_t>   _elipses;
+        std::vector<face_3d_t>  _faces;
+        std::vector<text_t>     _texts;
+        std::vector<mtext_t>    _mtexts;
+        std::vector<block_t>    _blocks;
+        std::vector<layer_t>    _layers;
+        std::map<std::string, variable_t> _variables;
+        TEntityContainer() {}
+        void clear()
+        {
+                _lines.clear();
+                _vertexs.clear();
+                _arcs.clear();
+                _circles.clear();
+                _elipses.clear();
+                _faces.clear();
+                _texts.clear();
+                _mtexts.clear();
+                _blocks.clear();
+                _layers.clear();
+        }
+        void push_back(const line_t &line) {
+                _lines.push_back(line);
+        }
+        void push_back(const vertex_t &vertex) {
+                _vertexs.push_back(vertex);
+        }
+        void push_back(const arc_t &arc) {
+                _arcs.push_back(arc);
+        }
+        void push_back(const circle_t &circle) {
+                _circles.push_back(circle);
+        }
+        void push_back(const elipse_t &elipse) {
+                _elipses.push_back(elipse);
+        }
+        void push_back(const face_3d_t &face) {
+                _faces.push_back(face);
+        }
+        void push_back(const text_t &text)
+        {
+                _texts.push_back(text);
+        }
+        void push_back(const block_t &block)
+        {
+                _blocks.push_back(block);
+        }
+        void push_back(const layer_t &layer)
+        {
+                _layers.push_back(layer);
+        }
+        void push_back(const mtext_t &mtext)
+        {
+                _mtexts.push_back(mtext);
+        }
+        void insertVariable(const std::string &key, const variable_t &var)
+        {
+                _variables[key] = var;
+        }
+        bool isVariableExist(const std::string &key)
+        {
+                return _variables.find(key) != _variables.end();
+        }
+        template<typename Ret>
+        Ret getVariable(const std::string &key)
+        {
+                assert(_variables.find(key) != _variables.end());
+                return _variables[key].Cast<Ret>();
+        }
+        template<typename F> void for_each_line(F func) {
+                for_each(_lines.begin(), _lines.end(), func);
+        }
+        template<typename F> void for_each_vertex(F func) {
+                for_each(_vertexs.begin(), _vertexs.end(), func);
+        }
+        template<typename F> void for_each_arc(F func) {
+                for_each(_arcs.begin(), _arcs.end(), func);
+        }
+        template<typename F> void for_each_circle(F func) {
+                for_each(_circles.begin(), _circles.end(), func);
+        }
+        template<typename F> void for_each_elipse(F func) {
+                for_each(_elipses.begin(), _elipses.end(), func);
+        }
+        template<typename F> void for_each_face(F func) {
+                for_each(_faces.begin(), _faces.end(), func);
+        }
+        template<typename F> void for_each_text(F func) {
+                for_each(_texts.begin(), _texts.end(), func);
+        }
+        template<typename F> void for_each_block(F func) {
+                for_each(_blocks.begin(), _blocks.end(), func);
+        }
+        template<typename F> void for_each_layer(F func) {
+                for_each(_layers.begin(), _layers.end(), func);
+        }
+        template<typename F> void for_each_mtext(F func) {
+                for_each(_mtexts.begin(), _mtexts.end(), func);
+        }
+        std::string getLayerOfEntity(int mid, int sid)
+        {
+                if(mid == LINE) return _lines[sid].m_strLayerName;
+                if(mid == VERTEX) return _vertexs[sid].m_strLayerName;
+                if(mid == ARC) return _arcs[sid].m_strLayerName;
+                if(mid == CIRCLE) return _circles[sid].m_strLayerName;
+                if(mid == ELLIPSE) return _elipses[sid].m_strLayerName;
+                if(mid == FACE) return _faces[sid].m_strLayerName;
+                if(mid == TEXT) return _texts[sid].m_strLayerName;
+                if(mid == MTEXT) return _mtexts[sid].m_strLayerName;
+                return "undefined";
+        }
+        std::string GetEntitiesOfLayer(std::string layer_name)
+        {
+                std::string strRet;
+                int idx = 0;
+                for_each_line([&](auto ent){
+                        if(ent.m_strLayerName == layer_name)
+                        {
+                                std::string strMID = type_cast<std::string>(LINE);
+                                strRet += strMID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                                std::string strID = type_cast<std::string>(idx);
+                                strRet += strID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                        }
+                        idx++;
+                });
+                idx = 0;
+                for_each_vertex([&](auto ent){
+                        if(ent.m_strLayerName == layer_name)
+                        {
+                                std::string strMID = type_cast<std::string>(VERTEX);
+                                strRet += strMID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                                std::string strID = type_cast<std::string>(idx);
+                                strRet += strID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                        }
+                        idx++;
+                });
+                idx = 0;
+                for_each_arc([&](auto ent){
+                        if(ent.m_strLayerName == layer_name)
+                        {
+                                std::string strMID = type_cast<std::string>(ARC);
+                                strRet += strMID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                                std::string strID = type_cast<std::string>(idx);
+                                strRet += strID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                        }
+                        idx++;
+                });
+                idx = 0;
+                for_each_circle([&](auto ent){
+                        if(ent.m_strLayerName == layer_name)
+                        {
+                                std::string strMID = type_cast<std::string>(CIRCLE);
+                                strRet += strMID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                                std::string strID = type_cast<std::string>(idx);
+                                strRet += strID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                        }
+                        idx++;
+                });
+                idx = 0;
+                for_each_elipse([&](auto ent){
+                        if(ent.m_strLayerName == layer_name)
+                        {
+                                std::string strMID = type_cast<std::string>(ELLIPSE);
+                                strRet += strMID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                                std::string strID = type_cast<std::string>(idx);
+                                strRet += strID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                        }
+                        idx++;
+                });
+                idx = 0;
+                for_each_face([&](auto ent){
+                        if(ent.m_strLayerName == layer_name)
+                        {
+                                std::string strMID = type_cast<std::string>(FACE);
+                                strRet += strMID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                                std::string strID = type_cast<std::string>(idx);
+                                strRet += strID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                        }
+                        idx++;
+                });
+                idx = 0;
+                for_each_text([&](auto ent){
+                        if(ent.m_strLayerName == layer_name)
+                        {
+                                std::string strMID = type_cast<std::string>(TEXT);
+                                strRet += strMID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                                std::string strID = type_cast<std::string>(idx);
+                                strRet += strID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                        }
+                        idx++;
+                });
+                idx = 0;
+                for_each_mtext([&](auto ent){
+                        if(ent.m_strLayerName == layer_name)
+                        {
+                                std::string strMID = type_cast<std::string>(MTEXT);
+                                strRet += strMID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                                std::string strID = type_cast<std::string>(idx);
+                                strRet += strID;
+                                strRet += ",";
+                        }
+                        idx++;
+                });
+                return strRet.substr(0, strRet.length() - 1);
+        }
+#endif // !_DXF_CORE_DATA_16F4EFB686D642BDB4047C57533CD9D0

+ 102 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#ifndef _DXF_READER_ALGORITHM_4048D6300DC049F284F69DEE6C8A7BCA
+#define _DXF_READER_ALGORITHM_4048D6300DC049F284F69DEE6C8A7BCA
+namespace dxf{
+	namespace algorithm {
+		typedef struct Point
+		{
+			double x;
+			double y;
+		} Point;
+		inline double min(double x, double y)
+		{
+			return x < y ? x : y;
+		}
+		inline double max(double x, double y)
+		{
+			return x > y ? x : y;
+		}
+		inline bool IsRectCross(const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const Point &q1, const Point &q2)
+		{
+			bool ret = min(p1.x, p2.x) <= max(q1.x, q2.x) &&
+				min(q1.x, q2.x) <= max(p1.x, p2.x) &&
+				min(p1.y, p2.y) <= max(q1.y, q2.y) &&
+				min(q1.y, q2.y) <= max(p1.y, p2.y);
+			return ret;
+		}
+		inline bool IsLineSegmentCross(const Point &P1, const Point &P2, const Point &Q1, const Point &Q2)
+		{
+			if (
+				((Q1.x - P1.x)*(Q1.y - Q2.y) - (Q1.y - P1.y)*(Q1.x - Q2.x)) * ((Q1.x - P2.x)*(Q1.y - Q2.y) - (Q1.y - P2.y)*(Q1.x - Q2.x)) < 0 ||
+				((P1.x - Q1.x)*(P1.y - P2.y) - (P1.y - Q1.y)*(P1.x - P2.x)) * ((P1.x - Q2.x)*(P1.y - P2.y) - (P1.y - Q2.y)*(P1.x - P2.x)) < 0
+				)
+				return true;
+			else
+				return false;
+		}
+		inline bool GetCrossPoint(const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const Point &q1, const Point &q2, double &x, double &y)
+		{
+			if (IsRectCross(p1, p2, q1, q2))
+			{
+				if (IsLineSegmentCross(p1, p2, q1, q2))
+				{
+					double tmpLeft, tmpRight;
+					tmpLeft = (q2.x - q1.x) * (p1.y - p2.y) - (p2.x - p1.x) * (q1.y - q2.y);
+					tmpRight = (p1.y - q1.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) * (q2.x - q1.x) + q1.x * (q2.y - q1.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) - p1.x * (p2.y - p1.y) * (q2.x - q1.x);
+					x = ((double)tmpRight / (double)tmpLeft);
+					tmpLeft = (p1.x - p2.x) * (q2.y - q1.y) - (p2.y - p1.y) * (q1.x - q2.x);
+					tmpRight = p2.y * (p1.x - p2.x) * (q2.y - q1.y) + (q2.x - p2.x) * (q2.y - q1.y) * (p1.y - p2.y) - q2.y * (q1.x - q2.x) * (p2.y - p1.y);
+					y = ((double)tmpRight / (double)tmpLeft);
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+		//function: fork_product.
+		template<typename vector3d_t>
+		vector3d_t fork_product(const vector3d_t left, const vector3d_t right)
+		{
+			vector3d_t ret;
+			ret.x = left.y * right.z - left.z * right.y;
+			ret.y = left.z * right.x - left.x * right.z;
+			ret.z = left.x * right.y - left.y * right.x;
+			return ret;
+		}
+		// function: normalize_vec.
+		template<typename vector3d_t>
+		vector3d_t normalize_vec(const vector3d_t t)
+		{
+			vector3d_t ret = t;
+			double model = dxf::algorithm::get_model(t);
+			assert(model > 1e-10);
+			ret.x /= model;
+			ret.y /= model;
+			ret.z /= model;
+			return ret;
+		}
+		// function: get_model.
+		template<typename vector3d_t>
+		double get_model(const vector3d_t t)
+		{
+			return sqrt(t.x * t.x + t.y * t.y + t.z * t.z);
+		}
+	}
+#endif // !_DXF_READER_ALGORITHM_4048D6300DC049F284F69DEE6C8A7BCA

+ 794 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
+#ifndef _c186475efb4a99bed5f71e8487b85c41_DxfReaderEx_hxx
+#define _c186475efb4a99bed5f71e8487b85c41_DxfReaderEx_hxx
+// put your codes here
+#include <dxf/dl_dxf.h>
+#include <dxf/dl_writer.h>
+#include <dxf/dl_creationinterface.h>
+#include <dxf/dl_creationadapter.h>
+#include "DxfReaderAlgorithm.h"
+#include "DxfCoreData.hxx"
+#include <functional>
+#include <assert.h>
+using namespace std;
+namespace dxf {
+namespace reader {
+static const int ID_CODE = 330;
+static int s_BlockID = 2023;
+static const int BYBLOCK = 0;
+static const int BYLAYER  = 256;
+class TDxfFilter : public DL_CreationAdapter
+        TDxfFilter(const std::string &fileName) : mDxf(new DL_Dxf())
+        {
+                mDxf->in(fileName, this);
+                if(m_mapLayerColorIndex.find("0") == m_mapLayerColorIndex.end())
+                {
+                        m_mapLayerColorIndex["0"] = 7;
+                        m_mapLayerVisible["0"] = true;
+                }
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateLines(Functor func)
+        {
+                int cnt = 0;
+                for_each(m_vecLines.begin(), m_vecLines.end(), [&](auto line) {
+                        dxf::core::point_t spt = line.m_ptStart, ept = line.m_ptEnd;
+                        spt.color_index = line.m_iColorIndex;
+                        ept.color_index = line.m_iColorIndex;
+                        std::vector<dxf::core::point_t> start_pts, end_pts;
+                        bool isSptInModelSpace = calcPoint(spt, line.m_strOwnerID, line.m_strLayerName, start_pts);
+                        bool isEptInModelSpace = calcPoint(ept, line.m_strOwnerID, line.m_strLayerName, end_pts);
+                        assert(isSptInModelSpace == isEptInModelSpace);
+                        assert(start_pts.size() == end_pts.size());
+                        if ((isSptInModelSpace || line.m_strOwnerID == "") && m_mapLayerVisible[line.m_strLayerName])
+                        {
+                                for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < start_pts.size(); ++loop)
+                                {
+                                        line.m_ptStart = start_pts[loop];
+                                        line.m_ptEnd   = end_pts[loop];
+                                        line.m_iColorIndex = line.m_ptStart.color_index;
+                                        reviseModelSpaceEntityColorIndex(line);
+                                        func(line);
+                                }
+                        }
+                });
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateVertexs(Functor func)
+        {
+                for_each(m_ptVertexs.begin(), m_ptVertexs.end(), [&](auto vertex) {
+                        dxf::core::point_t pt = vertex.m_ptVertex;
+                        pt.color_index = vertex.m_iColorIndex;
+                        std::vector<dxf::core::point_t> pts;
+                        bool isInModelSpace = calcPoint(pt, vertex.m_strOwnerID, vertex.m_strLayerName, pts);
+                        if ((isInModelSpace || vertex.m_strOwnerID == "") && m_mapLayerVisible[vertex.m_strLayerName])
+                        {
+                                for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < pts.size(); ++loop)
+                                {
+                                        vertex.m_ptVertex = pts[loop];
+                                        vertex.m_iColorIndex = vertex.m_ptVertex.color_index;
+                                        reviseModelSpaceEntityColorIndex(vertex);
+                                        func(vertex);
+                                }
+                        }
+                });
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateArcs(Functor func)
+        {
+                for_each(m_vecArcs.begin(), m_vecArcs.end(), [&](auto arc) {
+                        dxf::core::point_t pt = arc.m_ptCenter;
+                        pt.color_index = arc.m_iColorIndex;
+                        vector<dxf::core::point_t> pts;
+                        bool isInModelSpace = calcPoint(pt, arc.m_strOwnerID, arc.m_strLayerName, pts);
+                        if ((isInModelSpace || arc.m_strOwnerID == "") && m_mapLayerVisible[arc.m_strLayerName])
+                        {
+                                for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < pts.size(); ++loop)
+                                {
+                                        arc.m_ptCenter = pts[loop];
+                                        arc.m_iColorIndex = arc.m_ptCenter.color_index;
+                                        reviseModelSpaceEntityColorIndex(arc);
+                                        func(arc);
+                                }
+                        }
+                });
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateCircles(Functor func)
+        {
+                for_each(m_vecCircles.begin(), m_vecCircles.end(), [&](auto circle) {
+                        dxf::core::point_t pt = circle.m_ptCenter;
+                        pt.color_index = circle.m_iColorIndex;
+                        vector<dxf::core::point_t> pts;
+                        bool isInModelSpace = calcPoint(pt, circle.m_strOwnerID, circle.m_strLayerName, pts);
+                        if ((isInModelSpace || circle.m_strOwnerID == "") && m_mapLayerVisible[circle.m_strLayerName])
+                        {
+                                for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < pts.size(); ++loop)
+                                {
+                                        circle.m_ptCenter = pts[loop];
+                                        circle.m_iColorIndex = circle.m_ptCenter.color_index;
+                                        reviseModelSpaceEntityColorIndex(circle);
+                                        func(circle);
+                                }
+                        }
+                });
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateFace3ds(Functor func)
+        {
+                for_each(m_vecFace3ds.begin(), m_vecFace3ds.end(), [&](auto face) {
+                        dxf::core::point_t pt1 = face.m_pt1;
+                        pt1.color_index = face.m_iColorIndex;
+                        dxf::core::point_t pt2 = face.m_pt2;
+                        pt2.color_index = face.m_iColorIndex;
+                        dxf::core::point_t pt3 = face.m_pt3;
+                        pt3.color_index = face.m_iColorIndex;
+                        dxf::core::point_t pt4 = face.m_pt4;
+                        pt4.color_index = face.m_iColorIndex;
+                        vector<dxf::core::point_t> pt1s, pt2s, pt3s, pt4s;
+                        bool isInModelSpace = calcPoint(pt1, face.m_strOwnerID, face.m_strLayerName, pt1s);
+                        calcPoint(pt2, face.m_strOwnerID, face.m_strLayerName, pt2s);
+                        calcPoint(pt3, face.m_strOwnerID, face.m_strLayerName, pt3s);
+                        calcPoint(pt4, face.m_strOwnerID, face.m_strLayerName, pt4s);
+                        if ((isInModelSpace || face.m_strOwnerID == "") && m_mapLayerVisible[face.m_strLayerName])
+                        {
+                                for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < pt1s.size(); ++loop)
+                                {
+                                        face.m_pt1 = pt1s[loop];
+                                        face.m_pt2 = pt2s[loop];
+                                        face.m_pt3 = pt3s[loop];
+                                        face.m_pt4 = pt4s[loop];
+                                        face.m_iColorIndex = face.m_pt1.color_index;
+                                        reviseModelSpaceEntityColorIndex(face);
+                                        func(face);
+                                }
+                        }
+                });
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateElipses(Functor func)
+        {
+                for_each(m_vecElipses.begin(), m_vecElipses.end(), [&](auto elipse) {
+                        dxf::core::point_t ptCenter = elipse.m_ptCenter;
+                        ptCenter.color_index = elipse.m_iColorIndex;
+                        vector<dxf::core::point_t> ptCenters;
+                        bool isInModelSpace = calcPoint(ptCenter, elipse.m_strOwnerID, elipse.m_strLayerName, ptCenters);
+                        if ((isInModelSpace || elipse.m_strOwnerID == "") && m_mapLayerVisible[elipse.m_strLayerName])
+                        {
+                                for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < ptCenters.size(); ++loop)
+                                {
+                                        elipse.m_ptCenter = ptCenters[loop];
+                                        elipse.m_iColorIndex = elipse.m_ptCenter.color_index;
+                                        reviseModelSpaceEntityColorIndex(elipse);
+                                        func(elipse);
+                                }
+                        }
+                });
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateTexts(Functor func)
+        {
+                for_each(m_vecText.begin(), m_vecText.end(), [&](auto text) {
+                        dxf::core::point_t ptInsert = text.m_ptInsert;
+                        ptInsert.color_index = text.m_iColorIndex;
+                        vector<dxf::core::point_t> ptInserts;
+                        bool isInModelSpace = calcPoint(ptInsert, text.m_strOwnerID, text.m_strLayerName, ptInserts);
+                        if ((isInModelSpace || text.m_strOwnerID == "") && m_mapLayerVisible[text.m_strLayerName])
+                        {
+                                for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < ptInserts.size(); ++loop)
+                                {
+                                        text.m_ptInsert = ptInserts[loop];
+                                        text.m_iColorIndex = text.m_ptInsert.color_index;
+                                        reviseModelSpaceEntityColorIndex(text);
+                                        func(text);
+                                }
+                        }
+                });
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateMTexts(Functor func)
+        {
+                for_each(m_vecMText.begin(), m_vecMText.end(), [&](auto mtext) {
+                        dxf::core::point_t ptInsert = mtext.m_ptInsert;
+                        ptInsert.color_index        = mtext.m_iColorIndex;
+                        vector<dxf::core::point_t> ptInserts;
+                        bool isInModelSpace = calcPoint(ptInsert, mtext.m_strOwnerID, mtext.m_strLayerName, ptInserts);
+                        if ((isInModelSpace || mtext.m_strOwnerID == "") && m_mapLayerVisible[mtext.m_strLayerName])
+                        {
+                                for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < ptInserts.size(); ++loop)
+                                {
+                                        mtext.m_ptInsert    = ptInserts[loop];
+                                        mtext.m_iColorIndex = mtext.m_ptInsert.color_index;
+                                        reviseModelSpaceEntityColorIndex(mtext);
+                                        func(mtext);
+                                }
+                        }
+                });
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateBlocks(Functor func)
+        {
+                for(auto iter = m_mapID2Block.begin(); iter != m_mapID2Block.end(); ++iter)
+                {
+                        func(dxf::core::block_t{iter->second.m_strBlockName});
+                }
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateLayers(Functor func)
+        {
+                for(auto iter = m_mapLayerColorIndex.begin(); iter != m_mapLayerColorIndex.end(); ++iter)
+                {
+                        func(dxf::core::layer_t{iter->first, iter->second});
+                }
+        }
+        template<typename Functor>
+        void updateVariables(Functor func)
+        {
+                for (auto iter = m_mapVariable.begin(); iter != m_mapVariable.end(); ++iter)
+                {
+                        func(iter->first, iter->second);
+                }
+        }
+        virtual void addLine(const DL_LineData & line)
+        {
+                if (line.x1 == line.x2 && line.y1 == line.y2 && line.z1 == line.z2) return;
+                dxf::core::point_t spt = dxf::core::point_t(line.x1, line.y1, line.z1);
+                dxf::core::point_t ept = dxf::core::point_t(line.x2, line.y2, line.z2);
+                string strOwnerID = m_strCurrentBlockID;//mDxf->getStringValue(330, "");
+                string strLayerName = mDxf->getStringValue(8, "");
+                int iColorIndex = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 256);
+                m_vecLines.push_back(dxf::core::line_t{ spt, ept, strOwnerID, strLayerName, iColorIndex });
+        }
+        virtual void addArc(const DL_ArcData &arc)
+        {
+                string strLayerName = mDxf->getStringValue(8, "");
+                int iColorIndex = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 256);
+                m_vecArcs.push_back({ dxf::core::point_t(arc.cx, arc.cy, arc.cz), arc.radius, arc.angle1, arc.angle2, m_strCurrentBlockID, strLayerName, iColorIndex });
+        }
+        virtual void addArcAlignedText(const DL_ArcAlignedTextData &)
+        {
+                //nothing.
+        }
+        virtual void addCircle(const DL_CircleData& circle)
+        {
+                string strLayerName = mDxf->getStringValue(8, "");
+                int iColorIndex = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 256);
+                m_vecCircles.push_back({ dxf::core::point_t(circle.cx, circle.cy, circle.cz), circle.radius, m_strCurrentBlockID, strLayerName, iColorIndex });
+        }
+        virtual void addText(const DL_TextData &text)
+        {
+                string strLayerName = mDxf->getStringValue(8, "");
+                int iColorIndex = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 256);
+                if(text.hJustification == 0 && text.vJustification == 0)
+                {
+                        m_vecText.push_back({dxf::core::point_t(text.ipx, text.ipy, text.ipz),
+                                             text.height,
+                                             text.xScaleFactor,
+                                             text.text,
+                                             text.style,
+                                             text.angle,
+                                             text.hJustification,
+                                             text.vJustification,
+                                             m_strCurrentBlockID,
+                                             strLayerName,
+                                             iColorIndex});
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        m_vecText.push_back({dxf::core::point_t(text.apx, text.apy, 0.0/*text.apz*/),
+                                             text.height,
+                                             text.xScaleFactor,
+                                             text.text,
+                                             text.style,
+                                             text.angle,
+                                             text.hJustification,
+                                             text.vJustification,
+                                             m_strCurrentBlockID,
+                                             strLayerName,
+                                             iColorIndex});
+                }
+        }
+        virtual void processCodeValuePair(unsigned int code, const std::string&value) {}
+        virtual void endSection() {}
+        virtual void addLayer(const DL_LayerData& layer)
+        {
+                int flags = layer.flags;
+                int color_index = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 0);
+                m_mapLayerVisible[layer.name] = !(flags == 1 && color_index < 0);
+                m_mapLayerColorIndex[layer.name] = color_index;
+        }
+        virtual void addLinetype(const DL_LinetypeData&) {}
+        virtual void addLinetypeDash(double) {}
+        virtual void addBlock(const DL_BlockData& block)
+        {
+                std::string strBlockID = mDxf->getStringValue(330, "undefined");
+                if (strBlockID == "undefined")
+                {
+                        strBlockID = generateBlockID();
+                }
+                std::string block_name = "";
+                std::transform(block.name.begin(), block.name.end(), std::back_inserter(block_name), ::tolower);
+                if (block_name.find("model_space") != std::string::npos)
+                {
+                        m_strCurrentBlockID = m_strModelBlockID = strBlockID;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        m_strCurrentBlockID = strBlockID;
+                }
+                int iColorIndex = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 256);
+                dxf::core::TBlockNode nodeBlk;
+                nodeBlk.m_strBlockName = block.name;
+                nodeBlk.m_strBlockID = strBlockID;
+                nodeBlk.m_ptBlockBase = dxf::core::point_t(block.bpx, block.bpy, block.bpz);
+                nodeBlk.m_iColorIndex = iColorIndex;
+                nodeBlk.m_strLayerName = mDxf->getStringValue(8, "");
+                m_mapID2Block[strBlockID] = nodeBlk;
+        }
+        virtual void endBlock() {
+                m_strCurrentBlockID = m_strModelBlockID;
+        }
+        virtual void addTextStyle(const DL_StyleData&) {}
+        virtual void addPoint(const DL_PointData &pt)
+        {
+                dxf::core::point_t point = dxf::core::point_t(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z);
+                string strOwnerID = m_strCurrentBlockID/*mDxf->getStringValue(ID_CODE, "")*/;
+                string strLayerName = mDxf->getStringValue(8, "");
+                int iColorIndex = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 256);
+                m_ptVertexs.push_back(dxf::core::vertex_t{ point, strOwnerID, strLayerName, iColorIndex });
+        }
+        virtual void add3dFace(const DL_3dFaceData &face)
+        {
+                string strLayerName = mDxf->getStringValue(8, "");
+                int iColorIndex = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 256);
+                m_vecFace3ds.push_back({
+                        dxf::core::point_t(face.x[0], face.y[0], face.z[0]),
+                        dxf::core::point_t(face.x[1], face.y[1], face.z[1]),
+                        dxf::core::point_t(face.x[3], face.y[3], face.z[3]),
+                        dxf::core::point_t(face.x[2], face.y[2], face.z[2]),
+                        face.thickness,
+                        m_strCurrentBlockID,
+                        strLayerName,
+                        iColorIndex });
+        }
+        virtual void addSolid(const DL_SolidData& solid)
+        {
+                add3dFace(solid);
+        }
+        virtual void addXLine(const DL_XLineData&) {}
+        virtual void addRay(const DL_RayData&) {}
+        virtual void addEllipse(const DL_EllipseData &elipse)
+        {
+                dxf::core::vector_t major_axis = { elipse.mx, elipse.my, elipse.mz };
+                double major_radius = dxf::algorithm::get_model(major_axis);
+                double minor_radius = major_radius * elipse.ratio;
+                major_axis = dxf::algorithm::normalize_vec(major_axis);
+                dxf::core::vector_t stretch_dir = {
+                        extrusion->getDirection()[0],
+                        extrusion->getDirection()[1],
+                        extrusion->getDirection()[2]
+                };
+                stretch_dir = dxf::algorithm::normalize_vec(stretch_dir);
+                dxf::core::vector_t minor_axis = dxf::algorithm::normalize_vec(dxf::algorithm::fork_product(stretch_dir, major_axis));
+                string strLayerName = mDxf->getStringValue(8, "");
+                int iColorIndex = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 256);
+                m_vecElipses.push_back({ dxf::core::point_t(elipse.cx, elipse.cy, elipse.cz), major_radius, minor_radius,  major_axis, minor_axis,  elipse.angle1, elipse.angle2, m_strCurrentBlockID, strLayerName, iColorIndex });
+        }
+        virtual void addPolyline(const DL_PolylineData&) {}
+        virtual void addVertex(const DL_VertexData&) {}
+        virtual void addSpline(const DL_SplineData&) {}
+        virtual void addControlPoint(const DL_ControlPointData&) {}
+        virtual void addFitPoint(const DL_FitPointData&) {}
+        virtual void addKnot(const DL_KnotData&) {}
+        virtual void addInsert(const DL_InsertData& insert)
+        {
+                dxf::core::TInsertNode nodeInsert;
+                nodeInsert.m_strBlockName = insert.name;
+                nodeInsert.m_ptInsertBase = dxf::core::point_t(insert.ipx, insert.ipy, insert.ipz);
+                nodeInsert.m_vecInsertScale = dxf::core::point_t(insert.sx, insert.sy, insert.sz);
+                nodeInsert.m_vecInsertStretchDirection = dxf::core::point_t(extrusion->getDirection()[0],
+                                extrusion->getDirection()[1],
+                                extrusion->getDirection()[2]);
+                std::string strParentBlockID = mDxf->getStringValue(ID_CODE, "undefined");
+                if (strParentBlockID == "undefined")
+                {
+                        strParentBlockID = m_strCurrentBlockID;
+                }
+                nodeInsert.m_dRotateAngle = insert.angle;
+                nodeInsert.m_strParentBlockID = strParentBlockID;
+                nodeInsert.m_strLayerName = mDxf->getStringValue(8, "");
+                nodeInsert.m_iColorIndex = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 256);
+                //m_mapName2Insert[insert.name]      = nodeInsert;
+                m_mapName2Insert[insert.name].push_back(nodeInsert);
+        }
+        virtual void addMText(const DL_MTextData &mtext)
+        {
+                string strLayerName = mDxf->getStringValue(8, "");
+                int iColorIndex = mDxf->getIntValue(62, 256);
+                m_vecMText.push_back({dxf::core::point_t(mtext.ipx, mtext.ipy, mtext.ipz),
+                                      mtext.height,
+                                      mtext.attachmentPoint,
+                                      mtext.lineSpacingFactor,
+                                      mtext.text,
+                                      mtext.style,
+                                      mtext.angle,
+                                      m_strCurrentBlockID,
+                                      strLayerName,
+                                      iColorIndex});
+        }
+        virtual void addMTextChunk(const std::string&) {}
+        virtual void addAttribute(const DL_AttributeData& attr) {}
+        virtual void addDimAlign(const DL_DimensionData&,
+                                 const DL_DimAlignedData&) {}
+        virtual void addDimLinear(const DL_DimensionData&,
+                                  const DL_DimLinearData&) {}
+        virtual void addDimRadial(const DL_DimensionData&,
+                                  const DL_DimRadialData&) {}
+        virtual void addDimDiametric(const DL_DimensionData&,
+                                     const DL_DimDiametricData&) {}
+        virtual void addDimAngular(const DL_DimensionData&,
+                                   const DL_DimAngular2LData&) {}
+        virtual void addDimAngular3P(const DL_DimensionData&,
+                                     const DL_DimAngular3PData&) {}
+        virtual void addDimOrdinate(const DL_DimensionData&,
+                                    const DL_DimOrdinateData&) {}
+        virtual void addLeader(const DL_LeaderData&) {}
+        virtual void addLeaderVertex(const DL_LeaderVertexData&) {}
+        virtual void addHatch(const DL_HatchData&) {}
+        virtual void addTrace(const DL_TraceData&) {}
+        virtual void addImage(const DL_ImageData&) {}
+        virtual void linkImage(const DL_ImageDefData&) {}
+        virtual void addHatchLoop(const DL_HatchLoopData&) {}
+        virtual void addHatchEdge(const DL_HatchEdgeData&) {}
+        virtual void addXRecord(const std::string&) {}
+        virtual void addXRecordString(int, const std::string&) {}
+        virtual void addXRecordReal(int, double) {}
+        virtual void addXRecordInt(int, int) {}
+        virtual void addXRecordBool(int, bool) {}
+        virtual void addXDataApp(const std::string&) {}
+        virtual void addXDataString(int, const std::string&) {}
+        virtual void addXDataReal(int, double) {}
+        virtual void addXDataInt(int, int) {}
+        virtual void addDictionary(const DL_DictionaryData&) {}
+        virtual void addDictionaryEntry(const DL_DictionaryEntryData&) {}
+        virtual void endEntity() {}
+        virtual void addComment(const std::string& comment) {}
+        virtual void setVariableVector(const std::string& key, double rx, double ry , double rz, int code) {
+                m_mapVariable[key] = { dxf::core::toString(dxf::core::vector_t(rx, ry, rz)), code, dxf::core::variable_t::VECTOR};
+        }
+        virtual void setVariableString(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, int code) {
+                m_mapVariable[key] = { value, code, dxf::core::variable_t::STRING };
+	}
+        virtual void setVariableInt(const std::string& key, int value, int code) {
+                m_mapVariable[key] = { dxf::core::toString(value), code, dxf::core::variable_t::INT};
+        }
+        virtual void setVariableDouble(const std::string& key, double value, int code) {
+                m_mapVariable[key] = { dxf::core::toString(value), code, dxf::core::variable_t::DOUBLE};
+        }
+#ifdef DL_COMPAT
+        virtual void setVariableVector(const char*, double, double, double, int) {}
+        virtual void setVariableString(const char*, const char*, int) {}
+        virtual void setVariableInt(const char*, int, int) {}
+        virtual void setVariableDouble(const char*, double, int) {}
+        virtual void processCodeValuePair(unsigned int, char*) {}
+        virtual void addComment(const char*) {}
+        virtual void addMTextChunk(const char*) {}
+        virtual void endSequence() {}
+        void transOCStoWCS(dxf::core::stretch_direction_t stretch_dir, double &x, double &y)
+        {
+                double Nx = stretch_dir.x, Ny = stretch_dir.y, Nz = stretch_dir.z;
+                double XAx, YAx, ZAx, Ax;
+                double XAy, YAy, ZAy, Ay;
+                //逆任意轴算法
+                if (fabs(Nx) < 1.0 / 64 && fabs(Ny) < 1.0 / 64)
+                {
+                        Ax = sqrt(pow(Nx, 2) + pow(Nz, 2));
+                        XAx = Nz / Ax;
+                        YAx = 0;
+                        ZAx = -Nx / Ax;
+                        Ay = sqrt(pow(Nx, 2) + pow(Ny, 2)
+                                  + pow(pow(Nx, 2) + pow(Nz, 2), 2)
+                                  + pow(Ny, 2) * pow(Nz, 2));
+                        XAy = -Nz * Ny / Ay;
+                        YAy = (pow(Nx, 2) + pow(Nz, 2)) / Ay;
+                        ZAy = -Ny * Nz / Ay;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        Ax = sqrt(pow(Nx, 2) + pow(Ny, 2));
+                        XAx = -Ny / Ax;
+                        YAx = Nx / Ax;;
+                        ZAx = 0;
+                        Ay = sqrt(pow(Nx, 2) * pow(Nz, 2)
+                                  + pow(pow(Nx, 2) + pow(Ny, 2), 2)
+                                  + pow(Ny, 2) * pow(Nz, 2));
+                        XAy = -Nx * Nz / Ay;
+                        YAy = -Ny * Nz / Ay;
+                        ZAy = (pow(Ny, 2) + pow(Nz, 2)) / Ay;
+                }
+                double wx = XAx * x + XAy * y;
+                double wy = YAx * x + YAy * y;
+                x = wx;
+                y = wy;
+        }
+        bool calcPoint(const dxf::core::point_t &vpt, std::string strOwnerID, std::string layer_name, vector<dxf::core::point_t> &result)
+        {
+                dxf::core::point_t pt = vpt;
+                if (strOwnerID == "")
+                {
+                        if(pt.color_index == BYLAYER)
+                        {
+                                pt.color_index = m_mapLayerColorIndex[layer_name];
+                        }
+                        result = { pt };
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        result = expand_point(pt, strOwnerID, layer_name);
+                }
+                return result.size() != 0;
+        }
+        std::vector<dxf::core::point_t> expand_point(dxf::core::point_t pt, std::string strOwnerID, std::string layer_name)
+        {
+                std::vector<dxf::core::point_t> ret;
+                dxf::core::TBlockNode  nodeBlk = m_mapID2Block[strOwnerID];
+                pt.x += nodeBlk.m_ptBlockBase.x;
+                pt.y += nodeBlk.m_ptBlockBase.y;
+                pt.z += nodeBlk.m_ptBlockBase.z;
+                std::string block_name = "";
+                std::transform(nodeBlk.m_strBlockName.begin(), nodeBlk.m_strBlockName.end(), std::back_inserter(block_name), ::tolower);
+                if (pt.color_index == 256 && layer_name != "0")
+                {
+                        pt.color_index = m_mapLayerColorIndex[layer_name];
+                }
+                if (pt.color_index == 256 && layer_name == "0")
+                {
+                        //pt.color_index = nodeBlk.m_iColorIndex;
+                }
+                if (pt.color_index == 0 && nodeBlk.m_iColorIndex == 256)
+                {
+                        if(nodeBlk.m_strLayerName != "0")
+                                pt.color_index = m_mapLayerColorIndex[nodeBlk.m_strLayerName];
+                }
+                if (pt.color_index == 0 && nodeBlk.m_iColorIndex != 256)
+                {
+                        pt.color_index = nodeBlk.m_iColorIndex;
+                }
+                if (block_name.find("model_space") != std::string::npos)
+                {
+                        ret.push_back(pt);
+                }
+                else if (m_mapName2Insert.find(nodeBlk.m_strBlockName) != m_mapName2Insert.end())
+                {
+                        std::vector<dxf::core::TInsertNode> nodeInserts = m_mapName2Insert[nodeBlk.m_strBlockName];
+                        std::for_each(nodeInserts.begin(), nodeInserts.end(), [&](auto nodeInsert) {
+                                dxf::core::point_t pt_inner = pt;
+                                std::string cur_layer_name = nodeBlk.m_strLayerName;
+                                if (nodeInsert.m_strLayerName != "")
+                                {
+                                        cur_layer_name = nodeInsert.m_strLayerName;
+                                }
+                                if(pt_inner.color_index == BYLAYER || pt_inner.color_index == BYBLOCK)
+                                {
+                                        if(nodeInsert.m_iColorIndex == BYLAYER && cur_layer_name != "0")
+                                        {
+                                                pt_inner.color_index = m_mapLayerColorIndex[cur_layer_name];
+                                        }
+                                        else if(nodeInsert.m_iColorIndex == BYBLOCK)
+                                        {
+                                                //nothing
+                                        }
+                                        else
+                                        {
+                                                pt_inner.color_index = nodeInsert.m_iColorIndex;
+                                        }
+                                }
+                                transOCStoWCS(nodeInsert.m_vecInsertStretchDirection, pt_inner.x, pt_inner.y);
+                                pt_inner.x *= nodeInsert.m_vecInsertScale.x;
+                                pt_inner.y *= nodeInsert.m_vecInsertScale.y;
+                                pt_inner.z *= nodeInsert.m_vecInsertScale.z;
+                                double new_x = pt_inner.x * cos(DEG(nodeInsert.m_dRotateAngle)) - pt_inner.y * sin(DEG(nodeInsert.m_dRotateAngle));
+                                double new_y = pt_inner.x * sin(DEG(nodeInsert.m_dRotateAngle)) + pt_inner.y * cos(DEG(nodeInsert.m_dRotateAngle));
+                                pt_inner.angle += DEG(nodeInsert.m_dRotateAngle);
+                                pt_inner.x = new_x;
+                                pt_inner.y = new_y;
+                                pt_inner.x += nodeInsert.m_ptInsertBase.x;
+                                pt_inner.y += nodeInsert.m_ptInsertBase.y;
+                                pt_inner.z += nodeInsert.m_ptInsertBase.z;
+                                std::vector<dxf::core::point_t> pts_inner = expand_point(pt_inner, nodeInsert.m_strParentBlockID, cur_layer_name);
+                                std::copy(pts_inner.begin(), pts_inner.end(), std::back_inserter(ret));
+                        });
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        ; // do nothing.
+                }
+                return ret;
+        }
+        template<typename E>
+        void reviseModelSpaceEntityColorIndex(E &entity)
+        {
+                dxf::core::TBlockNode blkNodeModelSpace =  m_mapID2Block[m_strModelBlockID];
+                if(entity.m_iColorIndex == BYLAYER)
+                {
+                        entity.m_iColorIndex = m_mapLayerColorIndex[blkNodeModelSpace.m_strLayerName];
+                }
+                if(entity.m_iColorIndex == BYBLOCK)
+                {
+                        if(blkNodeModelSpace.m_iColorIndex == BYLAYER)
+                        {
+                                entity.m_iColorIndex = m_mapLayerColorIndex[blkNodeModelSpace.m_strLayerName];
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                                entity.m_iColorIndex = blkNodeModelSpace.m_iColorIndex;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        std::string generateBlockID()
+        {
+                std::string strBlockID = "";
+                do {
+                        stringstream sstr;
+                        sstr << s_BlockID++;
+                        sstr >> strBlockID;
+                } while (m_mapID2Block.find(strBlockID) != m_mapID2Block.end());
+                return strBlockID;
+        }
+        std::auto_ptr<DL_Dxf> mDxf;
+        std::map<std::string, dxf::core::TBlockNode>   m_mapID2Block;
+        std::map<std::string, vector<dxf::core::TInsertNode>>  m_mapName2Insert;
+        std::vector<dxf::core::line_t>                 m_vecLines;
+        std::vector<dxf::core::vertex_t>               m_ptVertexs;
+        std::vector<dxf::core::arc_t>                  m_vecArcs;
+        std::vector<dxf::core::circle_t>               m_vecCircles;
+        std::vector<dxf::core::face_3d_t>              m_vecFace3ds;
+        std::vector<dxf::core::elipse_t>               m_vecElipses;
+        std::vector<dxf::core::text_t>                 m_vecText;
+        std::vector<dxf::core::mtext_t>                m_vecMText;
+        std::map<std::string, dxf::core::variable_t>   m_mapVariable;
+        std::string m_strModelBlockID;
+        std::string m_strCurrentBlockID;
+        std::map<std::string, bool>  m_mapLayerVisible;
+        std::map<std::string, int>   m_mapLayerColorIndex;

+ 0 - 0

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